Release 6.7.0 Summary Notes



Date & Time


Date & Time

Release No.


CCCApply Pilot Releases

First Update: Friday, February 28
Second Update: Wednesday, May 13

Production Release

Friday, May 29, 2020 - 5:00PM - 11:00PM PST

Release Type

Maintenance Window | Major Release

Important - See required tasks for Colleges using Glue for CCCApply 6.7.0







CCCApply Standard Application (Apply)
CCCApply Noncredit Application (Apply)
CCCApply International Application (IA)
OpenCCC Account System

Changes to Residency Logic


Changes to Download Client


Changes to Glue for Apply




New Release 6.7.0 Implementation Checklist for itemized list of technical implementation tasks for the CCCApply 6.7.0 release.


UPDATE March 16, 2020: The CCCApply 6.7.0 production release has been temporarily delayed due to the current Coronavirus COVID-19 national emergency. In the meantime, the 6.7.0 code changes are LIVE in the CCCApply Pilot environment for an extended college preview and to allow colleges ample time to implement the recommended Spanish translation code for their custom Supplemental Questions pages. For more information on implementing translation code for Supplemental Questions, see the CCCApply Release 6.7.0 Implementation Checklist.


This is a major release with a focus on user interface enhancements, bug fixes, and a handful of approved change requests in support of the CCCApply redesign effort, focused on breaking down barriers to student success and UI enhancements to streamline the student experience.

Schedule & Timeline

  • Pilot Release (College Preview):  March 4, 2020  - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm PDT

  • Release Preview Webinar - Wednesday, March 11 at 12:00 pm

  • Production Release:  Friday, May 29 - Rescheduled due to the current impacts of the Coronavirus COVID-19.


Release Highlights

The majority of this release consists of user interface enhancements across CCCApply applications and the OpenCCC Account system.

ESL/Spanish Translation in CCCApply & OpenCCC

CCCApply is proud to join the statewide outreach effort in support of California's diverse student population with Spanish-language translation throughout all the CCCApply online applications and the OpenCCC Student Account system.

All CCCApply applications and the Promise Grant application are now available in both English and Spanish - including onscreen question text, labels, response options, Help information and error messages. By clicking the Cambiar A Espanol button from any page students can toggle to a full Spanish translation, giving ESL/Spanish-speaking students the ability to complete the entire application for admission completely in Spanish. This enhancement aligns with our commitment to student success.

Read more about the new Spanish-language translation implementation here.

Mobile Support for OpenCCC Account System

Now students can experience one cohesive mobile experience from OpenCCC account creation to CCCApply application submission to MyPath and beyond. All responsive design work is complete on the OpenCCC Account system, including Account Recovery and both Edit Account applications. 

College Support Services supports Chrome for Windows and Safari for Mac. Explore the new mobile design today and preview the student user experience. 

Content Changes

New Social Security Number Question

Based on feedback from students, colleges, and advocacy groups alike, the existing Social Security Number included a layout that was cumbersome to navigate and language that was confusing and overwhelming to many students who are not required to provide a social security number or taxpayer identification number.

With approval from the Chancellor’s Office legal office, the new layout is clean, simple and easy to navigate, and the language has been greatly simplified to all users.





User Interface Enhancements

In the new design, users will first be asked a simple yes or no question: “Do you have a social security number or taxpayer identification number?”.

If the user selects , “Yes, I have a social security number or taxpayer identification number” - then the current “Enter your SSN” and “Confirm your SSN” text input fields appear. At that point, the user must enter their SSN or TIN/iTIN else receive an error message.

If the user selects “No, I do not have a social security number or taxpayer identification number, or I decline to provide one at this time” - then a new text box displays, “Just Remember….”, with a reminder to the applicant that providing a social security number or taxpayer identification number is not required at this and the applicant may “decline to provide one at this time”. However, the SSN or TIN/iTIN must be provided to the college unless the student is one of the approved exceptions, including:

  • non-U.S. resident students (whether documented or undocumented),

  • students taking noncredit courses, or

  • students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are waived or paid with scholarships or paid by an institutional third party including an employer or government agency.


The user is still allowed to decline to provide their social security number or taxpayer identification number at this point, even if they are not one of the approved exceptions, and proceed to the next page by clicking Continue.


Legal Information

Much of the legal language required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been simplified and can be accessed by clicking on a new hyperlink, “Why am I being asked for my social security number?”. This language appears in the Help information panel that opens on the right side of the screen.


“Why am I being asked for my social security number?”

The new required legal information displayed to users when they click on the hyperlink now reads:

"A Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN/iTIN) is needed to allow California Community Colleges to report tax-related information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). However, this reporting is not required with respect to non-U.S. resident students (whether documented or undocumented), students taking non-credit courses, students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are waived or paid with scholarships or paid by an institutional third party including an employer or government agency. (26 C.F.R. § 1.6050S-1.) A SSN or TIN/iTIN is not required when IRS reporting is not required."




New “Highest Grade Completed” Question & Data Field

The updates introduced with CCCApply 6.7.0 include a new question and data field asking high school students the Highest Grade Completed.  This new question will replace the existing question, "Have you Completed Eleventh Grade?".  The Highest Grade Completed question will enable the collection of high school transcript information from applicants who have completed at least the 9th grade, and will no longer be limited to only applicants who have completed the 11th grade. 


Who will see the new Highest Grade Completed question?

The new Highest Grade Completed question only displays to Special Admit students who are enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time. Otherwise, this new question does not appear in the High School Transcript Information section.

Read more about the new Highest Grade Completed question and data field here.


What are the response options for the new question, and how does it work?

As stated above, the new Highest Grade Completed question only pertains to concurrently enrolled students - and this is determined by the applicant’s responses to the Enrollment Status and High School Education Level questions at the top of the page. If the question is displayed, the response options are: 12th Grade, 11th Grade, 10th Grade, 9th Grade, and “Currently enrolled in 9th grade or lower grade”. If the student selects any response other than “Currently enrolled in 9th grade or lower grade”, the remaining questions in that section are displayed and require a response.

However, if the student selects, “Currently enrolled in 9th grade or lower grade” then the other questions are not displayed and the applicant proceeds to the next required question on the Education page.


What else is changing in the High School Transcript Information section?

The other change being implemented in the High School Transcript Information section is a slight revision to the conditions for which the High School Transcript Information questions display. The revised conditions are:

  • U.S. high school graduates or equivalent

  • U.S. high school students (or lower grade) who are also enrolling in college


Updated High School Transcript Information and Multiple Measures Placement Service Enhancements

In conjunction with the CCCApply 6.7.0 release, the Multiple Measures Placement Service (MMPS) will release a new version of its software to take advantage of new data field being collected within the High School Transcript Information of the Standard Application. 

As a result of the updates to CCCApply, the new version of MMPS will expand the student population for which it provides recommendations to include applicants who have completed at least the 9th grade.  Prior to the updates, MMPS provided recommendations only to applicants who have completed the 11th grade.  Additionally, MMPS will include the Highest Grade Completed field in the records delivered to colleges.  The combined updates will expand the ability to support high school applicants applying to a California Community College.  


Language & Text Changes




What’s Changing?




What’s Changing?



Citizenship & Immigration question text

Additional question text was added to the default view of the Citizenship & Immigration Status question.



Citizenship Section & Question Label

The Citizenship section and question label was changed to: Citizenship & Immigration


Special Links & Opportunities

New AB540 Affidavit PDF

The old version of the AB540 eligibility affidavit was replaced with the current 2018 AB540 affidavit PDF.

Standard / Noncredit

Special Links & Opportunities

New California Dream Act Application URL

A link to the California Dream Act Application was added to the Special Links & Opportunities page.


Changes to Residency Logic

Update Residency Logic for California Homeless Applicants

Colleges have reported a number of homeless applicants who are California residents; in other words they were born and raised in California and maintain ongoing residency but are being flagged as a “2 - Possible Resident - Documentation Required” because they aren’t providing an address where California is listed as the “state”. This barrier is creating an unnecessary hardship for these students.

According to the General Counsel at the CCC Chancellor’s Office, an applicant’s address alone cannot be the sole factor in determining residency for tuition purposes. If an applicant indicates they are currently homeless, residency determination will be based on all other steps in the residency logic other than address alone, such as citizenship, education, California residence questions, and special residency responses.

In the table below you can see a breakdown of the logic changes shown in RED.



Evaluation Statement

Logic & Data Fields

If Yes

If No


Evaluation Statement

Logic & Data Fields

If Yes

If No


Is the applicant’s current address outside of California and she/he is not homeless?

‘Mailing address – state’ != CA AND <no_current_mailing_homeless> is EMPTY

Class B2 
(flag 01) 
go to step 9

Go to Step 9


Is the applicant’s permanent address outside of California and he/she is not homeless?

‘Permanent address – state’ != CA AND <no_perm_address_homeless> is EMPTY

Class B2 
(flag 02) 
go to step 10

Go to Step 10

If the applicant’s current mailing address indicates that their “state” is NOT California, normally they would be flagged with “Class B2” which means they are a “Possible resident, but documentation/proof is required”. However, based on the change made to the logic (shown in red above) - if the applicant has checked the box(es) indicating they are homeless in the Permanent Address (OpenCCC) or in the Current Mailing Address (Account Mailing page in CCCApply) - the logic will NOT flag them with the Class B2 in these two steps.

Note: There is still a chance that these homeless applicants are determined to be “Possible residents” or “Non-residents” based on other responses used in the residency determination calculation. This change simply removes the possibility that an applicant’s residency will be determined by address alone.

Changes to Data Fields

For colleges using the CCCApply Download Client, there is one new data field to add to your Standard Application Format Definition XML and run the 6.7.0 Jar file in order to download the data in Pilot and Production. See the data specs in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2020.1 (see below).



Data Field


Page / Section / Question

Download Client

Administrator Rules

Report Center




Data Field


Page / Section / Question

Download Client

Administrator Rules

Report Center



Highest Grade Completed



Education > HS Transcript Information




New Multiple Measures Question


Completed Eleventh Grade



REMOVED / Deprecated question & field from the HS Transcript Information section

No change

Removed from Administrator

No change

Removed from the Multiple Measures Question

Removed from Administrator

Fraud Score



REMOVED from Administrator Rules & Messages

No change


No change

This field was added to the Rules App fields by mistake; Remove

Removed from Administrator

Fraud Status



REMOVED from Administrator Rules & Messages

No change


No change

This field was added to the Rules App fields by mistake; Remove


Data Changes for the CCCApply Download Client

The following data fields have been added or changed in the CCCApply applications.  The section below pertains specifically to the CCCApply Download Client; see further below for information related to data fields being added to SuperGlue. For data specification documents, please see the CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides space.


Data Changes for SuperGlue for Apply

SuperGlue release 3.7.0 supports the student application data changes in CCCApply 6.7.0. Colleges using the SuperGlue College Adapter to stream student application data directly to their student information system (SIS) will need to upgrade to SuperGlue release 3.7.0. The SuperGlue 3.7.0 College Adapter will be available in advance of the CCCApply 6.7.0 pilot and production releases to allow college IT staff time to upgrade.


Glue for Apply Field Name

Download Client Field Name


Section / Page


Glue for Apply Field Name

Download Client Field Name


Section / Page

New Data Field



CCCApply Standard Application

High School Transcript Information section (Education Page)

Deprecated Data Field



CCCApply Standard Application

High School Transcript Information section (Education Page)


Maintenance & Support

Bug Fixes & Other Changes

For information, contact CCCApply College Support






Auto-population color (blue) is not appearing on (Apply) Demographic page 


Validation error appears for Other or None response in Visa type field in International App 


Do not show the English Proficiency link if there is no text in the Help modal (meaning the college did not provide text for this in CAP)


International School Finder Should Search for Schools


SAC area code (279) was added to the Main phone look-up library

Report Center

Long Email Address Runs Off the Page

California College Promise Grant Application 2020-2021

The 2020-2021 CC Promise Grant Application is now available and deployed on January 1, 2020.


Data Documentation



File Type

Download or Link



File Type

Download or Link

CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary



Coming soon (before Production release)

CC Promise Grant Application Data Specification



Coming soon (before Production release)

CCCApply International Application Data Dictionary



Coming soon (before Production release)

CCCApply Working with Supplemental Questions User Guide




CCCApply Download Client User Guide


Online Doc

Coming soon (before Production release)

Download Client Jar File v.6.7.0

