OpenCCC Release 3.0 Summary Notes
OpenCCC 3.0 Release deploys:
To pilot environment: January 31, 2025
To production: February 5, 2025
No data schema changes were made in this release.
On This Page
Release Summary
System Technical Updates
Support for IDme Verification Status Change Data
System Bug Fixes
System Technical Upgrade
A critical system upgrade was completed to the OpenCCC identity and access management system which will improve account recovery performance and fix multiple bugs in the OpenCCC student account system. As a result of this upgrade users should experience faster password resets and more efficient account recovery flows when returning to CCCApply and other systemwide technology services. The OpenCCC Helpdesk and CCCTC staff support teams will be able to provide faster technical support, and more efficient issue troubleshooting across all integrated technology applications.
Other 3.0 upgrade benefits:
better security safeguards on our systemwide applications and services
allows for more frequent, efficient system updates (regular update cadence)
quicker access to new features and enhancements
avoid issues typically encountered when running older versions
Note: No action is required by colleges or users.
Need Help? Colleges can reach CCCTC Staff Support at for assistance.
Support for IDme Status Change Notifications
The system upgrade completed in this release allows us to track and deliver automated, event-driven notifications to your college when a student’s IDme verification status changes to a new value in real-time.
These real-time IDme status change notifications will be available to colleges in two ways:
Superglue delivery to a new Events table (see note below);
A daily, weekly or one-time two-year backfill report - available upon request - that will provide your students' IDme verification status changes in a user-friendly format.
Note: Availability of the IDme verification status change notifications is dependent on two related upcoming product releases:
Superglue v.5.1 - which includes the required schema updates to receive the status change data directly to the Events staging table.
Analytics v.3.0 - includes the enhancements needed to configure and deliver the IDme status Change Reports (upon request).
Implementation engineers from CCCTC Enabling Services will be available to support your college with the upcoming Superglue v.5.1 schema update and related documentation.
Colleges may submit a request for the IDme Verification Status Change Report by contacting CCCTC Staff Support at
System Bug Fixes
Several internal system bugs were identified and fixed in the OpenCCC and Helpdesk systems.
Pilot Testing: Send Your Feedback
For security reasons, a pre-production pilot preview is not available for internal system upgrades and maintenance releases.
Data Access & Delivery
Superglue for Apply
As new features and functionality are developed for CCCApply and other systemwide technology applications, it may be necessary for colleges to upgrade their existing Superglue College Adaptor schema to the latest version. For information about the Superglue College Adaptor and your current schema version, please contact your College Experience Manager at Enabling Services for assistance.
Data Warehouse Access
All CCCApply and Student Success Suite data fields are ultimately stored in the CCC Data Warehouse which can be accessed directly via the Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection service and/or, for authorized admins and staff, through the Data Warehouse Report Server.
The latest OpenCCC and CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides are posted in the CCCApply Public Documentation space.Documentation Sites