CCCApply Roadmap: 2019-2020

CCCApply Roadmap: 2019-2020

Archived on 2/20/24: Information on this page may no longer be current.

2020 Annual Update

The roadmap below summarizes development priorities for CCCApply Applications (Apply, Noncredit, Promise Grant (BOG), and International + ancillary systems and priority projects) through post-release activities for the 2020 Annual release.

TENTATIVE - Pending Approval

Nov2019DecJan2020FebMarAprMayJunJulMarker 16.7 Production6.7 Pilot
Apply & NC
Promise Grant

Reqs: In-Progress App Data Delivery

Privacy Policy Update


Spanish Translation -

Approved Changes

CCCCO Brand Styles Update


Spam Retraining Model Release

SSN Redesign

UAT Pilot

Reqs: Approved Changes

OpenCCC Mobile Support

Student UAT & Feedback

Glue for MMPS Microservice

HS Transcript Question Swap

UAT Pilot

2020-2021 CCPG App


Spanish Translation - CCPG & International

Spanish Translation


IA Bugs & Enhancements

BUG Fixes


TBD - Jasper Upgrade 7.2.1

CCCApply objectives for FY 19/20 are focused on some key objectives:

  1. Finish up the CCCApply Redesign Project work -in compliance with AB 3101

  2. Implement a process to get in-progress application data to college as early as possible to support college recruitment, student outreach and support during the application process

  3. Continuous maintenance & support in compliance with state and federal statutory requirements

Using industry-standard design principles and lessons learned from Ideas42 behavioral study - work with partners (CCC Foundation, CCGI, Immigrants Rising, etc.) to breakdown any known barriers and improve the overall student experience with language and layout changes

Drill Down:  Q1 & Q2, and PLANNED for Q3 & Q4

  • Finish up CCCApply Redesign Project work - in compliance with AB 3101



      1. COMPLETED IN Q1/Q2: 


        1. Complete mobile-friendly UI redesign across all four CCCApply applications

      3. PLANNED FOR Q3/Q4: 


        1. Implement full Spanish-language translation to all four CCCApply applications 

        2. UI styles refresh to align with new CCCCO brand  (Q4)

    2. Implement a process to deliver in-progress application data to colleges for student outreach, college recruitment, and to support onboarding during the application process

      1. Gathered & documented requirements for phased-approach development of consent to release indicator and data delivery via Superglue

      1. Add a mechanism (checkbox) to collect student’s “consent to share in-progress application data” 

      2. Deliver Enrollment page data chunk to college using Superglue (by this point we know all info necessary for college to conduct outreach as needed during application


      1. COMPLETED IN Q1/Q2:

      2. PLANNED FOR Q3/Q4: 

    4. Continuous maintenance & support in compliance with state and federal statutory requirements
      Using industry-standard design principles and lessons learned from collaboration with systemwide stakeholders*, implement UI enhancements and language changes to breakdown any known barriers and improve the overall student experience.





        1. Gathered and documented change requests for stakeholders and barriers identified in Ideas42 “CCCApply Diagnosis” report and from the field.

  • PLANNED Q3/Q4:



      1. Implement 2020-2021 Promise Grant Application

      2. Update CCCApply.org student-facing pages (language and layout)

      3. Revise SSN question and move out of  OpenCCC system and into CCCApply 

      4. Complete UI and data integration to support the new OpenCCC Account system

      5. Implement new “Highest Grade Completed” question to  Self-reported MMI questions in CCCApply

      6. Remove residency flag barrier for California Homeless in Address sections 

      7. Remove language barriers across CCCApply to support Undocumented students

      8. Implement skip logic on Education page to support Dual Enrollment students

      9. Update Privacy Policy & Terms of Use for full compliance

      10. Streamline language and layout on the Consent & Submission page

Pending Q4 Approval   OR   Out-of-Scope

  • CCCApply Administrator 2.0 Rules & Messages Phase 2 (Text Messages)

  • Enhance on-boarding to support Gainful Employment initiative (MyPath initiative)

  • Spam Filter Retraining Model with PII Data

  • Work with CCGI on Auto-population Web Service & HS Integration (on hold until OpenCCC launch)

  • CVC-OEI Project - 

  • Jasper Report Center Upgrade 7.2.`

  • Database Archive Project

  • SuperGlue data integration between CCCApply and Salesforce SIS 

*Collaborators & Other Stakeholders

  • CCCCO & CCC Foundation  (Homeless residency issue, CCCApply.org update, SSN Revision)

  • Immigrants Rising  (Enhancements for Undocumented, Nonresident Aliens, etc.)

  • California Colleges Guidance Initiative (CCGI) (support for HS Auto-population web service)

  • CDE & AB705 Committee (new Highest Grade Completed data field in self-reported Multiple Measures questions)

  • CVC-OEI  (integration to support Finish Faster Program)

  • CCCApply Steering User Group  (In-progress Data Sharing, Residency algorithm upkeep, More)

  • Academic Senate (Noncredit App, GE and Dual Enrollment Initiatives)

CCCApply Redesign Project - Work Completed So Far:  Beginning on July 1, 2018, under the direction of CCCCO Vice Chancellor Omid Pourzanjani, the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup commenced a project to redesign CCCApply to comply with the requirements in Assembly Bill 3101, a two-part bill that called a two-year redesign to CCCApply - in direct compliance with Assembly Bill 3101 - which called for an online, residency-free, multi-language (Spanish) option for noncredit students/programs based on student-centric design principles to break down technology, language  barriers and hassles - as proposed by Ideas42 and other systemwide evaluations.  

By June 30, 2019, we had completed 1) the development and deployment of a fully compliant, residency-free Noncredit Application - with five fewer pages than the Standard Application - yet custom designed to be a low-effort IT implementation with shared admin tools and reporting;; and 2) we had kick-started the redesign of the Standard Applications by completing a laundry list of approved changes such as the removal of questions and pages, added smart skip logic, implemented a machine-learning spam filter web service, and launched a new CCCApply administrator with meta majors configuration feature and custom settings for Noncredit application. 

Our plan to complete the Redesign project this year (FY19/20)  includes: 1) implement a fully compliant, mobile-friendly user interface  (responsive design) across all four applications (Q1); and  2) implement a complete Spanish-language translation (internationalization) for all four applications; and 3) implement additional user interface enhancements, designed specifically to remove existing barriers identified by Ideas42 in their “CCCApply Diagnosis Report” - written in part to address AB 3101.

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