OpenCCCApply Roadmap & Deliverables 2017-2019

OpenCCCApply Roadmap & Deliverables 2017-2019

Archived 2/20/24. Information on this page may no longer be current.


The objectives for OpenCCC federated identity initiative, OpenCCC Account System, and CCCApply Applications and staff tools will meet the objectives of the CCCTC (TTIP) grant work plan.


Planning Assumptions

  • Maintenance Dev team will continue to "Run" the legacy OpenCCC and CCCApply apps during development of new version of CCCApply

  • OpenCCC will be integrated with MyPath by May 2018

  • CCCApply will begin integration with MyPath in September 2018; full integration by June 2019.

  • All colleges will be moving to the new Administrator 2.0 by September 2018

  • The CCC Administrator will be integrated with the CCC SSO Proxy

  • All colleges will have Shib V3 or equivalent-compatible WSO2 SAML-compliant IdP solution (Portal Guard, Ellucian EIS, Shib V3, ADFS)

  • Legacy CCCApply suite of apps will be integrated with Proxy in FY 2018-2019

CCCTC Project Workplan



Procedures / Activities


Start Date 

End Date

Responsible Person(s)



Procedures / Activities


Start Date 

End Date

Responsible Person(s)

CCC Systemwide Technology Platform

2.0.0 - Deploy the Systemwide Technology Platform to standardize architecture and interfaces across all systemwide applications.


2.1.0 Update existing technologies within the platform to keep current on security and functionality.

2.1.1 Versioned elements of the platform such as Business Intelligence, Portal, and Shibboleth are current, running no more than one version back.



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager

SSO Proxy


2.2.0 All colleges will adopt shibboleth or a SAML 2.0 single sign-on based federated authentication through the CCC Identity Proxy that allows students without a CCCID to login or create an OpenCCC Account.

2.2.1 Maintain a project schedule for federated identity adoption across colleges.



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager

2.3.0 Move all elements of the Platform to Amazon Web Services to facilitate scale, security, and standardization.

2.3.1 Complete transition of CCCApply and OpenCCC to Amazon Web Services so that all systems are in AWS.



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager

OpenCCC Student Account

3.0.0. Securely operate and continue to grow the the OpenCCC Systemwide Student Account base to include all current CCC students while providing excellent help desk services to students and staff.


3.1.0 Maintain hardened systems to protect student data.

3.2.0 Provide world-class help desk support.

3.1.1 OpenCCC Data Center meets the SOC 2.0 Security Standard.

3.1.2 OpenCCC operates under the ISO 270001 Security Framework.

3.2.1 OpenCCC support operations will continue to meet established Service Level Agreements (i.e. Answer in 1 minute or less, 95% satisfactions, etc).



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager


3.2.0 Coordinate with CCCCO to integrate the CCCID into MIS data uploads to facilitate record linking for research to improve student outcomes and institutional improvement.

3.3.0 Further standardize, measure, and align support processes with industry frameworks to facilitate growth as new systems from OEI, CAI, EPI come online..

3.4.0 By integrating OpenCCC with all systemwide applications, the CCC Identity Proxy will ensure that all students have an OpenCCC Account.

3.2.1 CCCID in the MIS data element dictionary

3.3.1 Help Desk support services will operate under ITIL Guidelines

3.4.1 OpenCCC as the main account for all CCC Systemwide Applications.







Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager, Student Help Desk Supervisor


3.5.0 OpenCCC will fully support mobile platforms.

3.6.0 By employing machine learning and other matching technologies, duplicate records will be vastly reduced.

3.5.1 A fully responsive design mobile version of OpenCCC.

3.6.1 Duplicate records reduced to 1/10th of 1%



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager, Data Scientist

CCCApply Application Suite

4.0.0 Securely operate and continue to grow the CCCApply Application Suite college user base to include all 113 California Community Colleges.


4.1.0 Maintain hardened systems to protect student data.

4.2.0 Provide world-class help desk support.

4.3.0 Facilitate the CCCApply Steering Committee and implement change requests to the applications.

4.1.1 CCCApply Data Center meets the SOC 2.0 Security Standard.

4.1.2 CCCApply operates under the ISO 270001 Security Framework.

4.2.1 CCCApply support operations will continue to meet established Service Level Agreements (i.e. Answer in 1 minute or less, 95% satisfactions, etc)

4.3.1 Documented Change Management and regular meeting minutes of the CCCApply Steering Committee.



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager


4.4.0 Implement CCCApply at all Colleges

4.5.0 Expand the usage of the Online BOG Fee Waiver

4.6.0 Expand the usage of the International Application

4.4.1 CCCApply in use at all 113 Colleges

4.5.1 Online BOG Fee Waiver in use at 40 Colleges

4.6.1 International Application in use at 20 Colleges



Exec. Director, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager


4.7.0 Build a new form engine delivery platform that can be configured to deliver CCCApply, BOG, and International applications as well as other new forms. The platform will support mobile, multiple languages, mobile platforms, and be fully integrated into the MyPath student services portal.

4.7.1 Release of CCCApply, BOG, and International Applications under the new configurable form delivery platform.



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager

CCC Administrator 2.0

2.4.0 - Deploy a centralized, integrated, cross-project, faculty & staff administration tool, leveraging global UI and shared functional components, to maintain and configure synchronous and asynchronous data and application utilities across all adopted CCCTC web applications using single sign-on based federated authentication via the CCC Proxy (that allows college/district staff, faculty, and other authorized roles a CCCID OpenCCC Account).

Run & Grow

2.4.1 Design new global interface, SSO authentication, User management compoentnew scalable college-facing administration platform Integrate existing college-facing administration tools for all CCCTC web applications & utilities into new global platform to current on security and functionality.



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer, OpenCCC/CCCApply Product Manager

Research, Analysis, Consulting

12.0.0 Provide environmental scanning and research to determine technology trends and related technical research in and effort to identify emerging technologies that will impact or influence achievement of System Wide goals and act as technical resource and clearinghouse to respond to inquiries by the CCCCO and Systemwide related projects.


12.1.0 Scan the technical and educational environment in a multitude of ways (Gartner Group, conferences, organizations, etc.), determine trends and identify emerging technologies. Report finding to TTAC & CCCCO.

12.2.0 Establish relationships with other Systemwide project directors to assist them in technical capacity and serve on advisory committees as needed.

12.1.1 Research and trend reporting that can be used to positively affect the direction of the CCC system.

12.2.1 Technical expertise provided in IT areas such as security, network infrastructure, and disaster recovery/business continuity provided to assist Systemwide projects in adhering to standards and best practices



Exec. Director, Chief Technology Officer

Gartner, Inc. (NYSE: IT) is the world's leading information technology research and advisory company and recommends the model of Run, Grow, and Transform to Simplify Service Portfolio Prioritization and Resource Planning.

“Run-Grow-Transform is a useful and respected simplification that CIOs can use to communicate differentiated value and quality of services in the IT service portfolio. It can help prioritize where IT needs to spend resources to excel versus reducing costs and optimizing with minimal business impact...

Planned Releases



Release Date





Release Date




CCGI Service

September 1



Release 6.1.0

October 27 



Jasper Upgrade

Spring 2018



Release 6.2.0

May 2018



CCC Administrator (CCCApply MVP)

May 2018


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