OpenCCC Release 2.3.0 Release Notes

OpenCCC Release 2.3.0 Release Notes

Note: This document was updated on November 22, 2024 in order to move the details of the ID.me Identity Verification Integration with the release notes for the OpenCCC 2.3.0 pilot and production deployments.



OpenCCC 2.3.0 deployment schedule:

  • To pilot environment: Release in pilot as of November 6, 2023

  • To production environment: In production as of February 2, 2024 at 3:30 pm

Colleges must implement the new SuperGlue College Adaptor version 4.9.0 in order to receive the new ID verification data fields.
See the Implementation section for details.

Release Summary

  • Integration of CCC ID.me Student Identity Verification

  • ID.me Verification Data Fields

  • Data Delivery via SuperGlue and Reporting


CCC ID.me Identity Verification Integration

Under the direction of the Chancellor’s Office, a new third-party student identity verification service has been implemented into the CCCApply application for admission workflow to reliably verify and confirm the identity of new and returning applicants before they enter the CCC system. 

By adding digital, direct, and self-service identity-proofing software into our existing workflows allows our local A&R and financial aid staff to focus their time on the students who need extra support and the individuals who cannot easily prove their identities, such as:

  • Undocumented

  • Minors

  • Special Needs

  • Fraudulent/bad actors trying to enter the system.

Per CCC privacy laws new and existing students will have the option to opt-out of ID verification; however due to increasing instances of fraud across the system stronger language has been adopted to encourage students to complete the verification process in order to receive financial aid awards.


About the Integration

Start with the ID.me Identity Verification Integration page for everything you need to know about the new CCC ID.me integration, including:


About ID.me

ID.me is used widely across 37 California state agencies and 15 federal agencies, notably:

  • California Employment Development Department

  • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

  • U.S. Internal Revenue Service

  • U.S. Social Security Administration

Benefits to Students

  • Protects student identities

  • Streamlines student enrollment and financial aid disbursements

  • Helps prevent bad actors from stealing spots online

  • Large government agencies use ID verification

Benefits to System

  • Reduces fraud across the system

  • Supports Admissions & Financial Aid Processing time

  • Focus more A&R staff time on student support vs fraud evaluations

  • Large government agencies using ID.me


The CCC IDme Verification screen displays to students who have never verified their identity with ID.me or currently has a verification status that is Unverified or Expired.

Fast Facts

  • ID.me integration is sponsored by the CCCCO

  • ID Verification is not required to apply to CCC; but strongly encouraged

  • ID Verification is required before students can readily receive financial aid and most grant funding

  • The ID.me Verification process does not appear to students under age 18 (minors)

  • Students with an existing ID.me account can simply sign in to ID.me to complete the CCC ID.me process

  • Successful “Verified” status is valid for one year unless a change is made to student’s Profile data

  • Authorized college admins can “staff-verify” a student’s identity using the Account Creation Tool

  • Colleges are notified of student verification changes when they occur (i.e., “never verified” to “verified”)

  • Verification changes are provided via Superglue and custom report


Data Access & Delivery

ID.me Data Fields

Three new data fields were added to CCCApply submitted application data in this release. All ID.me fields allow null (or no value) and are designed with ‘shut-off’ capabilities to prevent any issues with data delivery during our traditional application season cycles. The new ID.me fields are:

  • ID.me Verification Workflow Status <idme_workflow_status>

  • ID.me Opt-In Timestamp <idme_optin_timestamp>

  • ID.me Verification Confirmation Timestamp <idme_confirmation_timestamp>

Full descriptions for the ID.me data elements can be found in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary (v.2024.1 or higher).

Data Delivery via Superglue

To receive ID.me data with your CCCApply application data to your college SIS staging table or directly to your SIS, colleges will need to have Superglue v.4.9.0 schema or above. If you haven’t done so already, please contact the CCCTC College Experience Managers (cems@ccctechcenter.org) to schedule this version upgrade.


CCCApply Report Center Note: ID.me data is delivered via Superglue with Apply submitted application data; however, only static values captured at the time of application submission are stored in the CCCApply Report Center. In a future release, colleges will be notified of post-submission verification status changes via a configured report (ID.me Verification Status Change Report) (upon request) and via Superglue (both options are currently under-development, due to be released in December 2024).


Pilot Testing: Send Your Feedback

ID.me pilot environment testing with student testers was conducted in December 2023. Pilot testing is now closed.

The ID.me system does not have a designated pilot environment, therefore our OpenCCC Account pilot environment points to ID.me’s LIVE production environment. If you wish to test the ID.me integration end-to-end, including creating an ID.me account and completing the verification process, you must create a test account with your real personal data and then complete the ID.me verification with your genuine identity documents.


Help & Support

The OpenCCC Helpdesk provides support for students. College Support Services team will respond to staff support requests.

ID.me Help Center

Support for the new ID verification process will be provided by the ID.me Help Center.

Other Student & Staff Support Sites


Primary & Secondary Identity Verification Documents

ID.me provides information on the primary and secondary Identity verification documents that may be required when a student attempts to verify their identity though the self-service option or on a video call with an ID.me Video Chat Agent. These documents follow NIST identity verification standards.


Documentation and Helpful Links

See all ID.me Resources & Toolkits for college staff to assist students with the identity verification process.


ID.me Digital Toolkit & Guides

Click here to view and download the ID.me digital toolkit for students.

CCC and ID.me FAQs

Recorded Demo of the CCC and ID.me Student ID Verification Process



CCCApply & OpenCCC Documentation

Please find all OpenCCC and CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides in the CCCApply Public Documentation space.