2024 AIAN Expansion Enhancement in CCCApply

This page provides summary details of the 2024 AIAN Expansion enhancement implemented in the Race & Ethnicity section of the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application (April 2024).

Business Need

Feedback received from systemwide stakeholders in collaboration with the CCC Chancellor’s Office and consultants requests that the current system of American Indian Alaska Natives (AIAN) in CCCApply offer a more expansive selection of Tribal names, many of which were overly general, such as “Chippewa” or “Sioux.” Recognizing the inadequacy of this approach in respecting the sovereignty of Tribal nations, we've proposed an expansion to the list to include all 574 Federally Recognized Tribes as detailed in the U.S. Federal Register. Additionally, we've introduced an option for students to specify their Tribal affiliations through a write-in feature, to also include and capture those students affiliated with Tribes not currently listed on the Federal Register. Our aim is to foster an environment that is both inclusive and respectful towards all American Indian Alaska Native Tribal students.


American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN)
According to COMIS, a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment.


About the AIAN Expansion Enhancement

The scope of the enhancement in CCCApply from the development perspective is limited to the AIAN race group (category) and ethnicities (sub-category) in the existing Race & Ethnicity UI and data fields. No other race group is being affected by this implementation and the impact on the existing race/ethnicity data fields is very minimal. The expansion adds a large number of AIAN tribes/entities to the existing AIAN race group, as well as a handful of name updates and deprecations. A revision to the user interface was made to allow users to search for and select their preferred AIAN tribes, with the added ability for the user to “write-in” a tribe name that doesn’t appear in the search results.

At this time, the 2024 AIAN expansion enhancement has been implemented in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit application only. Plans to update the International Application is scheduled for a future release.


Changes Summary

  1. Update and expand the list of available AIAN tribes/ethnicities in CCCApply

  2. Add new Other American Indian/Alaska Native "write-in" option and data field capable of capturing up to five “other” tribe names that may not appear in the list

  3. Enhance the user interface with a new “search and select” feature, exclusively for the expanded AIAN tribe list


1. Update and Expand the AIAN Tribe List

The American Indian or Alaska Natives (AIAN) group is one of 21 upper-level race group categories in the Race & Ethnicity section in CCCApply. Like the other race groups, the American Indian or Alaska Natives (AIAN) group includes a number of sub-category entities - or ethnicities - that display when the upper-level group is selected by the applicant. Prior to this 2024 expansion, the AIAN group included approximately 120 individual entities. Following this expansion, the AIAN group will include 585 new and existing options. In addition:

  • 20 existing tribe names were corrected or updated

  • 7 tribe names were deprecated (remains in database but no longer displays)

  • 464 new tribes were added

Updated & Deprecated AIAN Tribes

As part of the AIAN expansion, 20 existing AIAN tribe names were updated to match the listing in the federal registry, and 7 names have been discontinued. The discontinued/deprecated names and their field values will continue to exist in the CCCApply database but will no longer display as an available option as they are no longer recognized in the federal list. Both sets of changes are identified (color-coded) in the 2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicity List, with updated names highlighted in orange and discontinued names highlighted in yellow. No changes were made to their corresponding data field values (codes) in the Race Ethnic Full <race_ethnic_full> data field.

New AIAN Tribes

The bulk of the expansion includes adding 464 new AIAN tribes to CCCApply to align with the 2024 Federal Register of Indian Entities Recognized. Along with the existing list of AIAN tribes, each new entity has been assigned a field value for the Race Ethnic Full data field <race_ethnic_full>. The complete list of new and existing AIAN names and values are itemized in 2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicity List.

  • 464 new (additional) AIAN tribes/ethnicities were added to the current list, bringing the total number of tribes/ethnicities in the AIAN race group to 585. (currently there are 120+ tribes in that group).

  • Each new tribe/ethnicity has been assigned a value (code) for the existing <race_ethnic_full> field.

  • One of these new values is for the new Other American Indian / Alaska Native "write-in" option <race_ethnic_full> = 420 (described even further below).


2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicities List

The 2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicities List provides a complete color-coded list of all new and existing American Indian/Alaska Natives (AIAN) tribes and field values across each of the four race and ethnicity data fields. For more information about the Race & Ethnicity data fields, see Data Fields & Data Delivery section below).

2024 Complete CCCApply Race & Ethnicities List

The 2024 Complete CCCApply Race & Ethnicities List provides the complete list of every race group and individual ethnicity in the CCCApply Race & Ethnicity section, showing corresponding field values across each of the four race and ethnicity data fields. This spreadsheet will replace the previous table in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary. For more information about the Race & Ethnicity data fields, see Data Fields & Data Delivery section below).



2. New “Other American Indian/Alaska Native” Write-In Field

One of the new options added to the expanded list, Other American Indian/Alaska Native, is both an option with a value/code in the Race Ethnic Full data field <race_ethnic_full>, and a new write-in/text input data field, <race_aian_other_description>. Complete data specs are provided below.  

The way it works: If the applicant cannot find their tribe in expanded list they can click the “Can't find your tribe?” link that appears just below the main search modal. If clicked on, the user interface changes, and a text input field appears - allowing the applicant the option to “write-in” up to five other tribe names and submit them with their application. If an other tribe is submitted, a value of 420 is stored in the Race Ethnic Full <race_ethnic_full> field.

Dictionary Name: Other American Indian/Alaska Native
Data Element: <race_aian_other_description>
Format/Type: Text input, varying character 1024
Conditions: Conditional display; Optional response; Allows Null; Stores up to five tribe names, comma separated

Note: This option is one of 585 ethnicities under the AIAN race group (16) with a <race_ethnic_full> value=420. 

For colleges, this new data field has been added to the CCCApply submitted application database and delivered via Glue for Apply to your staging table or SIS.


3. Enhance the User Interface to Support AIAN List Expansion

To feasibly accommodate the large number of new AIAN tribe options in CCCApply, the existing user interface has been enhanced to allow the applicant to search for their tribe in a new “look-up” modal and select multiple tribes as part of their response. The new look-up modal will display only if the applicant selects the upper-level American Indian/Alaska Natives race group; otherwise the modal is not displayed to the user.

2024 Race & Ethnicity Section in CCCApply

Simple User Flow: “Search for your tribe”

  1. In the Race/Ethnicity section in CCCApply, if the applicant selects “American Indian or Alaska Native” race group, the new “Search for your tribe” modal appears. The applicant has the option to do nothing or drill-down to find their specific AIAN tribe by entering the full or partial tribe name in the “Search for your tribe” search field.

  2. If their tribe is found, they can confirm the results in “Search results” window or not. If the tribe is selected, they click the “Add Selected Tribe(s)” button to save the selected tribe. The applicant can repeat the process if they want to select additional tribes. Alternately, to remove the tribe from the search results window, click the “Remove Selected Tribe(s)” button to clear.


  1. After selecting the American Indian or Alaska Native race group, the Search for your tribe modal is displayed. The user can search for a tribe typing in the tribe’s name or related city.

Screenshot showing the AIAN Search for your tribe modal in CCCApply
  1. If your tribe is found it will appear in the Search Results box. Place a checkmark next to the tribe(s) you want to submit, then click the Add Selected Tribe(s) button.

Simple User Flow: Enter Other “Write-In” Tribe Name

  1. If the applicant cannot locate their tribe using the “Search for your tribe” finder, they have the option to “write-in” a tribe name of their choice.

  2. To add a new tribe name, the applicant clicks on the “Can’t find your tribe?” link and enter a tribe name in the empty text field.

  1. To submit a tribe, enter your tribe’s name in the text input box.


  1. Once your tribe name is entered, click the “Add Your Tribe” button to see your tribes in the “Your Selected Tribes” box. Place a checkmark next to each tribe you want to submit, then click “Continue”.


Data Fields & Data Delivery


New Data Field: Other American Indian/Alaska Native

As specified in a section above, a new data field is being added to CCCApply for the Other American Indian/Alaska Native write-in option.

Dictionary Name: Other American Indian/Alaska Native
Data Element: <race_aian_other_description>
Format/Type: Text, varying character 1024
Notes: Conditional display; Optional response; Allows Null; Stores up to five tribe names, comma separated;

NOTE: The new Other American Indian/Alaska Native <race_aian_other_description> field aligns to one of the new options added in 2024 AIAN expansion. The name Other American Indian/Alaska Native is never displayed in the application list, it is triggered if the applicant clicks the “Can’t find your tribe?” link below the list tribe search modal.

If the applicant opts to write-in/submit an other tribe name (up to five), then:

  1. the new Other American Indian/Alaska Native data field <race_aian_other_description> is populated; and

  2. the value = 420 is stored in the <race_ethnic_full> field.


Reference: Summary of Race & Ethnicity Data Field Specifications (2024)

Below is a summary of all CCCApply Race & Ethnicity fields specs following the 2024 AIAN expansion. For a complete accounting, see the 2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicity List.


Data Element

Format / Example

Maximum Expected Width

2024 Changes


Data Element

Format / Example

Maximum Expected Width

2024 Changes



boolean / true/false/null


No changes to this existing field, values, or UI display.

Race Group


"04, 05, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21"

80 characters (unchanged) (20 * 2 character long values + 19 commas + 19 spaces  + 2 surrounding quote marks for CSV delimiting in the output format)

No changes to this existing field, values, or UI display.
This field was intentionally left unchanged.

Race Ethnicity




22 characters (unchanged) (22 character long string)

No change to this existing field, format, and values.

  • Existing YN values and formats have not changed.

  • This is a backend field used for COMIS reporting only.

  • This field was intentionally left unchanged (until COMIS changes are specified).

  • See COMIS SB29 for COMIS data element specs.

Race Ethnicity (International)




22 characters, string (unchanged)

No changes to this field. This is the CCCApply International application version of this field name. All other data specs are the same.

Race Ethnicity Full



805 characters (201 * 3 character long values + 200 commas + 2 surrounding quote marks for CSV delimiting in the output format)

length is truncated

Minor changes to be aware of:

  • Field length remains unchanged, thus responses will be truncated if the user selects every race group and ethnicity available.

  • See the CCCApply DED (v.2024.3 or later) for complete data field specifications.

  • CSV separated values for all user selections for both the “upper-level” race group values and all ethnicities values as listed in the 2024: All CCCApply Race & Ethnicities List

Other American Indian / Alaska Native


Text, varying character


New data field (2024):

  • Conditional display; Allows Null

  • Optional response;

  • Stores up to five tribe names, comma separated;

NOTE: If the applicant selects to write-in/submit an (up to five) “Other American Indian/Alaska Native” tribe, the <race_ethnic_full> includes a value = 420. This will signify to the college that the student entered up to five other tribes that did not appear in the new expanded list.

Coming: See the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary for complete data field specifications (Version 2024.3 or later).

  • <hispanic> No changes are being made to the Hispanic field.

  • <race_group> No changes were made to the Race Group data field; all values and formats will not change.

  • <race_ethnic> No changes were made to the Race Ethnic and Race Ethnicity (International) fields in this release. Existing YN values and formats have not changed.

  • <race_ethnic_full> - The only reportable change is the addition of several hundred new AIAN tribe names and field values for the Race Ethnicity Full list

Database Storage Scheme

  • The database storage scheme remains the same for race_group, race_ethnic, hispanic, race_ethnic_full

  • No changes were made to existing data fields/formats - other than updating for list of names and codes.

  • No changes were made to storage of the mapped record and exact format in place prior to 2024 AIAN expansion to ensure colleges don't have to adjust their imports and MIS can still get the existing formats.

  • Keep all existing codes (db values) for existing Tribes, even deprecated values


Race & Ethnicity MIS Data Elements

The two primary MIS data elements related to Race & Ethnicity reporting are:

  • SB29 - Student-Multi-Ethnicity

  • SB38 - Student-Expanded Ethnicity

Below is a summary of how the two race & ethnicity-related MIS fields may/may not be affected by the 2024 AIAN expansion, including the new Other American Indian/Alaska Native write-in field.



There should be no impact on SB29 from the 2024 AIAN expansion implementation. All existing race & ethnicity fields remain unchanged intentionally.

The CCCApply data fields that map to COMIS SB29 are: 

  • Hispanic <hispanic>

  • Race Group <race_group>

  • Race Ethnicity <race_ethnic>

  • Race Ethnicity (International App) <race_ethnicity_full>



The CCCApply data field that maps directly to SB38 is the existing Race Ethnicity Full <race_ethnic_full> field. 

For the most part this field has not changed and will continue to deliver colleges a string of values/codes representing the individual race group(s) and ethnicity selections submitted by the student.

The potential impact to SB38 is the new 464 AIAN tribes/ethnicities and their values that are not yet part of the SB38 data element at the time of the initial release. 


Table: Summary of Race & Ethnicity Fields Mapping to MIS

Below is a summary of how the AIAN group maps to/relates to the existing Race & Ethnicity fields. For a complete accounting, see the 2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicity List.

Field Name

Data Field


How AIAN Tribes relate to this field…

MIS Mapping

Field Name

Data Field


How AIAN Tribes relate to this field…

MIS Mapping




N/A. AIAN ethnicities do not map to the <hispanic> race group field.


Race Group



The American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN) race group has a value = 16. (Note: AIAN ethnicities are the sub-group (or sub-category) of the upper-level race group (category). If an individual AIAN ethnicity is selected by the student, the <race_group> value is also = 16.


Race Ethnicity



Values for the <race_ethnic> field are used for mapping to COMIS SB38. Individual AIAN ethnicities map to the upper-level race group value; in this case (AIAN) <race_ethnic> = 16.


Race Ethnicity (International)



International Application ONLY: Values for the <race_ethnicity> field are used for mapping to COMIS SB38. Individual AIAN ethnicities map to the upper-level race group value; in this case <race_ethnicity> = 16.


Race Ethnicity Full


<unique code>

Each AIAN ethnicity has a unique value/code for the Race Ethnicity Full field <race_ethnic_full> - including the 464 new tribes/ethnicities. See all tribe names and values/codes on the 2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicity List.

Note: Changes to allowable selections in the AIAN section only affect the number of associated values/codes that appear in the <race_ethnic_full> field. No change has been made to that field length or any race/ethnicity field length.


Other American Indian/Alaska Native



New field in 2024. If populated, stores value=420 in <race_ethnic_full>


Some additional notes:

  • The AIAN group continues to map to <race_group>=(16).  

  • Each new tribe/ethnicity has been assigned a value (code) for the existing <race_ethnic_full> field (maps to SB38).

  • The bulk of new tribes being added are national tribes (aligned to the Federal Register of Indian Entities Recognized), while the existing AIAN tribes (in place now in SB38) are mostly California AIAN entities.



Data Access & Delivery

As new features and functionality are developed for CCCApply and other systemwide technology applications, it is necessary for colleges to upgrade their existing Superglue College Adaptor schema to the version capable of delivering the new enhancements and data fields. This release includes a new data field that requires such an update. To get the latest College Adaptor schema version, please contact your College Experience Manager at Enabling Services for assistance.


Data Warehouse Access

All new and existing data fields are stored in the CCC Data Warehouse and can be accessed directly through Data Warehouse Direct Connect or, for authorized staff, through the Data Warehouse Report Server.


In Progress Applications

There will be no database value mappings for In Progress applications. If an application is paused by the applicant after selecting one of the deprecated AIAN tribe names, the selection will fail validation upon submisison and the student will have to the Demographics page to either repeat their selection or click Continue to resave the page.





Last Update




Last Update

CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary


Pilot release 4.05.24

CC Promise Grant Online Application Data Dictionary


Pilot release 4.05.24

2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicities List

2024 CCCApply AIAN Race & Ethnicities List

Google Sheet


2024 Complete CCCApply Race & Ethnicities List

2024 Complete CCCApply Race & Ethnicities List

Google Sheet




Online / PDF




Online / PDF