2019-10: Changes to Parent/Guardian Information section in CCCApply

2019-10: Changes to Parent/Guardian Information section in CCCApply

Request No.2019-10
Date of RequestJanuary 28, 2019
RequesterCO - Elena Alcala
Section / Page

Account Info / Parent/Guardian Issue

Steering Hearing Date5.09.19 - APPROVED
Proposed Change to Download FileN/A
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A
CHANGE STATUSIMPLEMENTED - Release 6.5.0 - June 28, 2019

Problem / Issue

Synopsis:  In the current application, Foster Youth minors (students under age 19) do not have a clear statement (bullet) to associate with when answering/determining whether they are Independent or Dependent on their parents (for residency purposes) in the Parent/Guardian Information section in CCCApply.  If they do not see a statement (bullet) in the list that pertains to them, they are selecting the option "None of these statements pertain to me" in error - and end up having to complete the "Parent or Guardian" dependency status - which creates another issue, as foster youth do not have parents or guardians, for the most part. 

When "Guardian" is selected in the P/G Relationship field - the Area B logic flags the student and requires the student to provide residency information about their Guardian. 

 Click here to expand...

that would determine them Independent don't apply to them  are selecting "Guardian" in the Parent/Guardian Relationship field for lack of more accurate options - which is triggering a residency flag in Area B.

This issue was raised by the CO regarding complaints from colleges as to why certain foster youth students were being flagged as non-residents in CCCApply.  Patty Donohue met with the Chancellor's Office (Elena Alcala), Mia Keeley, Michael Q., and Debbie Raucher (John Burton Foundation) to discuss the foster youth issue and found that the issue was not with the Foster Youth question or logic in CCCApply, but rather it was directly related to the Parent/Guardian Information (Dependency Status) question, and the language that is provided to the student who is a foster youth and a minor who selects the option: "Dependent = None of the statements above is true about me." - which prompts the Parent/Guardian Information boxes to appear, and the user selects "Guardian" in the P/G Relationship field because there is no better option for them to select.  

When "Guardian" is selected in the P/G Relationship field - the Area B logic flags the student and requires the student to provide residency information about their Guardian. 

When a student is a Foster Youth - and under 19 or  when "none of the independent statements are true about them" - they don't have a good option to select when providing their P/G Info.  Having a legal guardian is a very different thing than being in foster care.  Therefore we deduced that this was the reason "foster youths" under age 19 are answering the Parent/Guardian Information question incorrectly; their selection of "Guardian" in the P/G relationship field is the culprit of why they are getting flagged in the Area B residency.  

Although this issue didn't end up being a problem with our residency logic relative to being a Foster Youth or currently/formerly in foster care, Debbie Raucher noted that the existing Foster Youth question in CCCApply also needs to be updated due to recent legislation SB 801 stating that priority registration is now eligible to students age 16 or older, no longer 18 or older.  Patty worked with Debbie Raucher to update the language under separate CR# 2019-04: Update Foster Youth Question Per Legislation SB906

Proposed Solution

Updated solution 3.13.19: 

  1. ADD a new bulleted option in the Parent/Guardian Information section (Dependency status of Minors) under the option for: "One of the statements below is true about me" as follows:

Under the response option:  "

I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday

(^ This was APPROVED & FINAL language as of 3.15.19)

3.15.19:  This language replaces a previously proposed sentence, which was long and formal for the age of this population. The underlined words would initiate a Help pop-up, citing the exact same language that currently appears in the Foster Youth Status question on the Residency page for "court-ordered foster care". 

Additional Information / Solution Discussion

Patty Donohue met with Elena Alcala and Debbie Raucher multiple times to identify the appropriate resolution to this issue. Below is the FINAL & APPROVED language and solution discussed on March 15, 2019 to mitigate this issue with the Parent/Guardian logic:

  1. Add a bullet to the onscreen text under - Independent = "

Adding a bullet and line of text would be the only change required to the application, and no required change to the existing residency logic that looks at the dependent student who is under the care and control of a legal Guardian. All existing Area B residency logic will stay the same.  The CO team will meet internally to further look at the law and discuss the most appropriate language to be added to CCCApply.  A follow-up meeting will be scheduled with Patty Donohue, CCCApply, to finalize the change request for June 2019 release.

User Story

StudentAs a student under age 19 who is a current or was former foster youth, I need a clear, appropriately worded statement (response option), added to the Parent/Guardian Information section of the Application that allows me to correctly identify whether I am independent, or dependent on a parent or guardian, for the purpose of determining my residency status.

As a college admissions staff, I need an appropriately worded statement (response option bullet) added to the Parent/Guardian Information section of the Application for students under age 19, who are current or former foster youth, in order to identify whether they should be determined independent, or dependent on a parent or guardian for the purpose of determining their residency status.

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

Dependency Status


An additional bullet of language will be added to the Dependency Status section in the Parent/Guardian Information section that appears to minors. The statement will include a hyperlink to an existing pop-up Help box 

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the CCPG Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

NO - but it's critical that the DOB logic ensure this language appears for the minor
Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?
N/AThe dependent status is required for residency determination.

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


SB 801
Would this change affect existing residency logic?
Yes and No.  This new text would prevent existing logic from triggering a bad flag, so it affects logic but DOES NOT CHANGE LOGIC
Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Yes. Once this is changed, foster youth minors will now have a clear option to accurately determine their residency status.
Would colleges be affected by this change? 

No. Colleges would not have to do anything 
Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

No. The download file will not change.
What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple Measure
Would any public-facing documentation be affected by this change?

Standard Application DED
Other dependencies?

Add a new pop-up Help boxA new Help pop-up box will be added under the words "foster care" as part of this change request.
Other implementation considerations?

Change Requirements

  1. Add an additional bullet of language to the "At least one of the following statements is true about me" in the Parent/Guardian Information section on the Account Information/Mailing page for minors:  "I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday"

    1. The additional bullet of text is:  "I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday"
    2. The additional bullet of text should appear within the list as shown below (after "I do not have a living parent or guardian"):
    3. The additional bullet of text should NOT affect any existing logic currently implemented 
    4. The additional bullet of text includes a hyperlink (underlined) that when clicked on should display the same help text that currently appears for "court-ordered foster care" in the Foster Youth question on the Residency page (see requirement #2 below).  

      New Additional Text appears in blue:

      • At least one of the following statements is true about me:

      • I am or have been married
      • I am legally emancipated
      • I do not have a living parent or guardian
      • I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday
      • As of <rdd>, I will be on active duty in the armed services
      • As of <rdd>, I will have been self-supporting for at least one year

      • None of the statements above is true about me
  2. Add a new Help pop-up box that aligns to the hyperlink/words "foster care" - which appear in the new bulleted statement being added in #1 above.
    (Specific requirement from the Chancellor's Office, "The text “foster care” should trigger a pop up Help box with the same language that is used currently for "court-ordered foster care" in the Foster Youth Status question in the Residency page, shown below.)

This is the language that is currently used in the Help pop up box for "court-ordered foster care" in the Foster Youth Status question on the Residency page:

You have been in foster care if you were removed from your biological family through an order by a court, which can include placement with foster parents, in a group home, or with relatives/extended family members. If you were living with relatives you must have been placed through the foster care system by an order of the court. Foster Care includes, but is not limited to, placement in out-of-home care under the supervision of the Juvenile Probation Department. As long as you were placed within the foster care system by order of a court, you were in foster care. Having a legal guardian does not necessarily mean that you have been in foster care. If you need assistance with determining whether you were in foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman's office at (877) 846-1602 or fosteryouthhelp@dss.ca.gov.

3.  DOCUMENTATION NOTE: Update the "Dependent of Parent/Guardian" data element table in the Standard Application Data Dictionary per the changes made in this request AND update with any previous changes made (see the current data element table language below.  Everything in blue needs to be updated as part of this change update. 

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes
EMAIL transcripts from this change request discussion - 3.15.19PDFFINAL.3.15.19- Foster youth Language for CCCApply.pdf
3.08.19PDFEmail 2 -Foster youth Language for CCCApply.pdf

Screenshots / Mockups

This is the current Parent/Guardian Information section that the new language should be added to.

Documentation Changes Required

Update the Standard Application Data Dictionary (and any other DEDs where this data field appears) with the new language AND populate all missing specification.  Field:  <dependent_status>The current specification in the Standard DED is a mess. There is no "Question Text" or "Additional Text" information at all.  It references "See the Personal Information page..." instead of detailing the language in the question.  This all needs to be updated.  See the "Changes Required to the Data Element Table" column for all required changes.

Dependent of Parent/Guardian

DescriptionCURRENT Data Element Table Specification  (in the Standard Application Data Dictionary)Changes Required to the Data Element Table

Data Element:



Whether applicant is a minor subject to care and control of guardian per residency law—and if not, whether applicant is a non-minor or an independent minor.

Format, Length:

bpchar, 1


1 = Applicant is dependent.  Selected “None of the statements above is true about me.”

2 = Applicant is under 19 and independent.  Selected “At least one of these statements is true about me”.

3 = Applicant is 19 or older and therefore independent. The applicant will not have been presented with the parent/guardian questions.

Allows Null:





If this field = 1, parent/guardian questions are asked and many residency-related questions are reworded to refer to parent/guardian rather than “you”.


General law identifies a ‘Minor’ as under age 18; however, the “Evidence of Intent” rules in the Student Attendance Accounting Manual (Chapter 2), based on Title 5 section 54024, specify ‘under 19 years’ as the differentiating criterion, superseding general law.

personal_info table

Xap Field:


Remove this row

Revision Log:


Added a bullet to the response options for "At least one of the statements below is true about me" to support foster youth minors in June 2019 (v.6.5.0)

Question Text:

See mockup for Personal Information Screen.

Remove the note in the data table and replace with the language text that currently appears on screen:

By California law, qualification for resident tuition is based on the residency of your parent(s) or guardian(s) until you are 19 years of age, except in certain special circumstances. The following questions will be used to determine whether or not you need to provide parent or guardian information for the purposes of determining residency. Your response will not affect your admission to college.


Appears only if the applicant will be under 19 at RDD.

Additional Text: 
there is NO additional text listed in the current DED.  I will consult with Diana and add the following onscreen text to this row in the data element table or the Question text row...both of which are empty currently in the DED. 

Additional Text:

  • At least one of the following statements is true about me
  • I am or have been married
  • I am legally emancipated
  • I do not have a living parent or guardian
  • I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday
  • As of <rdd>, I will be on active duty in the armed services
  • As of <rdd>, I will have been self-supporting for at least one year
  • None of the statements above is true about me

Response Options:

Add the following to the DED, which currently has nothing listed other than the first sentence:

Must select one of the two radio buttons.

  • At least one of the following statements is true about me
  • None of the statements above is true about me

Pop-Up Help:

If any of the hyperlinks in the Question Text is clicked, a pop-up is displayed with the following text:

Parent: For the purposes of this college application, your parent is a natural or adoptive mother or father with whom you live and/or who provides your support, care, and control. If you have two parents, you can enter the name of either one.

Guardian: For the purposes of this college application, your guardian is a person other than a parent who has been legally appointed to provide your support, care, and control. If you have two guardians, you can enter the name of either one.

Emancipated: Being emancipated means that you have been legally released from the care and control of parent(s) and/or guardian(s), and are now responsible for your own care and control.

To be considered legally emancipated for the purposes of this college application, you must have received a declaration of emancipation from a California court, or have been legally emancipated in another U.S. state.


You are considered to be self-supporting if you do not receive any financial support from a parent or legal guardian in the year leading up to the start of the term for which you are applying.

Financial support you may receive from colleges, institutions, or individuals who are not your parent or legal guardian does not affect whether you are considered self-supporting.

NOTE: Keep all the existing pop-up Help boxes and ADD a new one for "foster care". 

Add additional Pop-Up Help box - that links from  "foster care" words in the new statement added to the "At least one of the following statements is true about me:"

The statement is:  I was in foster care at any time after my 13th birthday

The hyperlink (foster care) - pops up box with the following text:

You have been in foster care if you were removed from your biological family through an order by a court, which can include placement with foster parents, in a group home, or with relatives/extended family members. If you were living with relatives you must have been placed through the foster care system by an order of the court. Foster Care includes, but is not limited to, placement in out-of-home care under the supervision of the Juvenile Probation Department. As long as you were placed within the foster care system by order of a court, you were in foster care. Having a legal guardian does not necessarily mean that you have been in foster care. If you need assistance with determining whether you were in foster care, you can contact the California Foster Care Ombudsman's office at (877) 846-1602 or fosteryouthhelp@dss.ca.gov.

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required selection; else error message, “You must select one of the options related to your parent or guardian status.”


This question determines whether someone who will be under 19 on RDD is subject to care and control of their guardian for purposes of determining residency. For residency purposes (unlike in general law), a minor is defined as someone under 19 years of age.

Data Element:

personal_info:   dependent_status

Data Element:




Applicant’s response to conditional question for Parent/Guardian Last Name

Parent/Guardian Name: First

Data Element:




Applicant’s response to conditional question for Parent/Guardian First Name

Format, Length:

varchar,  20


Text string up to 20 characters

Allows Null:






personal_info table

Xap Field:

Guardian/Parent name - first

Revision Log:


Question Text:

First Name [textbox]


Only displayed if previous response indicates the person is under 19 and not independent.

Additional Text:

Response Options:

Text string

Hover Help:

Enter the first name of one parent or guardian. If you have two parents or guardians, you can choose either one.

Pop-Up Help:

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

None: optional response


Data Element:

personal_info: pg_firstname

Parent/Guardian Name: Last

Format, Length:

varchar,  25



Text string up to 25 characters

Allows Null:






pesronal_info table

Xap Field:

Guardian/Parent name - last

Revision Log:


Question Text:

Last Name [textbox]


Only displayed if previous response indicates the person is under 19 and not independent.

Additional Text:

Response Options:

Text string

Hover Help:

Enter the last name of one parent or guardian. If you have two parents or guardians, you can choose either one.

Pop-Up Help:

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required response; else error message, “You must provide the last name of your parent or guardian.”


Data Element:

personal_info: pg_lastname

Parent/Guardian Relationship

Data Element:




Applicant’s response to conditional question for Parent/Guardian Relationship

Format, Length:

bpchar,  1


M = Mother

F  = Father

G  = Guardian

Null = No response (question not asked)

Allows Null:






personal_info table

Xap Field:


Revision Log:


Question Text:

Relationship [menu]


Only displayed if previous response indicates ‘I am under the care and control of a parent or guardian’.

Additional Text:

Response Options:

M = Mother

F = Father

G = Guardian

Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required selection; else error message, “You must specify the relation of your parent or guardian to you.”


Data Element:

personal_info: pg_rel

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