2019-14B: Add Skip Logic for Dual Enrollment Students

2019-14B: Add Skip Logic for Dual Enrollment Students

Request No.2019-14B
Date of RequestFebruary 2019
RequesterMitch Leahy, Santa Rosa College
Application(s)Standard App
Section / Page

Education Page

Steering Hearing DateMarch 28, 2019
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD
JIRA OPENAPPLY-6146 - Getting issue details... STATUS

User Story

As a dual enrolled / concurrent enrolled student applying to a California Community College, I should only have to see and answer the College Education Level and Colleges Attended questions if I have previously attended one or more colleges prior to the current application I am submitting because the questions are not pertinent to me.

Problem / Issue

Currently, if an applicant is a dual enroll/concurrent enroll student - meaning their College Enrollment status = <Y = enrolling in high school or lower grade and college at the same time> - they are required to view and answer the College Education Level and Colleges Attended questions even if they have never attended college prior to the current application. 

If the Special Admit student is applying to college for the first time, while attending high school or lower grade, they should be asked if they have attended one or more colleges previously or not.  If yes, then display the College questions, and if No, hide the college questions and populate the fields with Null values. 

Additional Info

The pop-up validation language and radio buttons are already implemented but they do not display at the appropriate time to implement skip logic to streamline the application process for dual enroll students. See below for more details.


Dual enrollment student = A dual enrolled student is one that is concurrently enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time.

Proposed Solution

Using the existing validation language and code for dual enroll students, display the conditional question if the student's College Enrollment status = "Y = enrolling in high school or lower grade and college at the same time" Then display the conditional pop-up modal and require a response. If the student responds "Yes - I have attended one or more colleges in the past" THEN show the College Education Level and Colleges/Universities Attended sections, with all existing validation.  If the student responds "No - I have not attended college prior to this application", THEN hide the College Education Level and Colleges/Universities Attended section and populate fields with Null values.

Requirements Summary

  1. IF College Enrollment Status is “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” THEN display the Dual Enrollment Confirmation modal question and require a response to determine if the student has previously attended college in the past.

    1. Text in confirmation pop-up box should display as follows:

      “Have you ever attended college while also attending high school (or lower grade) at the same time, prior to the Term you are applying to in this application? If yes, check the box, otherwise click Continue."
      (checkbox) "Yes, I have attended one or more colleges prior to this Term I am applying to."
      (checkbox) "No, I have never attended college in the past"

3. A "Continue" button should be displayed in the confirmation pop-up box.

4. If user selects the checkbox, then DISPLAY/SHOW the college questions/sections to the student and hide the modal.

  • Display College Education Level and required a response
  • Display College Attended and use must NOT select zero
  • Display College count sets of questions and ensure validation is correct

5. If user DOES NOT check the box, then DO NOT DISPLAY/HIDE the College Education Level question and default response to “No degree”
HIDE the Colleges Attended section - and default the <college_count> to ZERO

6.  No validation should block the dual enroll student

User Personas & Use Cases


A dual enrolled student applying to CCC could have any of the following personas:

  1. Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time for the first time in the Term I’m applying to in the current application; OR

  2. Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time as a returning student who attended this college in a previous Term than the one I’m applying to in the current application

  3. Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time as a returning student who attended a different college in a previous Term than the one I’m applying to in the current application

    At the point we have confirmed their Enrollment Status and HS Edu Level - we still don’t know if they had

  • We don’t know if the student has attended a college previously or not, or obtained a degree
    We do know that the student has attended high school or lower grade previously, and we do know he/she will answer the HS Transcript question.


  1. A dual enroll student that answered “Yes” to the Confirmation question - that he/she has attended one or more colleges in a prior term to the one she is applying to in this application (regardless of whether they are returning to this college or not) must complete all the HS questions, including the HS transcript questions, and all the college (higher ed questions) and should NOT enter zero to the “Colleges Attended” questions <college_count> and should respond to at least one set of College_Attended questions.

  2. A dual enroll student that answered “No” to the Confirmation question, and is enrolling in college for the first time -in the term they are applying to in this application - should NOT see any college questions. The College Education Level question should default to the value of “No degree” AND “Colleges Attended” should equal zero (0). All other college question will not display and will default to the must respond with Zero to the Colleges Attended questions and should not see

Revise & Remove Questions from the Education Page

#Change Request DescriptionProposed Solution / RequirementsAdditional Information

(grey lightbulb)  Un-estimated Change Request: Add Dual Enrollment Value to College Enrollment Skip Logic

The following change requirement was not included in this "Low-Hanging Fruit #2" series because it was suggested late, after the original change requirement was estimated by the development team. However, by request, please review the requirements outlined below and provide an approval response on the Approval survey - in the event we have capacity to include it, we will have preliminary approval (or not). At that point it will be prioritized.


Revise skip logic validation the College Enrollment Status field to hide/show college questions for dual enrollment students

Do not display college questions to dual enrollment students based on response to College Enrollment Status.

  1. Revise the validation logic in the College Enrollment Status field to include hide/show college questions for dual enrollment students:

    IF College Enrollment Status = "Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time", THEN DO NOT DISPLAY the college questions and store "Null" in database.

  1. If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” THEN display confirmation pop-up box to determine if student has previously attended college or not:

Display Confirmation Pop-Up Box:

“Is this the first time you have attended college while in high school (or lower grades)?"

[radio button] "Yes, I confirm that I have attended college while still in high school (or lower grade) before.”

[radio button] "No, I have never attended college while in high school (or lower grade) before."

If Yes, DO NOT DISPLAY the college education or colleges attended section. If No, then DISPLAY the questions.

  • College Education Level = (higher_edu_level) 
  • Colleges Attended section: = starting with College Count (college_count). 

In 2018*, College enrollment status breakdown is as follows:

40% = First time student 

48.5% = returning to college

11.5% = Dual enrollment (high school or lower grade)

*Based on 2,451,319 applications submitted by 12/15/18

Proposed Changes to the Enrollment Status


Data Element:




Applicant’s response to College Enrollment Status question

Applicant’s response to College Enrollment Status question

Format, Length:

bpchar, 1

bpchar, 1


1  = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2  = Transfer student from another college

3  = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

1  = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2  = Transfer student from another college

3  = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

Allows Null:







Correlates to MIS SB15

Correlates to MIS SB15


education table

education table

Xap Field:



Revision Log:


March 2019

Question Text:

As of <RDD>, I will have the following college enrollment status:  [menu]

As of <RDD>, I will have the following college enrollment status:  [menu]




Additional Text: If a student is applying for a term that starts in May or June, then the College Enrollment Status and the High School Education labels have "as of 7/1/<RDD year>" listed.

Response Options:

1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2 = First time at this college; have attended another college

3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)

2 = First time at this college; have attended another college

3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term

Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time

Pop-Up Help:



Field Error Check:



Page Error Check:

Required selection; else error message, “You must select your College Enrollment Status.”

Required selection; else error message, “You must select your College Enrollment Status.”

If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the response option “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

Cannot be “First-time student in college” if college degree is indicated in “Higher education level” field; else error message, “You cannot have a College Enrollment Status of ‘First-time student in college’ if you have received an associate or bachelor’s degree.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then High School Education Level must be “Enrolled in college and high school (or lower grades) at the same time”; else error message, “Answers to College Enrollment Status and High School Education Level do not agree: please fix one or the other.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” or “First-time student in college (after leaving high school)”, and data is present in Colleges Attended section, applicant is prompted to confirm or correct the responses: “Your College Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.”

“I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.

If (RDD minus <birthdate>) => 22 years, then do not display the response option “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time”.

Cannot be “First-time student in college” if college degree is indicated in “Higher education level” field; else error message, “You cannot have a College Enrollment Status of ‘First-time student in college’ if you have received an associate or bachelor’s degree.”

If College Enrollment Status is "2 = First time at this college; have attended another college" or "3 = Returning student to this college after absent for a main term" THEN display College Education Status and Colleges/Universities Attended" sections and require responses, ELSE do not display college questions.

If College Enrollment Status is “Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, then High School Education Level must be “Enrolled in college and high school (or lower grades) at the same time”; else error message, “Answers to College Enrollment Status and High School Education Level do not agree: please fix one or the other.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time”, applicant is prompted to confirm if this is their first time in college or not: “Have you previously attended college while also enrolled in high school (or lower grades) before?"  If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.”

“I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.”

If College Enrollment Status is “Y = Enrolling in high school (or lower grades) and college at the same time” or “First-time student in college (after leaving high school)”, and data is present in Colleges Attended section, applicant is prompted to confirm or correct the responses: “Your College Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.”

“I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.”


Correlates to MIS SB15.

Note: Per SB11, If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

Correlates to MIS SB15.

Note: Per SB11, If student is 22 years or older at <RDD> they are prohibited from enrolling in high school or lower grade in California. Steering Committee approved request to remove the response option, “Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time” from the drop down menu to minimize errors in classification.

Data Element:

education: enroll_status

education: enroll_status

Higher Education Level (College)

aka "College Education Level"


Data Element:




Applicant’s response to Higher Education Level question

Applicant’s response to Higher Education Level question

Format, Length:

bpchar, 1

bpchar, 1


X = No degree

7 = Received an associate degree

8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

Null = No response

X = No degree

7 = Received an associate degree

8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

Null = No response

Allows Null:







Xap Field:



Revision Log:
March 2019

Question Text:

College Education Level as of <RDD> [menu]

College Education Level as of <RDD> [menu]


Displayed unless Enrollment Status is ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’.

Displayed unless Enrollment Status is ‘1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)" OR "Y - Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’.

Additional Text:



Response Options:

X = No degree

7 = Received an associate degree

8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

<null> No response

X = No degree

7 = Received an associate degree

8 = Received a bachelor’s degree or higher

<null> No response

Pop-Up Help:



Field Error Check:



Page Error Check:

Optional response.

May not specify a lower education level than any Degree Type indicated in the ‘Colleges Attended’ section; else error message, “The Higher Education Level you selected is not consistent with the Degree(s) you specified for Colleges Attended; please fix one or the other.”

Optional response.

May not specify a lower education level than any Degree Type indicated in the ‘Colleges Attended’ section; else error message, “The Higher Education Level you selected is not consistent with the Degree(s) you specified for Colleges Attended; please fix one or the other.”


Higher Ed Level can specify a higher degree than the highest “Degree” type at a College Attended because the degree might be from a college not listed.

education table

Higher Ed Level can specify a higher degree than the highest “Degree” type at a College Attended because the degree might be from a college not listed.

education table

Data Element:

education:  higher_edu_level

education:  higher_edu_level

Number of Colleges Attended

Data Element:




Applicant’s response to Number of Colleges Attended question

Applicant’s response to Number of Colleges Attended question

Format, Length:




0  = None

1  = 1

2  = 2

3  = 3

4  = 4

5  = 5 or more

0  = None

1  = 1

2  = 2

3  = 3

4  = 4

5  = 5 or more

Allows Null:







education table

education table

Xap Field:



Revision Log:


March 2019

Question Text:

Specify the number of colleges you have attended including those you are currently attending.

[radio button] None        [radio button] 1        [radio button] 2        [radio button] 3        [radio button] 4        [radio button] 5 or more

Specify the number of colleges you have attended including those you are currently attending.

[radio button] None        [radio button] 1        [radio button] 2        [radio button] 3        [radio button] 4        [radio button] 5 or more



Displayed UNLESS Enrollment Status is ‘1 = First-time student in college (after leaving high school)" OR "Y - Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’.

Additional Text:

If ‘5 or more’ is selected: Instructions TBD

If ‘5 or more’ is selected: Instructions TBD

Response Options:

As shown in Question Text.

As shown in Question Text.

Pop-Up Help:



Field Error Check:



Page Error Check:

Required response; else error message, “You must select the number of colleges/universities you have attended.”

Must not be ‘None’ if Enrollment Status is ‘Transfer student from another college’ or

‘Returning student to this college after absent for a main term’; else error message, “Your Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended do not agree. Please correct one or the other.”

Must not be ‘None’ if Higher Education Level is ‘Received an associate degree’ or ‘Received a bachelor’s degree or higher’; else error message, “Your Higher Education Level cannot indicate a college degree if the number of colleges/universities you have attended is None.

Please correct one or the other.”

Must be ‘None’ if Enrollment Status is ‘First-time student in college (after leaving high school)’ or ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’; else error message, “Your Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.

[checkbox] I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.” This edit will never get activated because the same edit related to college data present will get triggered first. It is the same confirmation/error message.

Required response; else error message, “You must select the number of colleges/universities you have attended.”

Must not be ‘None’ if Enrollment Status is ‘Transfer student from another college’ or

‘Returning student to this college after absent for a main term’; else error message, “Your Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended do not agree. Please correct one or the other.”

Must not be ‘None’ if Higher Education Level is ‘Received an associate degree’ or ‘Received a bachelor’s degree or higher’; else error message, “Your Higher Education Level cannot indicate a college degree if the number of colleges/universities you have attended is None.

Please correct one or the other.”

Must be ‘None’ if Enrollment Status is ‘First-time student in college (after leaving high school)’ or ‘Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time’; else error message, “Your Enrollment Status and number of colleges attended indicate that you have previously attended college while in high school (or lower grades). If this is true, please check the confirmation box below. If it is not true, please correct your responses as necessary.

[checkbox] I confirm that I previously attended college while in high school or lower grades.” This edit will never get activated because the same edit related to college data present will get triggered first. It is the same confirmation/error message.


This question replaces the “more than 4 colleges” checkbox in Xap CCCApply. It allows CCCApply to display the exact number of Colleges Attended question blocks needed and to require that all are filled in.

Information about colleges attended is sorted as follows:

The number of College/University question sets that will appear depends on the response to Number of Colleges Attended.

If the Number of Colleges Attended is ‘5ormore’, we probably want to insert instructional text after the Number of Colleges Attended question. This text would tell the user which colleges to list: most recent; most significant; anything as long as the highest degree is included. To minimize redundancy, this document provides tables for the College/University 1 question set only. For College/University 2, College/University 3, and College/University 4,everything is the same as for College/University1 except:

•     Wherever it occurs in the tables, “College/University 1” will be replaced by “College/ University 2”, “College/University 3”, or “College/University 4” as appropriate.

This question replaces the “more than 4 colleges” checkbox in Xap CCCApply. It allows CCCApply to display the exact number of Colleges Attended question blocks needed and to require that all are filled in.

Information about colleges attended is sorted as follows:

The number of College/University question sets that will appear depends on the response to Number of Colleges Attended.

If the Number of Colleges Attended is ‘5ormore’, we probably want to insert instructional text after the Number of Colleges Attended question. This text would tell the user which colleges to list: most recent; most significant; anything as long as the highest degree is included. To minimize redundancy, this document provides tables for the College/University 1 question set only. For College/University 2, College/University 3, and College/University 4,everything is the same as for College/University1 except:

•     Wherever it occurs in the tables, “College/University 1” will be replaced by “College/ University 2”, “College/University 3”, or “College/University 4” as appropriate.

  • The question set for College/University 2 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5 or more’.
  • The question set for College/University 3 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5 or more’.
  • The question set for College/University 4 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘4’ or ‘5 or more’.

Sorting Colleges Attended:

When there are two or more colleges, they can be listed in any order by the applicant. However, in the database they will be sorted and saved in order of attendance, with College/University 1 the most recently attended. The primary sorting date will be Attendance Ended; the secondary sorting date will be Attendance Began. If two or more colleges have the same Attendance Ended date and the same Attendance Began date, it doesn’t matter which comes before the other in the sorting.

Note:  In the Xap system, once the Education page has been completed, the schools are resorted on the Education page to match the database sorting. It does not matter whether CCCApply does this. However, if CCCApply does resort the Colleges Attended list, to prevent confusing situations for the user, the sorting should not occur until the page is completed (i.e., sorting should not occur when the page is saved but not completed).

  • The question set for College/University 2 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5 or more’.
  • The question set for College/University 3 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘3’, ‘4’, or ‘5 or more’.
  • The question set for College/University 4 will appear when Number of Colleges Attended is ‘4’ or ‘5 or more’.

Sorting Colleges Attended:

When there are two or more colleges, they can be listed in any order by the applicant. However, in the database they will be sorted and saved in order of attendance, with College/University 1 the most recently attended. The primary sorting date will be Attendance Ended; the secondary sorting date will be Attendance Began. If two or more colleges have the same Attendance Ended date and the same Attendance Began date, it doesn’t matter which comes before the other in the sorting.

Note:  In the Xap system, once the Education page has been completed, the schools are resorted on the Education page to match the database sorting. It does not matter whether CCCApply does this. However, if CCCApply does resort the Colleges Attended list, to prevent confusing situations for the user, the sorting should not occur until the page is completed (i.e., sorting should not occur when the page is saved but not completed).

Data Element:



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