2019-14: Dual Enrollment Students Need Ability to be First Time or Returning College Students

2019-14: Dual Enrollment Students Need Ability to be First Time or Returning College Students

Request No.2019-14
Date of RequestFebruary 2019
RequesterCCCApply Redesign Workgroup
Application(s)Standard App
Section / Page

Education Page

Steering Hearing DateMarch 28, 2019
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD

User Story

As a dual enrolled / concurrent enrolled student applying to a California Community College, I need to be able to declare my prior college attendance accurately without error messages or blockers preventing me from submitting my application or forcing me to make a false statement in order to submit my application - on the Education page.

Problem / Issue

Currently, the CCCApply application is not allowing dual enrollment students (students enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time) to declare that they are first time in college (and HS at the same time) or returning dural enroll students who can have a college degree (AA/AS or BA/BS) while still attending high school or lower grade.

The application needs to allow students enrolled in high school (or lower grade) to declare an accurate college education experience, including obtaining a college degree, to one oremore edj level and degree status for their college attendance.


CCCApply is currently throwing errors and blocking high school (or lower grade) students from applying if they claim they haven’t previously attended a college AND if they claim they have previously attended college.

The CCCCO has a focused initiative on Dual Enrollment students and CCCApply needs to support a streamlined and barrier free experience for this population.

Proposed Solution

Update the College Enrollment Status and High School/Higher education level fields to allow students who are enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time to declare/disclose current or previous college information (college education level, colleges/universities attended, degrees obtained).

  • This is a break out from OPENAPPLY-5660 and is being developed to fix issues with our current implementation for a student that is dual enrollment. A dual enrolled student could have no previous college history prior to the term they are applying to - and therefore should not see the College Education level question OR the Colleges Attended count field;
  • Or he/she could have attended one or more colleges prior to the term he is applying to (first time in college but dual enrolled).
  • We need to find out if the user has attended college in the past and if so, display and collect college questions and if not, hide college questions.


Dual enrollment student = A dual enrolled student is one that is concurrently enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time.

Requirements Summary

See Jira (Bug ticket implemented 6.6.1)

QUESTIONS for Steering?

Are there different requirements for dual enrolled Noncredit students? 

Can high school or lower grade students enroll in Noncredit programs?

What other requirements are pertinent for dual enrollment students?

User Personas & Use Cases


A dual enrolled student applying to CCC could have any of the following personas:

  1. Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time for the first time - I have not previously attended college; OR

  2. Enrolling in high school (or lower g