2019-17: Open Issues Around the Citizenship & Military Page - Apply

2019-17: Open Issues Around the Citizenship & Military Page - Apply

Request No.2019-16
Date of Request3.18.19
Section / Page

Citizenship / Military

Steering Hearing DateTBD
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD

Problem / Issue

There are a number of open issues regarding bugs, changes, or enhancements needed for the CCCApply Education pages (Standard & International). 

This page is a consolidation of all open issues in order to review them together and prioritize need. 

Proposed Solution

Review all open issues and prioritize need for upcoming releases.

Pending Change Requests

CR#DescriptionSectionPriorityStatusNext Action(s)

Ability for DACA student to declare DACA status


Change the section label from 'Citizenship" to: 
Citizenship & Immigration Status

Increase the font size of "No Documents" in Visa Type /Other Section

Updating language in certain areas across CCCApply where undocumented or other ? students may feel intimidated or fearful about providing information about themselves or their parents/guardians.

  • Parent/Guardian Information (Dependency Status)
  • Gender
  • Citizenship & Immigration Status section

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes
Immigrants Rising: Protecting Student DataPDFImmigrants-Rising_Protecting-Student-Data-in-CA.pdf