2019-24: Revise Self-Reported Multiple Measures Section in CCCApply

2019-24: Revise Self-Reported Multiple Measures Section in CCCApply

Request No.2019-24
Date of RequestMay 6, 2019
RequesterMallory Newell 
John Hett
Craig Hayward
Application(s)Standard App
Section / Page


Steering Hearing DateTBD
Proposed Change to Download FileYes
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNo
CHANGE STATUSAPPROVED - Release 6.6.0 - Sept/Oct 2019

Problem / Issue

MMPS Advsiory Committee has requested changes made to the current self-reported Multiple Measures questions in CCCApply, including revision to the conditions for which the questions should display and a change to the qualifying high school question to determine if the applicant had completed 11th grade. 

Proposed Solution

Implement the following changes to the High School Transcript Information section that currently appears in the CCCApply Standard Application. NOTE: The High School Transcript Information section DOES NOT appear in the Noncredit Application or the International Application. 

  1. Discontinue use of the "Have you completed 11th grade?" question completely.  Remove from the application.
  2. Create a new question and data field called "Highest Grade Completed" which will only display to high school or lower grade students.  There are 5 data field values and response options in this new question, which are (and should appear in the following order):
    1. 12th grade, 11th grade, 10th grade, 9th grade, and Currently enrolled in 9th grade or lower grade
  3. The new "Highest Grade Completed" field should be added to the Download Client, Report Center, Admin Rules, and Superglue data sets 
  4. Ensure that "Grade Point Average" question/field is included and displayed as part of the High School Transcript Information section. 
  5. The conditions that display the High School Transcript Information section need to be revised as follows:
    1. Top level Condition:  The High School Transcript Information section should appear by default to ALL colleges/all users that meet the revised conditions. This section is NO LONGER OPTIONAL. The logic to display these questions should be turned on for all colleges. (NOTE: This section used to be "optional" and colleges used to be required to "opt-in" in order to participate in collecting self-reported data questions. With this new change, this section should now display by default - based on the new conditions for display.

    2. Condition 1:  Change condition 1 in the following ways:
      1. Display the new "Highest Grade Completed" question based on HS Ed level response; to all concurrently enrolled high school and lower grade students, AND students who are no longer in high school and did not graduate in the United States (see values below)
      2. Add a condition to the new question "Highest Grade Completed" to display the High School Transcript Information ONLY if the application completed the 9th grade (meaning the response to the new question, "What was the highest grade you completed in high school?" needs to be 9th grade or higher ELSE do not display any further questions or the HSTI section.

    3. Condition 2: Change condition 2 to display the HSTI section to ALL high school graduates or equivalent who have a qualifying High School Education Level and completed in the "United States".
      1. REMOVE the condition that only displays the section if the user has completed HS (or equivalent) within 10 years of the RDD.  Now this section will appear to ALL applicants who completed HS or equivalent in the United States regardless of when they completed HS. 

See full breakdown of change requirements below.

Change Requirements

  1. Replace the "Completed Eleventh Grade" question with a new question/field: "Highest Grade Completed"
    1. Discontinue use of the "Completed Eleventh Grade" question and data field - this will be replaced with a new question/field (see b. below)
    2. Implement a new question / data field - that should be called "Highest Grade Completed" - intended to serve two purposes: 1) identify the highest grade completed in high school by the user; and 2) serve as the new trigger to display the MM questions (this will be reflected in the updated Conditions)
      1. The response options should be:  
        1. 12th Grade
        2. 11th Grade
        3. 10th Grade
        4. 9th Grate
        5. Currently in 9th grade or lower

      1. It should only be displayed if the user is "enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR if the user is "no longer enrolled in high school" :
  2. Revise both Conditions that display the "High School Transcript Information" section in CCCApply Standard Application:
    1. Revise Condition 1 - replacing the call to display the  11th grade question with the new "Highest Grade Completed" question with the MM question IF the  AND include to read FROM:  
      Display "High School Transcript Information" section and "Have you completed the 11th 9th grade?" questions IF: 
      High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time"  AND High school Country = United States

Display "High School Transcript Information" section and “Highest grade completed” question IF:

High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR “Not a graduate of, or no longer enrolled in high school”


High school Country = United States

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

Discontinue "completed_eleventh_grade" from use

Add new data field:  <highest_grade_completed>

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Would colleges be affected by this change? 

Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?
Glue data set change
Other dependencies?

Other implementation considerations?


For reference purposes - below is the specification that appears in the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2019.1 and earlier versions. 

High School Transcript Information Section

General Requirements

The technical specifications below are for OPTIONAL adoption and implementation of the High School Transcript Information section which will appear on the Education page. Colleges must opt-in to participate. If a college chooses to implement, the display of questions and logic must be turned on manually by the CCCApply development team.

Heading:  High School Transcript Information

Onscreen Text: "College staff use this information to provide guidance. Your responses will not affect your admission to college."

Conditions for High School Transcript Information Section

The "High School Transcript Information" section will appear between the Last High School Attended and the College Education Level sections IF either of the conditions below are met, otherwise it does not display.

Condition 1:

Display "High School Transcript Information" section and "Have you completed the 11th grade?" question IF:

High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time"


High school Country = United States       

Condition 2:

Display "High School Transcript Information" section and display “Grade Point Average” question, but DO NOT display “Have you completed the 11th grade?” question IF:

High School Education Level is one of the following:

  • Received high school diploma from US high school
  • Passed a high school equivalency test
  • Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency;


High School Completion Date is < 10 years from the RDD (high school completion/graduation is less than 10 years prior to the day before the first day of the selected Term).


High School Country = United States

THEN, display "High School Transcript Information" section with Grade Point Average question always.

ELSE, DO NOT DISPLAY NEW SECTION or any section questions.

Completed Eleventh Grade

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to whether they have completed the 11th grade in high school.

Format, Length:





Allows Null:





Data collection for purposes of Common Assessment placement


Appears in new section in Education table: High School Transcript Information; optional display in CCCApply. College must opt-in for section to display and to download data field.

Question Text:

“Have you completed the 11th grade?”


ONLY display IF 1) High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" AND 2) "hs_country = United States", ELSE do not display

Additional Text:

"College staff use this information to provide guidance. Your responses will not affect your admission to college."

Response Options:



Pop-Up Help:

Field Error Check:

Page Error Check:

1.      Required selection; else error message, "You must indicate if you have completed 11th grade or not."

Data Element:

education:  completed_eleventh_grade

Grade Point Average

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to high school grade point average (GPA).

Format, Length:

Var char, 5


Text input _. _ _

Allows Null:





Data collection for purposes of Common Assessment placement


Appears in new section in Education table: High School Transcript Information; optional display in CCCApply. College must opt-in for section to display and to download data field.

Question Text:

What was your unweighted high school GPA (grade point average)? Please enter a value between 0.00 and 4.00.


Always display "High School Transcript Information" section with Grade Point Average question IF either of the following conditions have been met:

1)     Have you completed 11th grade? = Yes

2)     High School Education Level is one of the following:

•          Received high school diploma from US high school

•          Passed a high school equivalency test

•          Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency;


High School Completion Date is < 10 years from the RDD (High school completion date or equivalent is less than 10 years prior to the day before the start of the Term).


High School Country <hs_country> is “United States”

THEN, display with “High School Transcript Information" section;
ELSE, DO NOT DISPLAY NEW SECTION or any section questions.

Additional Text:

If you are still in high school, enter your cumulative unweighted GPA as of the end of 11th grade. If unsure, please estimate.

Response Options:

User input

Pop-Up Help:

There are two (2) hyperlinks that trigger the same Help Pop-Up Box.

 Hyperlink: "unweighted high school GPA" in the onscreen question;

 Hyperlink:  "cumulative unweighted GPA" in the Additional text.

< Pop Up Help text:>

High School Transcript: Grade Point Average

You may want to refer to your high school transcript to answer this question.

Cumulative GPA: This is the running total of your GPA that includes all of your high school coursework.

Unweighted GPA: Typically, transcripts will show both a weighted and unweighted GPA. The unweighted GPA has a maximum value of 4.0 and does not assign extra points or “weight” to classes that are more difficult such as AP or Honors classes.

Field Error Check:

Must be a numeric value between 0.00 - 4.00, else error message, "You must enter a numerical GPA that is not 0.00 or higher than 4.00. If you are unsure, please estimate."

Page Error Check:

Required selection; Must not be 0.00 or higher than 4.00, else error message, “You must enter a numerical GPA that is not 0.00 or higher than 4.00. If you are unsure, please estimate.”

Data Element:

education:  grade_point_average


Below are the changes that need to be made to the current CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2019.1.  Items that appear in BLUE are new specifications; items that appear in RED or strikethrough should be removed from the specifications.

High School Transcript Information Section

General Requirements

The technical specifications below are for OPTIONAL adoption and implementation of the High School Transcript Information section which will appear on the Education page. Colleges must opt-in to participate. If a college chooses to implement, the display of questions and logic must be turned on manually by the CCCApply development team.

The technical specifications below pertain to the High School Transcript Information section which appears on the Education page of the CCCApply Standard Application for all users that meet the conditions for display, outlined below. 

NOTE: The High School Transcript Information self-reported questions DO NOT APPEAR in the Noncredit Application path of the Standard Application.

Heading:  High School Transcript Information

Onscreen Text: "College staff use this information to provide guidance. Your responses will not affect your admission to college."

Conditions for High School Transcript Information Section

The High School Transcript Information section will appear following the Last High School Attended and the College Education Level sections IF either of the conditions below are met, otherwise it does not display.

Condition 1:

Display the "Highest Grade Completed" question  "High School Transcript Information" section and "Have you completed the 11th grade?" question IF:

High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR “Not a graduate of, or no longer enrolled in high school”


High school Country = United States  

ELSE DO NOT DISPLAY "Highest Grade Completed" question and do not display "High School Transcript Information" section.     

IF response to the "Highest Grade Completed" question is NOT "Currently enrolled in 9th grade or lower grade" THEN Display the High School Transcript Information section (including the Grade Point Average question) and require responses as specified in each question

ELSE, DO NOT DISPLAY High School Transcript Information SECTION or any section questions. 

Condition 2:

Display "High School Transcript Information" section (which includes the “Grade Point Average” question), but DO NOT display “Have you completed the 11th grade?” question IF:

High School Education Level is one of the following:

  • Received high school diploma from US high school
  • Passed a high school equivalency test
  • Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency;


High School Completion Date is < 10 years from the RDD (high school completion/graduation is less than 10 years prior to the day before the first day of the selected Term).


High School Country = United States

THEN, display "High School Transcript Information" section with Grade Point Average question always.

ELSE, DO NOT DISPLAY NEW High School Transcript Information SECTION or any section questions.

Completed Eleventh Grade

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to whether they have completed the 11th grade in high school.

Format, Length:





Allows Null:





Data collection for purposes of Common Assessment placement


Appears in new section in Education table: High School Transcript Information; optional display in CCCApply. College must opt-in for section to display and to download data field.


Question Text:

“Have you completed the 11th grade?”


ONLY display IF 1) High School Education Level = "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" AND 2) "hs_country = United States", ELSE do not display

This question is discontinued from use (beginning v.6.5.0 June 28, 2019)

Additional Text:

"College staff use this information to provide guidance. Your responses will not affect your admission to college."

Response Options:



Pop-Up Help:

Field Error Check:

Page Error Check:

1.      Required selection; else error message, "You must indicate if you have completed 11th grade or not."

Data Element:

education:  completed_eleventh_grade

Revision HistoryRemoved from the application - No Longer Used
v.6.5.0 - June 28, 2019

Grade Point Average

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to high school grade point average (GPA).

Format, Length:

Var char, 5


Text input _. _ _

Allows Null:





Data collection for purposes of Common Assessment placement


Appears in new section in Education table: High School Transcript Information; optional display in CCCApply. College must opt-in for section to display and to download data field.

Question Text:

What was your unweighted high school GPA (grade point average)? Please enter a value between 0.00 and 4.00.


Always display "High School Transcript Information" section with Grade Point Average question IF either of the following conditions have been met:

1)     Have you completed 11th grade? = Yes

  1. Highest Grade Completed is NOT = "Currently enrolled in 9th grade or lower grade"  OR

  2.  High School Education Level is one of the following:

•          Received high school diploma from US high school

•          Passed a high school equivalency test

•          Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency;


High School Completion Date is < 10 years from the RDD (High school completion date or equivalent is less than 10 years prior to the day before the start of the Term).


High School Country <hs_country> is “United States”

THEN, display with “High School Transcript Information" section;
ELSE, DO NOT DISPLAY NEW SECTION or any section questions.

Additional Text:

If you are still in high school, enter your cumulative unweighted GPA as of the end of 11th grade. If unsure, please estimate.

Response Options:

User input

Pop-Up Help:

There are two (2) hyperlinks that trigger the same Help Pop-Up Box.

 Hyperlink: "unweighted high school GPA" in the onscreen question;

 Hyperlink:  "cumulative unweighted GPA" in the Additional text.

< Pop Up Help text:>

High School Transcript: Grade Point Average

You may want to refer to your high school transcript to answer this question.

Cumulative GPA: This is the running total of your GPA that includes all of your high school coursework.

Unweighted GPA: Typically, transcripts will show both a weighted and unweighted GPA. The unweighted GPA has a maximum value of 4.0 and does not assign extra points or “weight” to classes that are more difficult such as AP or Honors classes.

Field Error Check:

Must be a numeric value between 0.00 - 4.00, else error message, "You must enter a numerical GPA that is not 0.00 or higher than 4.00. If you are unsure, please estimate."

Page Error Check:

Required selection; Must not be 0.00 or higher than 4.00, else error message, “You must enter a numerical GPA that is not 0.00 or higher than 4.00. If you are unsure, please estimate.”

Data Element:

education:  grade_point_average

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes

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