2019-26: CCGI-CCCApply Auto-Population API Project 2019

2019-26: CCGI-CCCApply Auto-Population API Project 2019

Request No.2019-26
Date of RequestJune 7, 2019  Update: 10/14/19

Tessa de Carmen, Director
Ben Baird, CCGI
Patty Donohue

New Players:  Jennifer Coleman, John Sills (OpenCCC)
Bryan Schroeder (API architecture / engineering)


Standard Application

New OpenCCC system

eTranscipt and/or MMPS

Sections / Pages

TBD 10/14/19

  • OpenCCC New Account & Basic Profile
  • Education (most likely)
  • MM HS Transcript Info
  • Enrollment page (partial)
  • Needs Page?
Approvals / Date ApprovedTBD - Jennifer / Barney / Patty / John / Tessa 
Change to Download FileTBD - Looking at the now
Change to Residency LogicTBD - N/A

Problem / Issue

10/14/19:  Patty, John Sills, Bryan Schroeder and Jennifer met with Tess and Ben Baird to discuss integration opportunities again - now that things have settled down, regime change at the CO, and Barney is open to more integration opportunities (data automation).

Our goal for this project is to develop and deliver a more universal/all-purpose API that can be used for other projects as well as CCGI. 

We want to avoid custom code for each partner project if we can help it. 

10/14/19: Get notes from today's meeting.  Next meeting internal.  Next all group meeting scheduled for Monday November 4 at1pm. - with more details. 

Other potential project - update support & application integration pages from CCGI (this is related to the ^^ integration project above, but focused on the CCGI UI and the CCCApply.org UI.

Also, Ben is sending over a video of the CCGI > CSU Apply application and data API integration.

Note how CSU Apply also has a "Track Status" feature on their In-Progress My Applications module - which is integrated with CCGI too.

More details coming. 

Next Steps: Patty, John, Bryan and Jennifer meet to discuss options, requirements, and feasible timelines.  What can we feasibly get this done for March 2020 TBD

Email from Jennifer to team / CCGI 11/15/19:

As the Tech Center teams refine plans for upcoming releases for CCCApply and OpenCCC with an eye toward providing pre-population of application data from CCGI and other third-party sources (CVC-OEI, etc.), I wanted to make sure we have all the right parties involved in the conversation. This functionality will be on the roadmap for Q3 and/or Q4, with spring dates for pilot and production releases.
In support of K-12 students, we are planning to leverage the SuperGlue infrastructure to support the pre-population of data, and I want to make sure the right data gets included.
CCGI team: I'm asking that you please review the summary of OpenCCC/CCCApply data fields included in this Google Doc, with reference to the CCCApply data dictionary as needed to clarify data field descriptions. Please highlight in the Google Doc those data fields students complete as part of their interaction with CaliforniaColleges.edu, along with adding any other CCGI data points that you'd like to see leveraged. Once we have this information, the teams will be able to determine the data connections necessary and estimate development effort required.
I'm assuming multiple application pages/sections and associated branching logic within CCCApply will add complexity to this conversation. The significant changes being made the account creation and recovery processes via OpenCCC, currently underway and scheduled for release by end of current FY, will also have an impact on this work, along with the ongoing revisions being made to logic within CCCApply in support of homeless students, and continued redesign efforts to streamline the student experience.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Update this page with information from the CCGI Auto-Population proposal (add docs as attachments).

ALSO - Update this CR or add a new CR to capture the other two projects that were discussed with CCGI.  (Among them, draft project proposal to revise, enhance and implement a "HS page" in the CCCApply.org pages - currently supposedly implemented or hosted via MyPath (student services proof of concept); - auto-populate from other available data; expand ability to start/submit application to multiple colleges from CCGI (consent to release would apply to multiple colleges).

Proposed Solution

10/14/19:  Discussed several possible data automation opportunities (building a all-purpose API and micro-service for auto-population, streamlining, and data automation between CCGi > OpenCCC > CCCApply (our student-facing applications):

  1. Data population from CCGI students high school seniors and dual enrollment students to OpenCCC new account and basic profile
  2. Data population from CCGI students (high school seniors and dual enroll students) to CCCApply application data
  3. Data pop and integration from CCGI to HS transcript (MM) data AND eTranscript data (Student Profile) 

There are also other functional integration features that CCGI may want to do, such as custom branding of  with CCGI of the OpenCCC account interface (for seniors we may not want to do that, since they will be leaving high school and attending CCC, where CCC should be the prominent brand.  However, for dual enrollment students - who may not be leaving high school or lower grade for several years, branding with CCGI may make more sense. 

See Docs from CCGI

  1. CCGI Pre population-Email from Tessa Carmen De Roy.pdf
  2. CCCCApply-CCGI check in.pdf
  3. Pre-populating CCCApply from CaliforniaColleges.edu (3).pdf
  4. 2020-21 CCPG Application Form English Draft.pdf

10.14.19:  Everything below this line has been transferred here from a CCGI requirements PDF created by Ben Baird and Tess de Carmen at CCGI (Dated June 2019).  it was transferred here so that I can add notes and additional requirements.


Data that could potentially be pre-populated in OpenCCC and CCCApply

For students who launch their CCCApply application from CaliforniaColleges.edu,

  • SSID is matched to CCCID, and
  • Academic courses and grades within their account are provided to CCCTech Center for inclusion in the conductor workflow that supports AB 705 implementation.

CCGI has prepared this document to explore how data from CaliforniaColleges.edu might pre-populate CCCApply with the dual interests of:

1. reducing application effort for students and

2. feeding more accurate data to the colleges


The following sections of the application either can be, or could be (future state) pre-populated by information from students’ accounts on CaliforniaColleges.edu:

  • Enrollment Information: No current state opportunity for pre-population, though future state, education goal and major could be pre-populated.
  • Account Information: Name and Date of Birth could be pre-populated
    • Legal Name (first, middle, last)
    • Preferred Name (open text box)
    • Email Address
    • Mobile Phone 
    • Second Phone
    • Permanent (Home) Address
      • Street 1 and Street 2
      • City 
      • State
      • Zipcode
      • Province 
      • Postal Code
      • Country
      • Homeless ?  Y/N
      • Validation:  CASS Verification?

  • Education: College and High School enrollment status could be pre-populated, as well as some high school transcript information.

CANNOT Pre-Populate

The following sections CANNOT be pre-populated by information from students’ accounts on CaliforniaColleges.edu

  • Citizenship/Military: No opportunity for pre-population.

  • Residency: No opportunity for pre-population. 
    • (10.14.19 - Really?...)
      • CA2YRS  =  "Have you lived in CA for the past two years?"  <RDD minus 2 yrs>" attended HS in CA for 3 years?"  and "
      • Out-of-State Indicators:
        • "Did you attended college outside CA since <RDD-2> year?"
          • If yes, what year?   (Date format = YYYY)
        • "Did you paid taxes outside of CA since <RDD-2> year?"
          • If yes, what year?   (Date format = YYYY)
        • "Did you registered to vote outside of CA since <RDD-2> year?"
          • If yes, what year?   (Date format = YYYY)
        • "Did you file a lawsuit outside of CA since <RDD-2> year?"
          • If yes, what year?   (Date format = YYYY)

  • Needs and Interests: No opportunity for pre-population. Really?  
    • <comfortable with english?>
    • <getting financial assistance?>
    • <receiving CalWorks, TANFF, GA, SSI?>

  • Demographic Information: No opportunity for pre-population. While data elements are similar the definition and allowable field values are not identical.  Really?
    • Gender?
      • <gender> = M, F, B (non-binary), X, Blank

    • PG Ed Level 1 & 2

      • Parent/Guardian Education Level (1)
        • Did not graduate from High School - No degree
        • Some high school - No diploma
        • High School Graduate -w/ Diploma
        • Some college
        • Jr/Community College - Degree AA/AS
        • Jr./Community College - Transfer (No Degree)
        • Jr/Community College for Transfer - Degree AA-T/ AS-T
        • State College or University Graduate - Degree BA or BS)
        • University Graduate - Master Degree
        • University Graduate - Degree Ph.D.
      • Parent/Guardian 2 Education Level (2) 
        • Same as ABove

  • Supplemental Questions: Defined by college, no opportunity for pre-population. TCD/BB v0. 2/4/2019

Enrollment Information Tab:

  • Term: Multiple terms are available to choose from, and only the student will know which is appropriate.
  • Educational Goal: Assuming that these values will remain constant through redesign, specification of a goal using these values could be integrated into CaliforniaColleges.edu and could be included in the 12th grade lesson plan entitled Planning for Community College Bound Students.
  • Major Category / Meta Major
  • Intended Major/Program of Study: These majors are college specific and significant changes in the organizations of majors are underway as part of Guided Pathways. CaliforniaColleges.edu uses the COCI data set to inform majors available at each campus. For students who have indicated their major of interest, such information could theoretically port over as part of their application. 

Account Information Tab:

While most of the fields b

  • Name: Could be pre-populated, although this information actually is captured during CCC account information creation.
  • Address: Could be pre-populated, however a student’s address may not be the address on file with High School, so it would be important to include a confirmation process for this data element.
  • Phone: See above note for address.
  • Email: While a High School email may be available within CaliforniaColleges.edu, such an email will likely no longer be available to student upon graduation.
  • SSN: This element is not captured within CaliforniaColleges.edu
  • Date of Birth: This element can be pre-populated.
  • Current Mailing Address: See above note for address

Education Tab

  • College Enrollment Status: This element can be pre-populated.
    • <enroll_status> = 
      • 1 = first time in college
      • 2 = returning to this college
      • 3 = returning to any college
      • Y = enrolled in high school and lower-grade at the same time

  • High School Education: This element can be pre-populated.
    • <hs_edu_level> 
      • < get values>
      • < get values>
      • < get values>
    • <hs_comp_date> = Date MM/DD/YYYY
    • <higher_edu_level>
    • <highest_edu_level>
    • <attended_hs_CA3Y>
    • <get value>

  • Last High School Attended: This element can be pre-populated.
    • <hs_attendance> 
      • < get values > 
      • < get values>
      • < get values>
      • < I did not attend high school  = get values>
    • <hs_name>
    • <hs_country>
    • <hs_state>
    • <hs_zipcode>
    • <hs_cds>
    • <hs_ceeb>
    • <hs_cds_full>
  • High School Transcript Information: Course information and GPA can be pre-populated. CCGI would need to generate an unweighted GPA from the student’s complete course list.
    • <highest_grade_completed> NEW
      • <9th grade>
        <10th grade>
      • <11th grade>
      • <12th grade>
    • <GPA>
    • <highest_eng_taken>
      • <highest_eng_grade>
    • <highest_math_taken>
      • <highest_math_grade>
    • <highest_math_completed>
    • College_Enroll-Status = Y or N
    • Degree Obtained?  = Y or N
    • College Count <1-5>
    • Degree
  • College Information: This information is not available to be pre-populated.  (Patty 10.14.19:  Talk to Josh to see if there's any possible solution here.)

< Below this line ^ is a requirements-gathering data checklist and standard template checklist for gathering website requests

Upstream / Downstream Data Dependencies, Risks and Business Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Would colleges be affected by this change? 

Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

i.e., Glue staging table?
Other dependencies?

Other implementation considerations?

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes

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