2019-22: Revise the Emancipate Minor (Parent/Guardian Information) Question Format

2019-22: Revise the Emancipate Minor (Parent/Guardian Information) Question Format

Request No.2019-22
Date of Request3.29.19
RequesterMitch Leahy, Santa Rosa College
Application(s)CCCApply Standard
Section / Page

Account Information / Parent Guardian Info

Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD (No)

NOTE:  This specific change solution was declined and closed. However, see new APPROVED change solution here:  Revise Parent-Guardian Information Question Layout - Prioritized for deployment in Fall 2020

Problem / Issue

In addition to the issue raised by the CO regarding more complaints from colleges regarding foster youth minors being confused by the options displayed to identify if a minor is "dependent" or "independent" for the purposes of determining residency, Santa Rosa College also provided feedback that students complain about being confused with the layout of the question in general.  Due to the format of the question - which asks "Select the statement that best describes you:" - then provides a bulleted list of reasons that would classify a minor as "independent" and therefore residency would be based on their information and not on their parent or guardian - they are getting confused and do not seem to "see" the second option, which states: "None of the statements above are true about me" - and therefore getting an error message that further confuses them.  

Request to revise the layout of the question to help clarify the options for parent / guardian information.

See screen shots below.

Supporting Information 

Proposed Solution

Note: Patty met with Tyler and Amanda on 4.2.19 to discuss if this layout change could be implemented with the upcoming change to this question (bullet being added to the "Statements that are true about me" section. Unfortunately, this work was already coded by the time we met; therefore this additional enhancement will have to be postponed to the next release.

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?
Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


A proposed solution is to split out the two radio button solutions, and expand upon the response options in order to identify each bullet as a separate response. Currently all the bulleted "statements" all map to the "Yes" response. If the proposed change is approved, each bullet option in the Yes area would be identified (still maps to "yes", but would also break down individual yes responses).
Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any other data fields be affected by this change?
Would students users be affected by this change?
Would colleges be affected by this change? 
Would the Download Client be affected by this change?
What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?
?i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple Measur
Other dependencies?

Other implementation considerations?

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes
2019-21 FW_ Emancipated Minor Questionnaire trigger-question.pdfPDF
Email from Santa Rosa College