2019-13: Remove the Needs & Interests page in the Standard App by default but make it be optional

2019-13: Remove the Needs & Interests page in the Standard App by default but make it be optional

Request No.2019-13
Date of Request3.15.19
RequesterOmid Pouzanjani, Vice Chancellor, CCCCO
Section / Page

Needs & Interests Page

Steering Hearing DateApproved
Proposed Change to Download FileBackwards compatibility only
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A

Problem / Issue

As part of the response to comply with AB 3101, the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup has determined that the Needs & Interests page should be removed from the Application workflow by default because - though the questions are valuable to the college and the system - the questions are not required to be asked at the time of application.  

Proposed Solution

The reconfiguration work to implement this change was made as part of the CCCApply Application (Standard) for the Release 6.5.0 June 28, 2019.  As of June 1, 2019 - the CO wants CCCApply to turn off the page and have colleges "opt-in".  CCCApply is gathering support and research data to keep the questions on and allow colleges to request one or more sections be turned off.  TBD 

3.15.19:  Remove the Needs & Interests page from the Standard Application workflow for all colleges by default, but allow them to opt-in (continue to display the page) upon written request. Do not implement the ability for admin configuration for "Show/Hide" in the Administrator (in the short-term) until the form builder platform - which is on the roadmap for early FY2019-2020 - is designed and we better understand how admin configuration will work for that backend platform. 

Add a spike story to understand if we offer colleges two short-term options:

  1. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application by default for all colleges
  2. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application by default but allow colleges to request display (opt-in) of the full page upon request
  3. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application by default but allow colleges to request display (opt-in) of just the Programs & Services section upon request
  4. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application by default but allow colleges to request display (opt-in) of just the Athletic Interests question & the Programs & Services section upon request

    Out-of-Scope of this ticket
  5. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application by default but implement the ability for colleges to control display of the full page using new "Show/Hide" admin functionality in the Administrator.*
  6. Remove the full page of Needs questions from the Application by default but implement the ability for colleges to control display of individual sections/questions using new "Show/Hide" admin functionality in the Administrator.*
  7. CCCApply Redesign Phase 2: Implement the new backend, form builder platform which will give colleges full admin control over Show/Hide all individual questions/fields throughout the application (admin functionality is unknown at this time).

*Out-of-Scope for FY2018-2019 (Q4). 

Several options were discussed for implementing this change, including waiting for the next phase of the Redesign project which calls for the implementation of a new, backend form builder platform, which is on the roadmap for FY2020. Unfortunately, waiting for the backend redesign is not an option and the Chancellor's Office is calling for an immediate response/solution.

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Is there a Jira created for this change request?

OPENAPPLY-6386 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

<Needs & Interests Table>

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?

TBD Out-of-Scope for this change request.  TBD on FY2019-2020 roadmap.
Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

N/ANeeds page does not appear in the BOG
Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?
N/ADoes not pertain to Account
Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?
TBD - checkingChecking

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?

Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Would colleges be affected by this change? 

85% of all colleges have Rules created in the CCCApply Administrator rules for Athletic Interests 
Would the Download Client be affected by this change?
TBDAll removed/hidden fields need to be backwards compatible with existing downloads. All fields on the Needs page are optional so Null values should already be in place.  Double check.
What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

Glue needs to be made aware - fields will now carry Null value where applicable

MyPath needs to be made aware

Other dependencies?

Rules would be affected for all colleges. Any college that has Rules defined using any of the questions/fields on the Needs page would stop working.  Colleges need to be made aware early. 

MyPath would be affected for colleges - as the Programs & Services fields are integrating with Advisor Cards and other rules engine functionality.

Colleges using the Title IX survey and have an email Rule triggered by a Yes response to the Athletic Interests question need to be made aware early.

Other implementation considerations?


Review Application page

Administrator Rules & Messages (fields may need to be removed from use)


As a Vice Chancellor at the CCCCO, I need the Needs & Interests Page to be removed from the Standard Application workflow by default and reconfigured to be an optional page that colleges can choose to display or not, in order to comply with regulations specified in AB 3101 calling for ALL questions that are not required at the time of application to be removed from the Application process.

Additional Information

  • Priority Level: This is a high priority mandate from Omid Pourjanzani, Vice Chancellor, CCC Chancellor's Office on 3.15.19 per his charter to remove these questions.
  • MyPath Colleges - will be responsible for ensuring they enable the Programs and Services section. No additional logic will be coded to automatically enable this section.

Change Requirements

Standard Application

For the Standard Applications, colleges should have the option to do the following with the Needs and Interest Page:

  1. Completely remove the Needs & Interests page (all sections) from the Application workflow so that it does not show up to end users. 
    NOTE: This change would not remove these fields from the database; it would ensure that Null values would be allowed for each field/section for the colleges that remove it from view.

Requirements to be determined:

  1. Turn off the Needs page completely in the Standard App for all users
    1. Should we turn OFF the page by default and allow colleges to tell us what to turn ON?
    2. Should we leave the page ON and allow colleges to tell us what to turn OFF?  
  2. MyPath Colleges:  Should the Programs & Services section remain ON by default for MyPath users?
  1. Keep the entire Needs & Interests page as a part of the Application workflow to show all four of the following sections: Main Language, Financial Assistance, Athletic Interest and Programs & Services.
  2. Have the ability to turn on/turn off each section depending on what I want to show in the application. There should be a boolean in place for each section so that Infinity can easily enable/disable sections.
  3. PENDING REQUIREMENT FROM PATTY - What should the default be? Globally turn OFF the page OR leave the page ON by default and have colleges request what to turn off?
  4. Each field should already be configured for NULL values. Make sure nothing is removed/changed from the DLC or GLUE/SIS staging table.
  5. For In Progress applications that has data populated, but the college opts to disable a section(s) or page before the application is submitted, once the application is submitted, the data should be sent in the DLC because data was collected prior to disabling.
  6. If questions are not present, NULL should display in the DLC/GLUE.
  7. Provide documentation to Infinity on how to disable/enable sections.

Noncredit Applications

For Noncredit Application, colleges should have the option to do the following with the Needs and Interest Page:

Requirements to be determined:

  1. Turn off the Needs page completely in the Standard App for all users
    1. Should we turn OFF the page by default and allow colleges to tell us what to turn ON?
    2. Should we leave the page ON and allow colleges to tell us what to turn OFF?  
  2. MyPath Colleges:  Should the Programs & Services section remain ON by default for MyPath users?
  3. Keep the entire Needs & Interests page as a part of the Application workflow which will only show the Programs & Services section.
  4. PENDING REQUIREMENT FROM PATTY - What should the default be? Globally turn OFF the page OR leave ON by default and have colleges request to turn off.
  5. Each field should already be configured for NULL values. Make sure nothing is removed/changed from the DLC or GLUE/SIS staging table.
  6. For In Progress applications that has data populated at the time of the release, but the college opts to disable the page before the application is submitted, once the application is submitted, the data should be sent in the DLC because data was collected prior to disabling the section/page.
  7. If questions are not displayed, the default position should be NULL in the DLC/GLUE.
  8. Provide documentation to Production Support to specify how to disable/enable sections.

Dependencies & Impacts to Other Applications

  • Testing:  Rainforest tests need to be updated
  • BVTs need to be updated
  • Ensure the GLUE/Apply-ws is aware of the NULL value changes impacted by this requirement.

Testing Approach

  • UI can be used to test.
  • Need to test against the Administrator (CAP). If rules are in place but the section(s) are not enabled then the rule should not run during submission. Test to make sure this functions correctly.
  • Test In-Progress applications to ensure nothing breaks.

Supporting Documentation

Assembly Bill 3101

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