2016-28: Standard Application Takes Too Long to Complete

2016-28: Standard Application Takes Too Long to Complete

Request No.2016-28
Date of Request5.4.16
RequesterCACCRAO Memo
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page

Application Flow

Steering ApprovalDeferred
Steering Hearing Date11.01.16
Proposed Change to Download FileNo
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNo

Problem / Issue

CACCRAO Issue #5:  Some colleges report that students complain that completing the application takes too long; for some students it can take up to an hour to complete (i.e., especially for non-English speaking and non-credit population).

Underlying issue:  Many students and the college staff that are helping them get frustrated by the length of time it takes to complete the online application and actually abandon the process. This is especially true with non-native, life-long learners and certain cohorts of students such as Public Safety Training, and dual enrollment students.

Proposed Solution

This is a duplicate.  See "/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/115572758" and "/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/113639644" for approved change request and long-term solutions proposed for CCCApply 3.0.


Discussion with DT: This is one of those issues that has mixed feelings. some colleges and students do not believe the application is long but feel the app is easy and quick. The issue seems to lie with the Seniors, ESL, and Non-Credit student population.

The solution lies in changing the culture of the CCC's.

Getting the colleges to understand the laws (including what is mandated and what cannot be changed by CCCApply - such as 1) All students (even non-credit students) MUST be classified for residency which means they must complete the entire CCCApply application. Many colleges have been getting around this illegally by creating their own,shorter version of the application and are frustrated with CCCApply; 2) Gender questions and other mandates that must appear on the appliication (race & ethnicity) care & control of guardians, residency logic, etc. We should consider putting time and effort into some professional development webinars to help colleges understand the appliication and how best to support students completing the application. Training videos for College Admissions and Support Services so they can support the application and help applicants get through it with out conceding that it's a beast. Steering talked about a "How to Apply Using CCCApply" application checklist that colleges can use to prepare students for the application. Maybe this needs to be expedited and completed ASAP.

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