2016-13: Revise Ed Goal Language to Support CCCCO/AEBG

Request No.2016-13
Date of Request04.28.16
RequesterNora Kenney
MiraCosta College
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page

Enrollment / Ed Goals

Steering Approval StatusDeferred - More information needed
Steering Hearing Date6.30.16
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A

Problem / Issue

Beginning Year 2, adult ed and community colleges across the state will be required to report data related to student goals.

Received a request from Miracosta College to revise the language in the education goals (currently they follow MIS SS01) I see that on CCCApply, we’ll be collecting student goal information and am wondering where those data go and for what purposes. In my message below, I mapped out the CCCApply goals screen and how the wording might be adapted slightly to collect AEBG data and, perhaps continue to fulfill whatever other data requirement CCCApply is fulfilling. 

See Notes below for more details.

Proposed Solution

Deferred to September 20 2016 Steering Meeting.  Patty to follow up with MIS, Research, and Steering leadership. We may want to integrate this conversation into the Non-Credit Sub-Committee meeting (TBD).

Details of Request/Notes

8.03.16 - Steering Meeting Discussion.
Stephanie Murguia forwarded some information about this issue via email. See tables below. This will have to be cleaned up and organized for next meeting.  Click on link to see image of reporting tables from Stephanie.

 Click here to expand...

Take a look at these data elements, there is an expectation that we currently collect this information from Adult Education/non credit This image (tables) is from Stephanie Murguia.


Thank you,



March 2016:
Details from email from Nora Kenney, Miracosta College back in March 2016.

To Patty: <<Nell Kelly from CCCCO/AEBG suggested I contact you. I’m a research analyst for MiraCosta College and am working on AEBG. >>

 Click here to expand...

Hi AEBG team,
I emailed with Carmen about this last week and she suggested I pose this question to the whole AEBG team. I’ve been going through CCCApply and, so far, it seems like it doesn’t map directly to student goals we’ll need to report, but it seems like it could be fixed with more specific language and address AEBG Performance Outcomes needs. We (MiraCosta folks) met with the AEBG San Diego Super Region yesterday and discussed the data that’ll be required for reporting on AEBG outcomes. Pat Rickard was there from CASAS and showed us the new CASAS fields related to student profiles, which will map directly to WIOA and AEBG report requirements. But since not all Adult Ed programs use CASAS for all programs, we’ll still need to figure out how to capture the AEBG data (the $25 million question). I assume CCCApply is already too far along and probably maps to MIS or other data, but thought I’d give it a try. Otherwise, collecting all these data but not addressing our Performance Outcomes would seem like a missed opportunity. I’ve included a CCCApply screen capture and compare its goal options with AEBG Performance Outcomes, as detailed in the Effectiveness Report (attached).


Here’s a screen shot of the goals, as CCCApply captures:


The main issue with how this goal is phrased is that it doesn’t specifically ask the student about a timeframe, but the AEBG performance outcomes do. I’ve highlighted and underlined the most important language and, in red, comment on how CCCApply could change just a few words to capture the more specific data.


AEBG Performance Outcomes bulleted in black below, with my comments in red:


• For WIOA students - % that completes at least one Educational Functioning Level as defined in the National Reporting System for Adult Education, for those who had this goal during the current program year


This is actually not asked at all on CCCApply. We’d have to look at the National Reporting System for Adult Ed and ask the question in a relevant way that’s understandable for the student, of course.


• For Non-WIOA students - % that achieves at least one course completion, for those who had this goal during the current program year


This isn’t asked on CCCApply, but could be added to the drop-down list (something as simple as “Complete one course during the current academic year (by May).”


• % Completion of High School Diploma or Equivalent, for those who had this goal during the current program year


In CCCApply, the option: “Complete credits for high school diploma or GED” could read: “Complete credits for high school diploma or GED by the end of this academic year (May).” Another question would need to be added that says, “Complete credits for high school diploma or GED” so that students who are EVENTUALLY going to finish their HS diploma or GED would still be able to state that.


• % Transition from kindergarten through grade twelve adult to postsecondary, for those who had this goal during the current program year


This could be changed to “Transition from adult high school to a community college or university by the end of this academic year (May)” -- If that’s what this performance outcome is really asking – or is this just applying to students in K-12 and not adult ed?


• % Transition from noncredit to credit in postsecondary, for those who had this goal during the current program year


This would just need an addition of the words, “current program year” to read, “Move from noncredit to credit coursework by the end of this academic year (May).”


• % Completion of postsecondary certifications, degrees, or training programs, for those who had this goal during the current program year


Add timeframe to make the drop-down menu option: “Earn a career technical certificate without transfer by the end of this academic year (May).”


• % Placed in jobs, for those who had this goal during the current program year


“Advance in a current job-career (update job skills)” addresses this goal, but it’s not specific enough. In fact, this question is really too vague – isn’t the goal of most students across disciplines and programs to “advance in” or “prepare for” a career? To make this more specific, it could state, “Obtain a new job by the end of or shortly after this academic year (May)” or “Advance in my current job/career by the end of the academic year (May).”


• % With increased wages, for those who had this goal during the current program year


Again, “Advance in a current job-career (update job skills)” could also apply to increased wages, but it would be great if the option specifically stated, “Increase my wages by the end of or shortly after the academic year (May).”


I know this is a long-shot, but figured I’d give it a whirl.


Thanks much for making it through this whole email. J I look forward to your ideas and any feedback you might have.


Attachments area


Supporting Documentation