2016-24: Middle School Students Classified as Non-Residents Due to Last High School Attended

2016-24: Middle School Students Classified as Non-Residents Due to Last High School Attended

Request No.2016-24
Date of Request5.4.16
RequesterCACCRAO Memo
Application(s)Standard App
Section / Page


Steering Approval StatusNew
Steering Hearing Date5.11.16
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD

Problem / Issue

CACCRAO Issue #2.
High School attended and expected graduation date problems with Middle school – these students end up as non-residents because they cannot choose the name of a high school.

Since Middle School students cannot answer the "Last HS Attended" question, they are unable to complete that section and get accurately defined as residents. 

Similar to the Homeschool issue (some HomeSchools are not on the School Finder list and students have trouble entering the school name manually).  

Proposed Solution

Discussion with DT:  More and more middle school students are applying to community college for special K12 courses.

Proposal:  Add an "elementary or middle school" option to Last High School Attended field <hs_attendance> as a 5th option, which would trigger the HS Country, HS City, and HS Name (text input field) to appear if the user selects this option. Minimal changes here because one of the "I was homeschooled" does this same validation and conditional questions. No new field, but a new option to existing field.

Add Option for Middle Schools in "Last High School Attended" Section


If they click on "I attended elementary or middle school" - the Country, State, City and manual entry input School Name fields appear.







This issue was combined with the issue above, though it doesn't seem to be related. Patty to check in with Diane Traversi, College of Marin, to get more information.
Issue 2B: Would like it to just be a month and year – and eliminate the day. When the graduation date is in the future – students have a hard time understanding that they need to check “high school graduate” for the summer and fall sessions after graduation – results in a stalling of the application process.

Supporting Documentation


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