IA-2016-03: Revise Emergency Contact Relationship Data Field Values for PeopleSoft SIS
Request No. | IA-2016-03 |
Date of Request | 12.14.15 |
Requester | Los Angeles CCD |
Application(s) | International Application |
Section / Page | Contact |
Steering Hearing Date | |
Proposed Change to Download File | TBD |
Proposed Change to Residency Logic | N/A |
Problem / Issue
In the Contact section of the International Application, the Emergency Contact Relationship field ‘emergency_contact_relationship‘ is a text box. This creates a problem for us because we are mapping this Q&A to PeopleSoft’s emergency contact relationship table. If the answer in the text-box does not match our PS values then the application will suspend in the interface. Our values are: Adult Child, Child, Domestic Partner Adult, Domestic Parent Child, Employee, Estate, Ex-Domestic Partner, Ex-Spouse, Foster Child, Friend, Grand Parent, Grandchild, Great Grand Parent, Great Grandchild, In-law, Neighbor, Other, Other Child, Other Relative, Parent, Parent In-law, Recognized Child, Roommate, Self, Sibling, Spouse, Step Parent, Stepchild.>>
Proposed Solution
Patty explained that this CR must be approved first by the IA Advisory Committee and the main Steering Committee before being implemented. All change requests must meet the general requirements for all colleges and should not be changed just to satisfy the needs of one college, etc. However, I can see how a text field for this field is not the best design choice. Perhaps there is an alternative that could satisfy a better implementation for all colleges.
Supporting Documentation