2016-15: Add Missing Step to Area B Residency Logic for Classification of B0 Non-Residents

2016-15: Add Missing Step to Area B Residency Logic for Classification of B0 Non-Residents

Request No.2016-15
Date of Request7.14.16
RequesterFullerton College
Residency Review Committee 
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page

Area B Residency Logic

Steering Approval StatusAPPROVED 9.30.16
Steering Hearing Date7.14.16
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicYES

Problem / Issue

Colleges are reporting multiple problems wth the Area B logic regarding students who report out-of-state activities but are still being classifed as "Residents" in the Area B logic and the overall Residency Status calculation. Colleges are requesting that the logic be revised in Step 1 to classify these applicants as B2 (and set a flag) to ensure they are reaching Step 4 with the correct classification, which is the poiint in the logic that separates the residents from the "possible residents" and the "non-residents". . 

Proposed Solution

The solution is to change Step 1 from: "Set Class B0 - Non-resident > Go to Step 4"  to  "Set Class B2 > Set flag (30 > Go to Step 2" which is the point where California residency for 2years is identified. If the answer is "No" at step 2, the "B0" classification is then set, and the logic advances to step 3 and 4. At step 4, unless the student with the "B0" classification is determined to be a current or former Foster Youth, they keep the "B0" classification and skip to the end for final B0 classification. If the user is a Foster Youth, the class is set back to "B2", a flag is set, and they advance through the rest of the logic with that classification.  

 Click here to see more information on the new logic...

By changing Step 1 (as specified below) and adding the extra step between 11 and 12,, we believe students will be calculated correctly depending on their true status, and:

  • Valid California residents will not be affected by this change. They will continue to be classified correctly based on how they answer questions 2 and 3.
  • Possible Residents (B2) will be set right away in Step 1 and then will either maintain that classification correctly as they step through the logic, OR they will be updated to "Non-Resident" in Step 4 if they don't meet the requirements of Steps 2 and 3;
  • Non-residents who are Foster Youths from another state, but moved to California and are under 20 years old, will be classified as B2 (possible residents) when they reach Step 4.
  • Non-Residents are determined in Step 4 - if they are truly Non-Residents. (Non-Residents will answer NO to step 2, 3, and 4; thus, they will be accurately classified in Step 4). 
  • NEW Requirement (added 7-19-16):  Add an additional step to the logic for the final calculation of "Non-Residents = B0". Add step between current step 11 and 12 to catch any possible edge-case that might allow a "non-resident" to maintain their "B0" status by the end of the logic. To do this, also add logic in Step 4 as follows: "Set Class B0 and go (skip) to Step 12"
  • Step 12 will read as follows:  "Has B0 been set?"  If yes, then set B0.  If No, then go to step 13.
  • Step 13 will is the former step 12: "Has B2 been set?"  If yes, then set B2.  If not, then set B1 = Resident" 

Extensive testing has been documented in a table of use cases and edge cases to ensure that the changes do not "break" any other steps in the logic.  

Requirements Summary


Change the logic in the "IF NO" column of Step 1 of the Area B logic for applicants who reports one or more of the four "out-of-state" indicator(s) on the Residency page of the standard application. By making this correction in Step 1, this establishes the correct sequence of events for "possible residents" and "non-residents", which are ultimately defined in Step 4.

NOTE: The out-of-state indicators pertain to applicants who paid taxes, or registered to vote, or attended college, or filed a lawsuit, outside of California, within the last 2 years.

2Add a new Integrity Flag 30 to Table F: Integrity Flags which will be triggered in Step 1 IF the user has any 'out-of-state' indicators - regardless of their final Area B calculation. In other words, whether the applicant is classified as a "possible resident" or a "non-resident" in the final calculation, the flag will be set for their out-of-state activity - which identifies them to Admissions (which is the purpose of integrity flags.)

NOTE: Create new data field for new integrity flag #30 and add to the database. A CTRLCENTER and REPORTS tickets will be created to add the new flag field to the Rules area in the Administrator & added to the integrity flag folder in the Standard area of the report center. Must be added.

Integrity flags are two‐digit numeric codes, as defined in Table E. They are stored and downloaded in data element ‘residency: res_int_flags’, a string that can contain up to 26 flags. Refer to the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2016.1 for more information about this data element.
The individual data field required for reporting and rules will be: integrity_fg_30 

3Revise the "If NO" column for 'non-residents" in Step 4 to include: "and go to Step 12". This is being added as a safety net for any possible edge-case that might slip through the first four steps of the logic and end up at the final calculation with the B2 calculation.
4Add new step 12 to the logic which will serve as additional insurance that "non-residents" are classified as "B0" in the final calculation.
5Run tests to ensure the revision to Step 1 and the new Step 12 does not negatively impact any other steps in the Area B logic. Create a test case matrix to record test results from a variety of use case scenarios, including edge cases. Post the Test Case Matrix as part of the Release Notes in Public Documentation for colleges to use as reference.
6Update documentation:
  • Revise Table B:Residency Area B (Stay and Intent) in Appendix A: Submission Calculation Service of the CCCApply Standard Appliication Data Dictionary per approved technical speciifcations..
7Update the Area B Flowchart in Appendix A: Submission Calculation Service of the the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary to reflect revised Step 1.

Proposed Technical Specifications

NOTE: All of the proposed changes to the Area B logic pertain to the "If NO" column only. There are no changes to the "If Yes" columns, other than the addition of the new Step 12 (which is a completely new step with all new columns).

  1. REVISE Step 1 of the Area B of the residency algorithm to change the action if the user indicates Yes to any of the four "out-of-state" indicator questions (as indicated in the Data Elements & Logic Statement in Step 1). 

    1. Change the logic in the "IF NO" column of Step 1 of the Area B logic from::

      Step 1:

      1. Change the logic in the "IF NO" column of Step 1 of the Area B logic from:

        "Set B0 - go to step 2"
        "Set Class B2 and set flag 30 and go to step 2" , 
        the applicant reports one or more of the four "out-of-state" indicator(s) in the application.

        NOTE: The out-of-state indicators include: paid taxes, or registered to vote, or attended college, or filed a lawsuit, outside of California within the last 2 years.
    2. Ensure the logic also advances the "If NO" column in Step 1 to Step 2  (which is critical to determine if the user has lived in CA for 2 yrs or not).

  2. Create and add a new data downloadable field for new Integrity Flag 30 to the residency table in the submitted application database: integrity_fg_30. 

    a. Add "integrity_fg_30" to the download client for the standard application only.
    b. Add "integrity_fg_30" to the submitted application "Rules" area in the Administrator (a separate JIRA has been created for this task.)
    c. Add "integrity_fg_30" to the Education section of the Submitted Application data domain in the Report Center. 

    NOTE:  Integrity flags are two‐digit numeric codes, as defined in Table E. They are stored and downloaded in data element ‘residency: res_int_flags’, a string that can contain up to 26 flags. Refer to the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary v.2016.1 for more information about this data element.

    Add New Integrity Flag 30


    Applicant has reported one or more "out-of-state" indicators: 1) filed taxes; 2) registered to vote; 3) attended college; or, 4) filed a lawsuit - outside of California within the last 2 years.

    ca_outside_tax = 1 AND/OR

    ca_outside_voted = 1 AND/OR

    ca_outside_college = 1 AND/OR

    ca_outside_lawsuit = 1

  3. Revise the "IF NO" column in Step 4 to include "go to step 12". The logic in the "If NO" column would read: "Set Class B0 and go to step 12"

    (B0 = Non-Resident for Area B).

    NOTE: Step 4 is the point in the logic that determines if a user is a Non-Resident. Prior to step 4, the user would either have a Class B2 set, or no class set at all.  Step 4 is the point in the logic that asks if the user "is a current or former foster youth and residing in California and under age 20."
    "IF Yes then "Set Class B2 and set flag 70 (foster youth) and go to step 5";
    "If NOthen "Set Class B0 and go to step 12"  

    NOTE: There is no change to the "If yes" column in Step 4 (set Class B2, set flag 70, and go to step 5).


  4. ADD NEW STEP 12 to the Area B logic - which would serve as an additional final "Non-Resident, Class B0" classification point, just in case an edge case slips past step 4 (and  the user isn't reclassified with B2 along the way). By adding this new step between step 11 and 12, we have a safety net in place for Non-Residents.

    The new step 12 would read:

    "Has Class B0 been set?"  
    If Yes, then "Set Class B0 and END the logic calculation"
    If No, then, "Go to step 13"

    New Step 12 and 13 looks like this: 
StepEvaluation StatementData & LogicIf YesIf No
12"Has class B0 been set?"Class B0Set Class B0
and END logic 
Go to Step 13
13"Has class B2 been set?"Class B2Set Class B2
(Possible Resident)
Set Class B1


Table of Logic Changes 



Evaluation Statement

Data Elements & Logic

If Yes

If No



Do out-of-state indicators support intent?

ca_outside_tax = 0 AND

ca_outside_voted = 0 AND

ca_outside_college = 0 AND

ca_outside_lawsuit = 0

Go to step 2

Class B0

(go to step 2) 

Set Class B2 (set new flag 30) (go to step 2)


Has the applicant lived in California for two years prior to RDD?

ca_res_2_years = 1

Go to step 5

Go to step 3



Has the applicant been resident in CA for over a year prior to RDD?

ca_date_current ! = null AND ca_date_current < RDD minus 1 year

Class B2
(flag 59)
go to step 5

Go to step 4



Is the applicant a current or former foster youth, under age 20, and now residing in California?

foster_youth_status is != 0 AND RDD minus Birthdate < 20 years

Class B2
(flag 70) and

go to step 5

Class B0 end

Set Class B0 AND
(go to step 12)

Note: Setting Class B0 here overrides (changes) the B2, if previously set
No changes to Steps 5 through 11
NEW STEP 12"Has Class B0 been set?"Class B0Set Class B0
and END logic 
Go to Step 13ADD NEW STEP 12
13"Has Class B2 been set?"Class B2Set Class B2Set Class B1Move this step down one step (from 12 to 13)

Use Case Test Matrix

 Test Use Case #1: Residents

Test Use Case #1: Residents (B1)

Objective: Ensure Residents are Classified Correctly (B1)
User Scenario: Student is 18 years old, born and raised in California (with a current and permanent address in California). She attended high school in CA and is not a foster youth. She has no residency issues that would require proof of documentation. .

Expected Results: B1
Actual Results: B1

NOTES: With the new logic, the user answers Yes in Step 1 and goes to step 2. In step 2, she answers Yes and skips to step 5. At this point, the user has NO classification set at all. She has no out-of-state activities or issues, so she answers NO to every question and ends up at Step 12. Step 12 asks, "Has B0 been set?" NO, so go to step 13. Step 13 asks, "Has B2 been set?" NO. So, set class "B1" and end logic. B1 - resident.

StepAREA B Step LogicResponseClass Set?Flag set?Next Action?Change in Class?Notes

Do out-of-state indicators support intent?

go to step 2

ca_outside_tax = 0 AND

ca_outside_voted = 0 AND

ca_outside_college = 0 AND

ca_outside_lawsuit = 0


Has the applicant lived in California for two years prior to RDD?

Nogo to step 5No

Has the applicant been resident in CA for over a year prior to RDD?


Is the applicant a current or former foster youth, under age 20, and now residing in California?


Has the applicant completed HS outside CA in last 2 years?

Nogo to step 6No

Is the applicant in military with non CA home of record?

Nogo to step 7No

Is the applicant under the care and control of a guardian, under 19 and unmarried?

Nogo to step 8No

Is the applicant’s current address outside of California?

Nogo to step 9No

Is the applicant’s permanent address outside of California?

Nogo to step 10No

Is the applicant under 19 as of RDD with last high school out-of-state?

Nogo to step 11No

Was the applicant enrolled in an out-of-state college with a ‘To Date’ within the year previous to the term start date?

Nogo to step 12No