2016-26: Special Populations (ESL) Sensitive to & Confounded by Gender AB620 Questions

2016-26: Special Populations (ESL) Sensitive to & Confounded by Gender AB620 Questions

Request No.2016-26
Date of Request5.4.16
RequesterCACCRAO Memo
Application(s)Standard App
Section / Page

Gender / AB620

Steering Approval StatusNew
Steering Hearing Date 
Proposed Change to Download FileNo
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNo

Problem / Issue

CACCRAO Issue #4:  Personal questions asked considered insensitive and invasive. The Gender and sexual orientation (Transgender & AB620) are startling and confusing to younger students and non-native students. Helicopter parents especially are upset by these questions for minors.

Students who are English-Language Learners (ELL) are confounded by the questions about gender, sexuality, etc… -

Proposed Solution

Discussion with DT: AB620 is a federal mandate, CCC was among the first educational organizations to address this vague and poorly guided bill. IDEA: What if we "hid" the questions on screen and changed the layout so that the student is asked if they will answer questions about Transgender or Sexual Orientation (or maybe just say, "Gender related questions" and if they say, "Yes" then display the two questions. This new layout would still not appear to minors (appears now to 18 and over).


This issue was included in the CACCRAO Memo 5.11.16 and was also asked of Patty at the CACCRAO session on 5.4.16. 
Patty explained to the group at CACCRAO that 1) the AB620 questions do NOT appear to minors, and the language aligns to AB620 legislation that passed in 2013. 

Supporting Documentation


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