2016-22: Add Data Field for Intended 4 Year Major to Standard App Ed Goal

2016-22: Add Data Field for Intended 4 Year Major to Standard App Ed Goal

Request No.2016-22
Date of Request4.11.16
RequesterTransfer Faculty, Foothill College 
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page


Steering ApprovalDEFERRED - Admin 2.0
Steering Hearing Date5.11.16
Proposed Change to Download FileYES
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNO

Problem / Issue

I am an engineering instructor at Foothill College, and I have become very interested in making changes to my transfer program to help more students get through community college and on to a UC or CSU. Measuring the effectiveness of changes to my program (such as starting newsletters, workshops, etc.) would be much easier if I could identify which of our Foothill students were interested in transferring into an engineering program at a four-year school.

It seems as though the application that is used by the California community colleges includes an item asking if students are interested in transferring to a four-year school, but it does not ask what major or field into which they plan to transfer. Could you connect me with someone who might be able to tell me if it is possible to add an item about transfer major?

Proposed Solution

Align Ed Goal for "Obtain 4 year degree" or "Transfer to obtain 4 year degree" (Patty replace with correct Ed Goals) to a conditional "Intended 4 Year Major" data field question if either of those Ed Goals are selected from Education Goal field.  Currently this appears in the International Application as a free-form text input field called "Intended 4 Yr Major".


Mock Screenshot - Intended 4YR Major


Supporting Documentation

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