2018-17: Update MMI Questions in CCCApply

2018-17: Update MMI Questions in CCCApply

Request No. 2018-17
Date of RequestApril 30, 2018 
RequesterMallory Newell 
Application(s)CCCApply Standard 
Section / Page

Education Page / MMI 

Request ApprovalNEW
Steering Hearing DateTBD 
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD 
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A 

Problem / Issue

The systemwide governance team advising the implementation of the Multiple Measures Initiative (MMI) questions that appear in the CCCApply Standard Application are requesting some needed text revisions to the language and format of the existing questions. 

Change Request Review Meeting 7.27.18

Background Information - Need to Update MM Questions in CCCApply for September 2018 Release  

During a recent meeting with the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup - a working group led by Vice Chancellor Omid P. to address both AB705 and AB3101 - we discussed doing everything we can to accommodate getting changes in the September release in addition to a significant number of other priorities.
The Multiple Measures Steering Committee has proposed a set of changes to the existing MM implementation - a call was scheduled for 7.27.18 to review the changes for development & resource estimate.

8.02.18 - Some edits were made to the proposed changes from MMI advisory committee by Omid today. Below reflects the approved changes. 

Proposed Solution: Change Request Spec Breakdown

Confirmation of Approved Requirements (8.02.18)

  1.  Update text in Question #2:  Highest English Course Taken Completed
    1. Update the onscreen question text for "Highest English Course" 

      1. TO: "What was the highest English course you completed in high school? You may have passed or not passed the course, but you remained enrolled until the end."

      2. (Change "took" to "completed" and ADD additional text: "You may have passed or not passed the course, but you remained enrolled until the end.")

    2. Update the page error validation message text" 

      1. TO: Required response if displayed on screen, else error message, "You must select the highest English course you completed in high school or choose "None of the above / Don't Know" from the response options."

  2. Update text in error validation Question #3: Highest English Course Grade
    1. Update the page error validation message language:
      1. TO: Required response, IF "Highest English Course Taken" is NOT "None of the Above / Don't Know", else error message, "You must select the grade you received for the highest English course you completed in high school."

  3. Update text in Question #4:  Highest Math Course Taken Completed

    1. KEEP the current data field name that exists today: highest_math_course_taken

    2. Update the onscreen question text for "Highest Math Course Taken"

      1. TO: "What was the highest math course you completed in high school? You may have passed or not passed the course, but you remained enrolled until the end."

      2. (Change "took" to "completed" and ADD additional text: "You may have passed or not passed the course, but you remained enrolled until the end.")

    3. ADD a new data field response/value to <highest_math_course_taken>

      1. Add new data field value:  13 - Math Analysis 

      2. Add new response option to drop down:  Math Analysis

        1. Position the new response option between Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus IN THE DROP DOWN MENU

    4. Update the Page error validation message language

      1. TO:  Required response, else error message, "You must select the highest math course you completed in high school."

    5. ADD a pop-up HELP text box providing help information for this question:  

  4. Update text in error validation in Question #5:  Highest Math Course Taken Completed Grade

    1. KEEP the data field name that exists today: highest_math_taken_grade

    2. Update the page error validation language: 
      1. TO: Required response, else error message, "You must select the grade you received for the highest math class completed in high school."

  5. Add response option to Question #6: Highest Math Course Passed
    1. ADD a new data value and response option to: <highest_math_course_passed> 
      1. Add new data value:  13 = Math Analysis 
      2. Add new Response Options to the drop down menu: Math Analysis
        1. Position Math Analysis between Trigonometry AND Pre-Calculus IN THE DROP DOWN MENU
    2. ADD a pop-up HELP text box providing help information for this question:


New: Per meeting on 8.02.18 with Omid Pourjanzani regarding edits to the proposed changes.

More information and more specification breakdown: 2018-17S - HS Transcript Info - Supplemental Information for Requirements  (NOTE: All edits have not been updated as of 8.02.18)

Data Dictionary Changes

Requested in 7.24.18 document (Link:  SelfReportedQuestionEdits072418.R-72718.docx )

Supporting Documentation

Below is the latest revision to the proposed Edits to the current MM questions/implementation in CCCApply.


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