2018 CCC Administrator UX Sub-Committee

2018 CCC Administrator UX Sub-Committee


The purpose of this advisory committee is to provide support to the CCCApply product manager and development team in the design, development, and implementation of the CCCApply admin modules in the new CCC Administrator.  

NOTE: A primary objective of this committee is to provide testing, migration, and implementation support to the CCCApply management and technical teams. See more objectives below.

Committee Name

CCC Administrator User Experience Advisory Committee

Advisory Lead

< Need >

Patty Donohue - CCCTC


Santa Rosa JC: Mitch Leahy
Bakersfield College: Michelle Pena
Los Angeles CCD:  Olivia Alvarado

(Goal: Recruit 2-3 more districts to support testing and migration.)

CCCCO RepresentativeMichael Quiaoit

2018 Meeting Schedule 

Meet every 3 - 4 weeks through production MVP release (June 2018)

2018 Objectives

Meet every 3 weeks between January 22 - June 7, 2018 to support the first release of the new CCC Administrator for CCCApply. 

  1. User Acceptance Testing:  Support the Administrator development team with testing and review functionality in the following areas:
    1. HIGH PRIORITY:  Access management, User account setup and test SSO authentication
    2. HIGH PRIORITY:  Authorization testing (ensure secure access to college & district data, settings, configurations)
    3. CCCApply admin configuration, migration, and implementation in new Admin system
    4. CCCApply - onscreen text, instructions, hover help (where applicable) and user guide documentation
    5. CCCApply - review primary (global) navigation functionality: College changer, Module Menu bar, global Header navigation, application switcher
  2. Support development of the Migration and Implementation Plan
    1. Review ETL and migration of college data configurations and settings
    2. Ensure all college data and settings are migrated over to  new system
    3. Identify areas that require college maintenance 
    4. Test rules and supplemental questions processing
  3. Review and test new features: Majors module (filter and display Majors by meta majors, special category, or guided pathways)
    1. Setup and test the new Majors filtering options:  Category fields and Education Goal filter
    2. New college & district table contact data fields; Multiple Measures Initiative, and SPAM Filter UI screens
    3. Support testing new enhanced Majors module functionality
    4. Application landing page features
  4. Support remaining development process:
    1. Review business requirements and ensure stories for MVP comply with those requirements
    2. Attend development sprint demos (every 3 weeks) and provide feedback for development & design teams
    3. Review change requests for feature enhancements
    4. Gather requirements for future enhancements
      1. map out on Roadmap for September 2018 / March 2019
      2. Track all features that haven't been prioritized or were re-prioritized for the MVP launch in May 2018.
  5. Review user documentation: User guides & training videos  (User Guides, Help tutorials, etc.)

2018 Meetings

DateDescriptionZoom Meeting URLLink to Minutes / NotesStatus


  • Introduction to committee objectives & priorities
    • Discuss recruiting other districts
    • Pick a co-chair for committee (discuss note-taker)
  • Review project charter and overall vision for cross-functional admin tool
  • Demonstrate status of development so far
  • Review migration & implementation process outline (get feedback)
  • Quick review of documentation / feedback on documentation needed
  • Scope of process / feedback on level of effort for colleges
  • Determine end-user Communication plan (what is announced, how, and when) and elect committee member to help PM.  
    • Other marketing and communication outreach efforts?
      • Announce at 2018 CACCRAO conference (when? who?)
      • Announce via email to CACCRAO listserv
      • Announce via email to Admissions listserv (where else?)
      • Announce at 2018 CCCApply Workshop
  • Set agenda and date for next meeting (every three weeks)




Open Items & Change Requests

CR #DescriptionSteering Review or Approval DateNew Data Fields / New LogicScheduled Release DateStatus - Release Notes Link


SPAM Filter Administrator UI Screens
10.10.16TBDMay 2018APPROVED - CCC Admin 2018 MVP
2017.07.12 - CCCTC Spam Filter - SOW 
2017-05Add Optional College-Configured Help Text Field in Majors/Programs Section12.06.16
Sept 2018APPROVED - Admin - 2018/2019
2017-06Add Ability to Branch Majors by Meta Major in Administrator 2.0
Two-part implementation - Add "Major Area/Category" field <category> (optional) to filter Majors by college custom values (i.e., Meta majors or Guided Pathways
May 2018APPROVED - CCC Admin 2018 MVP
2014-012014-01: Ability to Align Education Goals to Majors in Administrator09.01.13N/AMay 2018APPROVED - CCC Admin 2018 MVP
2017-28Add "Intended Major for Transfer" to Majors Section04.23.17CCCApply January 2018APPROVED

Expand Messages Module for additional messaging types:

  • Text messages
  • Customized, college-configured Onscreen messages
  • Customized, college-configured templates for system-generated rules (i.e., abandoned application messages, more)
NEW - January 2018
NEWMove User Guides and Data Dictionaries for CCCApply to secure location (in Administrator) from Public Documentation areaRequires further discussion
September 2018NEW for Version 2.0
NEWLink out to CCC Report Center from inside Administrator (eliminate need for two URLs)NEW - January 2018
September 2018NEW for Version 2.0
2018-06Implement Admin Screens for MMAP UI & Opt-In ToggleNEW - January 2018
September 2018NEW for Version 2.0

Implement Admin Screens for Title IX Survey Questions UI & Opt-In Toggle

Add Title IX Survey Data Source into CCC Report Center

Requires further discussion

Previous Administrator Sub-Committees Notes

 Click here to

Update 8.03.16: The Administrator 2.0 sub-committee convened two meetings in June and July 2016 to discuss the new CCC Administrator tool currently under-development. The attendees at each meeting contributed usability feedback and requirements suggestions for the Tems, Majors and Supplemental Questions modules.

Several key requirements emerged:

  • College-controlled alignment capability between Education Goals and individual Majors in order to facilitate a branching of Majors in the Standard & International applications. The corresponding UI/UX changes will need to be coordinated so the user can select their Education Goal first, then the major. This implementation has been requested in the past (also known as the Ed Goal Alignment) and another sub-committee is being formed to help review the implementation from a research and maintenance perspective;
  • A new optional CIP code field is being added alongside the TOP code and Program Control Number fields;
  • A new, user-friendly Supplemental Questions-generating module is being designed for staff that complies with WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standards.

See the minutes from the 7.06.16 meeting in the CCCApply Project Site file repository > CCCApply Steering Committee > Steering Sub-Committees