2018 CCCApply Research Advisory Committee

2018 CCCApply Research Advisory Committee


Provide support to the CCCApply product manager, CCC Technology Center executive director, and CCCApply Steering Committee, undertaking creative and systematic work to increase knowledge and understanding of state, federal and local laws, regulations, and policy as it pertains to the CCCApply admission applications and the Promise Grant student aid application.

This committee may be called upon to support, establish, or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous research, and gather information to increase the Steering Committee's ability to approve change requests and mandates with informed accuracy. 

2018 Objectives

  • Meet as needed to review change requests and/or open items that require research or analysis
  • Support the CCCApply product manager, CCCTC executive leadership team, and development teams to solve new and existing problems related to OpenCCCApply.
  • Ensure all CCCApply applications and admin tools are compliant with all current legislative mandates 
  • Support the CCCApply Data Security advisory team to ensure OpenCCCApply data is stored, shared, and transferred safely and securely
  • Analyze CCCApply data statistics, CCCApply white-paper, and other research-based issues currently in-flight for OpenCCCApply
  • Provide support in the design and implementation of appropriate (and legally compliant) language where required (i.e., SSN required disclosures, DOB required language, etc.)
    • Research modifications to the OpenCCCApply legal and privacy policy language to better serve our students (i.e., propose changes as needed to Title V to release student information prior to submission of Application - move consent to Account Creation module to expedite the sharing of student pii data for recruitment, support, and outreach).
    • Revise Privacy Policy and Terms of Use language (per bullet above, get approval by CCCCO Legal? CDE?  
    • Ask Gerald Sequiera (also a lawyer) if he would join this committee and support this effort. 

2018 Meetings

DateDescriptionZoom Meeting URLLink to Minutes / NotesStatus


  • Introduction to committee objectives & priorities
    • Discuss recruiting other districts
    • Pick a co-chair for committee (discuss note-taker)
  • Review project charter and overall vision for cross-functional admin tool
  • Demonstrate status of development so far
  • Review migration & implementation process outline (get feedback)
  • Quick review of documentation / feedback on documentation needed
  • Scope of process / feedback on level of effort for colleges
  • Determine end-user Communication plan (what is announced, how, and when) and elect committee member to help PM.  
    • Other marketing and communication outreach efforts?
      • Announce at 2018 CACCRAO conference (when? who?)
      • Announce via email to CACCRAO listserv
      • Announce via email to Admissions listserv (where else?)
      • Announce at 2018 CCCApply Workshop
  • Set agenda and date for next meeting (every three weeks)




Open Items & Change Requests

CR #DescriptionSteering Review DateNew Data Fields / New LogicScheduled Release DateStatus - Release Notes Link
TBDEnsure OpenCCCApply is compliant with AB 1018 (Student Equity) & AB504 (Student Success & Support Programming)January 2018

Meet with Tim to discuss scope of compliance
TBDEnsure OpenCCCApply is compliant with SB12 (Foster Youth)January 2018

TBDEnsure OpenCCCApply is compliant with AB 637 (Cross-enrollment in online education)January 2018TBD
Suggestion: Pass CE CCCID, Conf #, Submit Date, Term_code, res_status, OR ??
may need new consent checkbox?
Q:  Will continuing students have to Apply just to pass this info to the Teaching college?
TBDEnsure OpenCCCApply is compliant with AB 705 (Matriculation, Assessment & Placement)January 2018

TBDEnsure OpenCCCApply is compliant with AB 164 (Tribal TANF)January 2018

2018-02Prevention of Security Breach or Encryption of CCCApply Historical Apps11.08.17
May 2018APPROVED - Sub-Committee


Implement SPAM Filter for Suspicious Incoming Applications
June 2017
May 2018APPROVED - CCC Admin 2018 MVP
2018-10SPAM Filter Administrator UI Screens10.10.16
May 2018CCCTC Spam Filter - SOW 
04.23.172017-22: How best to share Google Analytics data with colleges?January 2018All Apps
Review NEW

Supporting Documentation

AB 637 Language

 Click here to read AB 637 Bill language...


Assembly Bill No. 637

An act to add Section 68101 to, and to add Chapter 9.7 (commencing with Section 66770) to Part 40 of Division 5 of Title 3 of, the Education Code, relating to community colleges.

[ Approved by Governor  October 13, 2017. Filed with Secretary of State  October 13, 2017. ]


AB 637, Medina. Community colleges: cross-enrollment in online education.
Existing law establishes the California Community Colleges, under the administration of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, and the California State University, under the administration of the Trustees of the California State University, as 2 of the segments of public postsecondary education in this state.
Existing law authorizes a student who meets specified requirements, and is enrolled at a campus of the California State University, to enroll, without formal admission, and without payment of additional tuition or fees, except as provided, in a course provided entirely online, as defined, by another campus of the California State University.
This bill would enact similar provisions relating to cross-enrollment of community college students in online courses offered by campuses, defined as teaching campuses, other than their home campuses, as defined. The bill would require that the program established by this bill be available at a community college that is part of the Online Education Initiative Consortium, as defined. The bill would specify the qualifications to be met by participating students.
The bill would require the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges to provide an online methodology to allow eligible students to be informed of opportunities to access online courses, to enroll in those online courses, and to provide consent to electronically transfer all relevant enrollment data to the teaching college. The bill would also authorize a community college district whose students are participating in this program to accept the determination of a student’s residency classification under certain conditions.


Vote: majority   Appropriation: no   Fiscal Committee: yes   Local Program: no  




 Chapter 9.7 (commencing with Section 66770) is added to Part 40 of Division 5 of Title 3 of the Education Code, to read:
CHAPTER  9.7. Cross-Enrollment in Online Education between Campuses of the California Community Colleges

 For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
(a) “Chancellor’s office” means the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges.
(b) “Home college” means the campus of the California Community Colleges at which a student is matriculated.
(c) “Online course exchange” means the technological mechanism used by the Online Education Initiative Consortium to offer online-only courses that have highest demand, fill quickly, and are prerequisites for many different courses.
(d) “Online Education Initiative Consortium” means the efforts to expand the delivery of courses through technology pursuant to Schedule 26 and Provision 42 of Item 6870-101-0001 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2013 (Chapter 20 of the Statutes of 2013).
(e) “Teaching college” means the campus of the California Community Colleges to which a student seeks access.

 (a) A California resident who meets the requirements of subdivision (a) of Section 66771 and who is enrolled at a home college may enroll, without formal admission, and without payment of additional fees or tuition, in a course provided entirely online by a teaching college, except as provided in subdivision (c) of Section 66771.
(b) A nonresident student or an international student who satisfies the conditions set forth in subdivision (a) may enroll in an online course provided by a teaching college, but shall be required to pay nonresident tuition for this course at the teaching college in accordance with Section 76140.

 (a) A student is qualified to participate in the program established by this chapter if he or she is enrolled at a home college that is part of the Online Education Initiative Consortium and meets all of the following requirements:
(1) The student has attained a grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4-point scale for completed coursework.
(2) The student has paid the appropriate fees and tuition required by the home college for enrollment in the academic term in which the student proposes to cross-enroll.
(3) The student has no outstanding fees or tuition to be paid at the home college.
(b) A teaching college shall inform each student who enrolls in an online course pursuant to this chapter of all of the following:
(1) The technical requirements that must be satisfied by a student in order to successfully participate in, and complete, the online course.
(2) Any prerequisite course, or other academic preparation, deemed necessary for enrollment in the online course.
(3) Any materials, skills, knowledge, or other elements that are necessary to ensure that a student has an opportunity to succeed in the online course.
(c) The teaching college shall charge participating students the appropriate course enrollment fees for residents as applicable and to the extent required by law.

 The chancellor’s office shall establish a convenient online methodology so that a student who meets the requirements of subdivision (a) of Section 66771 may accomplish all of the following:
(a) Be informed of the opportunity to access courses provided entirely online by another teaching college.
(b) Simultaneously enroll in courses at his or her home college and courses provided entirely online by another teaching college.
(c) Provide consent to electronically transfer all relevant enrollment data to the teaching college.

 A course provided entirely online pursuant to this chapter shall be accepted for credit at the student’s home college on the same basis as it would be for a student matriculated at the teaching college.

 The enrollment of a student at a teaching college pursuant to this chapter may be counted in the calculation of headcount or full-time equivalent student enrollment at the teaching college. The home college and the teaching college at which the student is cross-enrolled may count, in the calculation of headcount or full-time equivalent student enrollment, only those course units for which the student is enrolled at each respective campus.

SEC. 2.

 Section 68101 is added to the Education Code, to read:

 A community college district may accept the determination of another community college district as to a student’s residency classification, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(a) The student is cross-enrolling pursuant to Chapter 9.7 (commencing with Section 66770) of Part 40.
(b) The student is cross-enrolling in a course available through the online course exchange of the Online Education Initiative Consortium, as defined in Section 66770.
(c) The home college certifies the determination of the community college district as to the student’s residency classification.
(d) The student is enrolling in a course available at the teaching college through the online course exchange of the Online Education Initiative Consortium.
(e) The home college and the teaching college have both signed on to participate in the online course exchange of the Online Education Initiative Consortium.

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