2017-28: Add "Intended Major for Transfer" to Majors Page in Standard App

2017-28: Add "Intended Major for Transfer" to Majors Page in Standard App

Request No.2017-28 
Date of Request January 2017
RequesterSarah Parikh
Foothill-DeAnza CCD 
Section / Page

Enrollment Page 

Approval Declined
Steering Hearing DateJuly 2017 
Proposed Change to Download FileYes 
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNo 

Problem / Issue

The following request was submitted by Sarah Parikh, Engineering faculty at Foothill College. The request is to add an additional question to the Enrollment page whereby they would indicate their interest in Engineering if they select an education goal to transfer to obtain a 4year degree.

"We need more engineers and community colleges provide a pathway for additional engineering students [1, 2]. Currently, there are seven million students in community colleges nationally and over two million students in public California community colleges [3, 4]. Understanding and improving pathways to engineering via the community college route has the potential to contribute currently untapped engineering talent to help fill the projected engineer deficit. Metrics should be established in order to assess the current rate of success and identify areas of improvement in community college transfer programs.

Currently available data: community colleges

The task of identifying students on an engineering pathway can be much harder at community colleges. While some community colleges have an option for students to indicate a bachelor’s degree in engineering as their transfer major on their application, California community colleges do not. Both identifying students on an engineering pathway and tracking their progress is difficult."

See Attached Report

Proposed Solution


Supporting Documentation


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