2017-12: Display Residency Page Even if User is a Visa Holder

Request No.2017-12
Date of Request12.15.16
RequesterMitch Leahy
Santa Rosa Jr. College 
Section / Page


Change Request StatusNEW
Steering Hearing DateApril 26, 2017
Proposed Change to Download FileNo
Proposed Change to Residency LogicYes

Problem / Issue

Per Mitch Leahy, the Residency page should be displayed even if the user is a Visa holder, so that the residency information is available once the Visa information is confirmed. For all students, no matter what their citizenship status is, we always need the Residency page questions to be answered so that when a student brings proof of their citizenship/visa type we can just supplement their application with their citizenship/visa USCIS documentation. A sample visa type to test in CCCApply is "H-1"

Proposed Solution

Revise the Conditional logic in the Standard Application to 1) display the Residency page for ALL Users even if the user is a visa holder, such as Student Visa F-1, M-1, or Visa Type = (Any Visa Type). 

Current Specifications

Currently, the application is coded to hide the Residency page for users who have any Visa type ( Citizenship Status = Student Visa F-1, M-1, or Other Visa = Any Visa Type).  

If the student selects a Visa type, the Residency page does not display and the student does not have to answer any of the required residency questions. This was implemented (see below) years ago apparently because it is assumed that if the user is a visa holder, they clearly are not a resident.  

This change request is suggesting that CCCApply should change this historical skip logic and require all users to complete all pages so that the college can collect this data for future need.

Below is the Visa Type data field specification from the Standard Application Data Dictionary.

Visa Type

See rows highlighted in yellow for the specifications pertaining to this change request.

Data Element:



Applicant’s VISA Type

Format, Length:

ASCII Normal;

Alphanumeric (2)


See Table of Visa Types on next page

Allows Null:





residency table

Question Text:

Visa Type [menu]


Appears only if Citizenship Status is one of the following:

Student Visa (F-1 or M-1)


Response Options:

See Table of Visa Types on next page.

Pop-Up Help:

Visa Type

A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, which is placed in the traveler's passport. Visa types are defined by U.S. immigration law, and relate to the purpose of travel to the U.S.

Your visa type is indicated under the 'Visa Type/Class' heading, as illustrated on the U.S. Department of State website: https://travel.state.gov/content/visas/en/general/all-visacategories.html.

Page Error Check:

Required response if Citizenship Status = ‘Other’ and ‘No Documents’ is unchecked; else error message, “You must select your Visa Type or check ‘No Documents’.”

Required response if Citizenship Status = ‘Student Visa’; else error message, “You must select your Visa Type.”

If Citizenship Status = ‘Student Visa’, then Visa Type dropdown is restricted to F1 and M1.


If visa_type is Student Visa F1 or M1, then do not display the Residency Page.

If ‘No Documents’ is checked, then the Visa Type dropdown is disabled with a no selection.

For a list of Visa Types, see Table F: Visa Types on page 212.


<< Email from Mitch Leahy, Santa Rosa College, 12.15.16 >>

Change Request:

When a visa type is a visa type that allows a student to establish residence (Integrity Flag = 51) the application is not asking the Residency page questions. (See below: Notes for CA Resident For Two Years.)

This occurred a few years ago when students entered Other and No Documents. The student would come in with their USCIS documentation and we couldn’t just supplement the application because they had not answered the Residency page questions. It was requested that the student always be asked the Residency page questions and the program was updated. (See below: Notes for No Documents)

For all students, no matter what their citizenship status is, we always need the Residency page questions to be answered so that when a student brings proof of their citizenship/visa type we can just supplement their application with their citizenship/visa USCIS documentation. A sample visa type to test in CCCApply is "H-1"


California Resident for Two Years

Data Element: ca_res_2_years

Description: Applicant’s response regarding residence in California since two years before RDD.

Format, Length: boolean, 1

Values: 1 = True/Yes

0 = False/No

Allows Null: Yes

Default: None


Notes: Not asked when Citizenship Status makes Residency page unnecessary.

residency table

No Documents

Data Element: no_documents

Description: Applicant has checked box for No Documents

Format, Length: boolean, 1

values: 1 = True/Yes 0 = False/No

Allows Null: Yes

Default: None


Notes: residency table

Xap Field: noDocuments

Revision Log: ~~

Question Text: [checkbox] No Documents

Conditions: Appears only if Citizenship Status is ‘Other’

Additional Text: None

Response Options: Checked or Unchecked.

Pop-Up Help: None

Field Error Check: None

Page Error Check: If checked, visa_type is disabled and set to no selection

Notes: None

Supporting Documentation