2017-05 Add Optional College-Configured Help Text Field in Majors/Programs Section

2017-05 Add Optional College-Configured Help Text Field in Majors/Programs Section

Request No.2017-05
Date of Request9-21-16
RequesterChris Truong, Santa Ana College
Application(s)Standard App OR Admin 2.0
Section / Page

Majors / Programs

Steering ApprovalDeferred to CCCApply 3.0 / Admin 2.0
Steering Hearing Date12.06.16
Proposed Change to Download FileNo
Proposed Change to Residency LogicNo

Problem / Issue

College requested a specific line of instructive text be added to the Majors field in the Standard Application. The text is "If you have graduated from this academic program please select a different academic program"?  

Request received 9/20/16: <<We have had some students who have graduated from an academic program and then turned around and applied for the same academic program again.  Would it be possible to add a verbiage right above where they select an academic program "If you have graduated from an academic program please select a different academic program"?  Thank you.>>

Proposed Solution

Patty worked with Chris to better understand his need behind ths request. Adding college-specific information to the application is not approved, as the application is used by ALL colleges and currently we do not have the technology to allow colleges to edit/configure their own question text or additional instruction (hover help) text in the CCCAppy applications (in V2.0).  Here are some suggestions for the college and Steering to consider:

  1. Add this specific text language to the current legacy Apply Majors section (not advisable, Admin 2.0 under-development).
  2. Add the specific text language to the new version of Apply 3.0 -Gathering requirements for the RFP due to begin in October 2016.
  3. Add functionality to allow colleges to configure additional instruction text to the Enrollment page (specifically the Majors field) - in teh form of a Text Help essay box - configured by the college - to supplement the question test for students. With the Ed Goal alignment underway, this would be very useful addition to help clarify the process.
  4. Add functionality to the legacy program as simple requirements above.


  • Do some due diligence work and determine technical feasibility/complexity for college and steering
  • Present to Steering at 12.06.16
  • Based on discussion and approval vote, move forward and update this CR.

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