2017-04: Add Expected Date Field to High School Completion Date

Request No.2017-04
Date of Request8.22.16
RequesterMitch Leahy
Santa Rosa Jr. College 
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / Page


Steering Hearing Date9.20.16
Steering ApprovalDeclined for OpenCCCApply 
Review for CCCApply v3.0
Proposed Change to Download FileYes
Proposed Change to Residency LogicYes

Problem / Issue

Mitch Leahy suggested we add a "future graduation date" for high school students in CCCApply. He proposed this in the CCCTechnology.info support site. Lee McDonald agreed that this would be helpful and that soveral Admissions staff (Admission & Outreach) have been requesting this.

Proposed Solution

Push this to V3 requirements. This change would require a lot of logic changes and would affect multiple status fields that are integrated with the Residency Logic status (ie. CollegeEnrollment Status, HS Education Level, HS Completion Date, and more.)

Steering Review Notes

This request was revisited during the November 2017 meeting and committee voted to decline this change to the current version of OpenCCCApply; but keep in the pending/deferred bucket for next version of Apply (form engine / v3.0).