2017-08: Revise Residency Logic for HS Students

2017-08: Revise Residency Logic for HS Students

Request No.2017-08
Date of RequestOctober 21, 2016
RequesterCatherine Frost, Contra Costa College
Application(s)Standard App
Section / Page

Residency Logic / Integrity Flags

Steering ApprovalDeferred to Residency Review Sub-Committee
Steering Hearing DateJanuary 25, 2017 (Revisited 11/08/17)
Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicTBD

OPENAPPLY-3466 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Problem / Issue

Question was raised at a recent SSSP conference in Sacramento (Oct 2016): 

Q – When students have not yet attended HS for two years (freshman enrolling concurrently) and they apply for admission as a concurrent high school system CCC Apply is making them nonresidents.

The answer provided by Tim Calhoon and Arleen Elseroad, presenters at the conference on OpenCCCApply, was that this is not true. 

However, when the details of a specific applicant was reviewed, it appers that the residency algorithm may need to be revised (reviewed) to better handle High School Freshmen who respond truthfully that they have not attended high school in California for three or more years (yet), and therefore trigger integrity flag that alerts college to a "Possible Resident" determination due to the way the current algorithm is set up to classify "stay and intent" residency. 

Proposed Solution

Preliminary review from Steering Committee members (via email) suggest that we may have an issue with the current logic. Issue will be reviewed in more detail at the upcoming meeting on November 1, 2016.

Propose meeting with the Residency sub-committee to review this issue. 

  • Applies to students "high school or lower grade" students who are applying to CCC but have not completed two years of HS yet and therefore because they cannot answer some of the Education section questions (Have you attended HS in CA for 3 or more years) and (Did you graduate from HS in CA?) - they are determined to be a Nonresident or a possible resident".  What should be revised - if anything - for these K12 students?

Per Mitch and Michelle - during 12.15.16 meeting call - if user is a "high school or lower grade" and applying for college at the same time, then do not display "Attended high school in California for 3 years or more" question on the HS Completion section.  We feel this is a bug and that question should not be displayed."

NOTE from Patty:  The residency algorithm does not include the response for "Attended high school in California for 3 years or more" in any way.  However, it IS used in the AB540 algorithm. Even if we do not display this question for the dual enrollment user, it will be included in the AB540 logic. We would have to amend the AB540 logic as well in some way. 


The following transcript is from an email thread that Patty received from a college proposing a change to the residency logic for dual enrollment students.  Patty's responses are in red below.

 Click here to expand...

CCCApply Only Provides a "Preliminary Residency Determination" 
Colleges should understand that CCCApply is not intended to provide a "classification" for the purposes of assessing residency and tuition, but rather provides a "preliminary residency determination" based on the self-reported responses provided by the applicant compared to state, federal, and CA residency laws and regulations. It is the responsibiliity of the college to make the residency classification for each student.

However, the algorithm behind CCCApply is very good and accurate at identifying the gray areas beyond physical California residency where the information providedby the applicant indicates the need for additional proof or other documentation to not only determine residency, but also other contra-indicators, such as admission ineligibiiity, if the student is under care & control of a guardian, dual concurrent enrollment, AB540 eligibility, and more. Hence there are three levels of residency determination returned: Resident, Possible Resident, with proof, and Non-Resident.

In the case of a minor, concurrent enrollee, the CCCApply Steering Committee has determined that these applicants must provide additional proof to the college and therefore will be flagged as such and will be predetermined to "Possible Resident".

I have attached an example that does show a student is classified as a non-resident (possible resident – further proof is needed). I have removed the name, but left the CCCID so you can review the application. The student had not answered any questions that would make them a non-resident and has lived in California for the last two years. Why does the system code this person a nonresident just because they don’t list high school information?

Again, the applicant was NOT determined to be a "Non-resident". The indicators that triggered the "Possible Resident" are as follows:

Student is 14 years old (minor) and did not attend high school in California for two years or more;
The last high school attended is not California;

With the growth in Dual Enrollment all throughout the state, this is problematic for colleges using the online application to admit high school freshman or sophomore students who when asked if they have attended a California HS during the last two years answer correctly, “no”.

Agreed; however, if this case, the student answered that they did not attend High School in California.

Does the Technology Center have plans to update the residency logic to include additional questions so that HS students below the 11th grade can possibly receive a California residency classification without having to provide additional proof?

The CCCApply Steering Committee has reviewed this request in the past and declined a change to the algorithm. According to the committee, all concurrent enrollee student must submit documentation of permission to attend both high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time, and therefore assigning a "Possible Resident" determination is appropriate.

Do other colleges make the category 2 students residents or is this part of the common process?

Most colleges have logic in their enrollment intake process that identifies the concurrent students separately from California resident issues. If your system does not identify these students upon intake to your student information system, rules can be created in the CCCApply system that can 1) email the K12 student information about what documentation needs to be presented in order to be accepted to the college; 2) a rule can be set up to identify the status of such students and can be sent to an internal staff email. This would notify the appropriate staff of a particular sequence of responses (i.e., K12 student but meets California residency requirements, or age of student combined with the dependency status field indicates the minor is under care & control of legal guardian,etc.). In fact, we can help you create email rules (outgoing to students and/or internal to staff members) for any combination of data fields existing in the application.)

In conclusion, though we feel that the logic behind CCCApply to be solid and accurate, we realize that bugs and other issues are not out of the realm of possibilities. Further, change requests can be submitted to the CCCApply Steering Committee pertaining to any aspect of CCCApply (however, they must be valid and benefit all colleges in order to be considered for review.).

Please look over the Appendix A of the Data Dictionary to better understand the algorithm in CCCApply. The Integrity Flags especially can be beneficial to alert Admissions of specific combinations of responses that may save you time with painstaking manual review. The integrity flags can be used in email rules as well.

Please let me know if you would like to schedule a call to review the CCCApply residency algorithm and also explore the possibilities of using Rules and supplemental questions to better determine the eligibility of your incoming students.

Thank you,

Response from MItch Leahy, Steering:
<<I think this one is a tough one. The reason why this integrity flag came up for the student was because they are entering data as a freshman. This prevents them from properly answering the question of last high school attended because they haven’t attended a high school yet. Due to this, they respond as shown and circled below which prevents them from adding the name of their high school. By default, if a high school is left blank, the flag of 03 appears. It seems to me that we need to come up with a smart way to adjust the last high school attended question to allow an incoming freshman to list their high school.>>

Who should see this field?

This excerpt from the Data Dictionary - showing that we do have a bug in the system. This question is NOT supposed to display if the user selects "enrolling in high school or lower grade and college at the same time". However, per my note above, it is not used in the residency algorithm - so keeping it there or removing it doesn't make a difference in the logic calculation. If it's removed, the answer will be null or no - which affects AB540.  I think this comes down to the fact that the dual enrollee is being classified as an "B2" regardless, based on Steering previous decisions.

Attended California High School for Three Years

Data Element:



Applicant’s response to Attended California High School for Three Years question

Format, Length:

boolean, 1


1 = True/Yes

0 = False/No

Allows Null:





A factor in AB540 Waiver eligibility


education table

Xap Field:


Revision Log:


Question Text:

Have you attended high school in California for three or more years?

Yes [radio button]        No [radio button]


Additional Text:


Response Options:

As shown in Question Text.

Pop-Up Help:


Field Error Check:


Page Error Check:

Required user response; else error message, “You must select Yes or No to specify whether or not you attended high school in California for three or more years.”


Used in AB540 Waiver algorithm.

Home schooled students are not eligible for the AB540 exemption if instruction was provided by a tutor or other person (including the student’s parents) who did not have a valid California teaching credential, or was not affiliated with a state approved home-schooling program.

From CCCCO Legal Advisory 07-01: “Home schooling is instruction by a tutor or other person (including the student’s parent) who does not have a valid California teaching credential.

Local high schools are charged with determining whether to accept home schooling as valid attendance. Therefore, community college districts that are asked to consider home schooling as high school attendance for purposes of granting the exemption should confer with the public high school the student would have attended if not home schooled. If that high school accepts or would accept home schooling as valid high school attendance, the community college should also accept it for purposes of assessing whether the student can demonstrate three years of high school attendance.”

Data Element:

education: cahs_3year


Update the conditional logic in <cahs_3yr> for high school students:


Change this condition to ONLY DISPLAY this question IF <hs_edu_leve> is:

3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school

DO NOT DISPLAY - IF <hs_edu_level> is:

6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
2 = Currently enrolled in adult school
0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school

These are the response options in the <hs_edu_level> field:

High School Education Level <hs_edu_level>

3 = Received high school diploma from U.S. school
4 = Passed a high school equivalency test and received a certificate of high school equivalency
5 = Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
6 = Received a diploma/certificate of graduation from a Foreign secondary school
1 = Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time
2 = Currently enrolled in adult school

0 = Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school

Reference: AB540 Algorithm

Appendix C: AB540 Waiver Algorithm

After the Preliminary Residency Determination is set, the AB540 Eligibility Flag is set according to the following logic:

1.    The response to both of the following questions on the Education Page is “Yes”:

“I have graduated from a California high school or have attained the equivalent thereof, such as a High School Equivalency Certificate, issued by the California State GED Office or a Certificate of Proficiency, resulting from the California High School Proficiency Examination.”

“I have attended high school in California for three or more years.”

2.    AND the Preliminary Residency Determination is NOT “1 (Resident)”

3.    AND the “Visa Type is null” OR “Visa Type is T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5”.

4.    THEN the AB540 Eligibility flag is “Yes”; otherwise it is “No”.

All data items referred to above, as well as the eligibility flag, are available in the standard download file for all colleges.

Separate JIRA = If concurrent enrollee - don't show CA Attended HS 3 years - for AB540 alone. 

Supporting Documentation

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