CCCApply Release 6.7.0 - Implementation Checklist

CCCApply Release 6.7.0 - Implementation Checklist

Colleges should be aware of the following technical changes and potential impacts to one or more CCCApply applications implementations in the Version 6.7.0 release.


Summary of Change Impacts & Technical Tasks

Each item in the table below describes an impact or a change to OpenCCC or CCCApply that may require colleges to make a technical update. Technical tasks or action items are detailed below.

Application Impacted

Impact or Change

Technical Tasks

Required or Optional

Application Impacted

Impact or Change

Technical Tasks

Required or Optional

CCCApply Standard Application

Area B Residency logic change for California homeless applicants.

Colleges should be aware that two minor changes were made to the Area B residency logic to ensure that California applicants who are homeless will not be flagged as “possible residents” based on permanent and/or current mailing address alone.

There is no task required by the college for this change.


CCCApply Standard Application
Noncredit Application
International Application

Optional internationalization i18n (Spanish Translation) for CCCApply Supplemental Questions.

Colleges that have implemented custom, optional Supplemental Questions should be aware that if they want their questions to appear in Spanish when a user has set their lang setting to Spanish, then they will be responsible for managing the translation of their questions, including translation of the text, and add it to their Supplemental Questions XML file.


CCCApply Standard Application

New Highest Grade Completed question & data field has been added to the HS Transcript Information section on the Education page in the CCCApply Standard App only.

For the CCCApply Download Client: <highest_grade_completed>
For SuperGlue for Apply: <HighestGradeCompleted>

See Changes to Data Fields for general information.

Colleges using the CCCApply Download Client for data delivery will need to add the new data field to their Standard Application Format Definition XML file and run the Download Client Jar v.6.7.0) if they want to download the new Highest Grade Completed data field.

Colleges using Glue for CCCApply for data delivery will need to complete the required implementation tasks outlined by the SuperGlue team.

Optional (Download Client is backwards compatible) - but no data will be delivered until you add the data to your download file.


REQUIRED for Glue for Apply users

CCCApply Standard Application

Deprecated question & data field: The new “Highest Grade Completed” is REPLACING the existing “Completed Eleventh Grade” question and data field: <completed_eleventh_grade>

Colleges using the CCCApply Download Client for data delivery should be aware that the <completed_eleventh_grade> field and question will no longer be downloading data through the Download Client.

Optional (Download Client is backwards compatible)

OpenCCC Account System
Recovery Account
Edit Account

Mobile support for OpenCCC student account system

The user interface in the OpenCCC student account system, including Create Account, Recover Account, and Edit Account pages have been redesigned for mobile devices.


OpenCCC Account
CCCApply Edit Account

New layout and onscreen question text for the Social Security Number Question

The Social Security Number question has been completely redesigned with a new, streamlined layout and improved onscreen question text/language to minimize barriers and ambiguity that might cause confusion to some students, such as non-U.S. resident, ESL/Spanish-speakers, international students.


Product Documentation & Links

Getting to the Pilot Environment

Colleges can begin previewing and testing the CCCApply 6.7.0 changes in the Pilot environment on March 4, 2020.  

Change to the CCCApply Residency Logic  


A change was made to the Area B residency logic in the CCCApply 6.7.0 release to remove an unnecessary barrier for homeless applicants who have indicated that they have no permanent address or mailing address because they are currently homeless, yet in every other way they are California residents for tuition purposes. The fact that they are not providing an address is the reason they are getting flagged. From now on, California homeless applicants will not be flagged in Area B based on their address alone.

Legal Support: CCCApply worked with the CCC Chancellor’s Office to explore the best solution to this issue. According to the California Education Code, residency status for tuition purposes cannot be based on address alone. If the

Solution: In this release (6.7.0) we made an adjustment to the Area B residency logic so that it will only flag applicants who indicate that their permanent address “state” and/or current mailing address “state” is not California AND they have not checked the boxes indicating they are homeless. In other words, if the student has self-reported that they are homeless, the residency logic will NOT flag them based on the fact that their address “State” is not California.

An applicant’s address will only be used in the calculation of their residency status if they have left the “no permanent address homeless” and/or “no mailing address homeless” checkboxes EMPTY.

Changes to the User Interface

The majority of this release consists of user interface enhancements that require no action on the part of the colleges. Additional information on the user interface changes can be found in the links below.


Spanish Translation in All CCCApply Applications

The highlight of the CCCApply release v.6.7.0 is the internationalization of the code for all CCCApply applications AND the OpenCCC Account applications (Create, Recover). Internationalization allows the ability for multiple language parameters to be implemented for end users upon request.

The first language alternative to English is Spanish, based on a Spanish-Mexico dialect.

Users who would like to set their language preference to Spanish can do so by clicking on the Cambiar A Espanol button or link from any page - and have it persist from page to page throughout the user’s application experience. This functionality allows the user to toggle between Spanish and English as often as needed.


Implementing Spanish Translation in Supplemental Questions

Colleges that have implemented custom (optional) supplemental questions in one or more CCCApply applications, have the option to implement Spanish translation using the <translation> XML element in their Supplemental Questions XML file(s).

To implement Spanish translation using the <translation> element:


OpenCCC Mobile Support

One of the highlights of the CCCApply 6.7.0 release is the completion of the responsive design work that delivers a mobile-friendly user experience for mobile users.

Now a user can create an OpenCCC account, recover an account, reset their password, and start and submit a CCCApply application - on their mobile device.

To preview the mobile experience, visit your college website and navigate to the Admissions page to find your link to CCCApply. Click on their link to Apply and experience the process on your smart phone, tablet or desktop.


Changes to Data Fields

In the v.6.7.0 release, there is one new data field added to the CCCApply Standard Application data set <highest_grade_completed>, and one deprecated field <completed_eleventh_grade>.

New: highest_grade_completed

Deprecated: completed_eleventh_grade


CCCApply Data Delivery Methods

The CCCApply Standard Application data can be delivered in two formats:

CCCApply Download Client

Glue for CCCApply

CCCApply Download Client Method

In general, in order to download new or changed data fields and values that are implemented in the OpenCCC and CCCApply applications, you must first 1) add the new data field, or make required changes, to your application-specific Format Definition XML file(s) and 2) update the existing (transfer-client.jar) file for the current release.  For more information, please see the Download Client section in the CCCApply public documentation site.

Add New <highest_grade_completed> Data Field to Standard Format Definition XML File

To download the new <highest_grade_completed> data in the CCCApply 6.7.0 release, add the new field to your Standard Application Format Definition XML file using XML code.

For details on adding new fields to the Format Definition XML file, see the CCCApply Download Client User Guide.

Job and Format Definitions XML Templates

Running the 6.7.0 Download Client Jar File

When new fields are added to OpenCCC or any of the CCCApply Applications in one of the Annual Updates or a supplemental September release, they need to be manually added to your Application Format Definitions XML files (each application - CCCApply, BOG, International - has a unique one) AND you must update your Download Client with the release-specific Transfer-Client Jar file.  A new 'transfer-client-jar" file is created for each release, including the Pilot releases. The latest transfer client jar files are always stored here with the Download Client User Guide.

In your installed Download Client directory, replace the older files with the latest version files which are always stored with the Download Client User Guide:


Update Your Pilot Download Client Jar File 

After you've updated your Pilot Format Definition XML with new and changed data fields, you must replace your Pilot Download Client Jar file with the latest version.

In your installed Pilot Download Client directory, replace the following files:

  • Replace your existing transfer-client.jar (V.X.X.0) with: < PLACE LATEST DLC FILE HERE >

Follow the instructions in the Pilot CCCApply Download Client User Guide.


Update the Production Download Client Jar File

To update your Download Client Transfer file for the Production environment, the process is the same as the Pilot environment update. The same jar file is used for both environment. 

In your installed Production Download Client directory, replace the following files:

  • Replace your existing transfer-client.jar (V.X.X.0) with: < PLACE LATEST DLC FILE HERE >

Follow the instructions in the CCCApply Download Client User Guide.



SuperGlue for CCCApply Method

For step by step implementation instructions, please see the Glue for CCCApply 6.7.0 page.


CCCApply Pilot Environment Release

CCCApply maintains a separate Pilot environment for the CCCApply applications, admin configuration, reporting tools, and data delivery (including the CCCApply Download Client and the SuperGlue for Apply process)- for college implementation, testing, and previewing pre-production release changes for each of the following applications: 

  • CCCApply Standard and Noncredit Application

  • OpenCCC Student Account System

  • CC Promise Grant Application

  • CCCApply International Application

  • CCCApply Administrator 2.0 (including the System Administrator > User Manager)

  • CCCApply Report Center 

  • Download Servers (Download Client and Glue for Apply) 

Pilot Application URLs

Find your end-to-end test environment for your college's CCCApply implementation.

Getting to the Pilot Environment

Colleges can begin previewing and testing the CCCApply 6.7.0 changes in the Pilot environment on March 4, 2020.  


Reporting Issues & Feedback

Colleges are encouraged to follow the response processes below to report system issues and bugs (S1 and S2) as well as non-critical bugs, change requests, and other general feedback (S3, S4) using the processes below.

Bugs & Issue Resolution During Pilot Preview

Incidents encountered during Pilot Project testing in the Pilot environment - especially during a pre-production release period - should be reported immediately to the College Support Services team - to be resolved as quickly as possible.    


Severity Levels

  • S1 - Application / service is unavailable.  

  • S2 - Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is available

  • S3 - Less important business process is impacted and/or workaround is available.

  • S4 - Low impact or cosmetic issue


Issue Type


Operations Priority

Feedback Process


Issue Type


Operations Priority

Feedback Process


Application / service is unavailable.  

Pilot college cannot access the Noncredit application in the Pilot environment using their custom URL

24-48 hr response 
Hot Fix resolution TBD

Email details to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com


Application / service is unavailable.  

Pilot college cannot access the Noncredit application due to error message

24-48 hr response
Hot Fix resolution TBD

Email details to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com


Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is available

Pilot college identifies a critical bug in the Noncredit app user interface or backend systems that prevents implementation or testing 

24 - 72 hr response
Set priority level TBD

Email bug information to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com 


Less important business process is impacted and/or workaround is available.

Pilot college identifies a non-critical bug in the Noncredit app user interface or backend that does not prevent implementation or testing 

1 week response
Set priority level TBD

Email bug information to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com 


Must Have Requirement

Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is available

Pilot college identifies a missing IT or business requirement per state, federal or local mandate (example: AB 3101)

1 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change Requirement template

Pilot college documents requirement(s) via Change Requirement form template; sends as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for bi-weekly meeting agenda.
Email:  pdonohue@ccctechcenter.org 


Nice to Have Request

Low impact or cosmetic issue

Pilot college identifies a med/high-priority change enhancement to the MVP application 

2 week response
Set priority TBD

Pilot college submits change requirement(s) using Change Request form template; send as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for bi-weekly meeting agenda.
Email:  pdonohue@ccctechcenter.org 


Delighter Enhancement

Low impact or cosmetic issue

Pilot college identifies an enhancement to the user interface or backend service(s) that includes unauthorized feature development (Out of FY scope)

2 - 4 week response
Set priority TBD

Pilot college submits change request(s) using Change Req form template; send as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for committee review.
Email:  pdonohue@ccctechcenter.org 


Request for Implementation Support

Pilot college requests advice and/or general support for IT implementation, operations, best practices, and/or additional help from Product management, support services, other college pilots, or general colleges - in support of the new project.

24 - 48 hr response

Depending on item; TBD


Pilot colleges should review all CCCApply community board discussions before posting a new support request or question on the College Support Site: CCCTechnology.info


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