2019-41: Customize list of Education Goals for the Noncredit App

2019-41: Customize list of Education Goals for the Noncredit App

Request No.2019-41
Date of RequestNovember 15, 2019
RequesterWonda Wong, CCSF
Application(s)Noncredit App
Section / Page


Proposed Change to Download FileTBD
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A

Problem / Issue

Currently the list of Educational Goal is the same for credit and noncredit application (see attached screenshot). We would like to have a different list (3 categories only) for noncredit. Can you please advise how to set it up?


Wonda Wong.

Senior Business Analyst, A&R

City College of San Francisco

Proposed Solution

This suggestion will be discussed with the Steering Committee to see if there is other interest in this type of customization.

Supporting Documentation

DescriptionFile TypeURLNotes