2020-07: Overhaul Enrollment Section Ed Goal & Major Selections

2020-07: Overhaul Enrollment Section Ed Goal & Major Selections

Request No.2020-07
Date of Request09-01-20
RequesterBrian K. Sanders, Ed.D. Vice President of Instruction Columbia College
Application(s)Standard Application
Section / PageMajors & Major Categories
Steering Hearing DateTBD
Proposed Change to Download FileYes
Proposed Change to Residency LogicN/A

Problem / Issue

Summarize the proposed three tier selection window in broader Guided Pathways language, for example:

Level 1 – Meta-Major Selection

Level 2 – Specific Subject Area within Meta-Major

Level 3 – Specific Award Pathway within Subject Area

Each level would have a meaningful/default “Unsure/Undeclared” option. E.g., a student could be completely undeclared by a selection at the Meta-Major, or might know they are interested in the STEM meta-major, but unsure which STEM subject, or they might know they want to study Chemistry but not sure if they want the AS-T in Chemistry or the AS in BioChemistry. Each Undeclared major option could still be translated into a specific/default award pathway at the college, and counselors could intervene to help them narrow down their choices.

Proposed Solution

This would be a fairly major change to the way majors are selected and reported on. Will need to review with the Chancellor's office, MIS team and SMEs on the CCCApply user group. On a March 2021 survey of the user group this change request was voted #2 priority of 7 proposed enhancements.

Dependencies, Risks and/or Reporting Requirements?




Which data field(s)?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Standard Application?

Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the International Application?


Would this change affect an existing question or data field on the Promise Grant Application?

Would Account (OpenCCC) data be affected by this change?

Does the question or data field align to an MIS reporting requirement now?

Does this change affect any other state or federal regulations or requirements?


Would this change affect existing residency logic?

Would any other data fields be affected by this change?

Would students users be affected by this change?

Would colleges be affected by this change? 

Would the Download Client be affected by this change?

What other tech center web services will be affected by this change?

i.e., Glue staging table?  Multiple Measur
Other dependencies?

Other implementation considerations?

Supporting Documentation

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