UAT Plan: CCCApply Release 6.5.0

UAT Plan: CCCApply Release 6.5.0

This User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Guide is designed to help colleges understand the user interface and back-end changes made to CCCApply Standard Application in the v.6.5.0 version release (Pilot environment release 2.19.19, and Production release 3.16.19) and provide acceptance criteria to support college implementation of those changes.

Pilot College Participation

The CCCApply Release 6.5.0 UAT will consist of 3 district colleges from the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup. 

Participating Colleges

Colleges from the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup will participate in Release 6.5.0 UAT activities:

  • Santa Rosa College
  • Cerritos College
  • Sierra College
  • Santa Monica College (alternate)

Minimum Participation Requirements

The minimum number of pilot participants to provide validation is 3. Pilot project activities are scheduled between May 31 - June 27, 2019.   

Participation activities and requirements include:

  • Complete all UAT Implementation activities and testing goals
  • Provide feedback and support only as needed
  • Optional: Contribute to the development of best practices and support materials 

Release notes for the CCCApply Release 6.5.0 include additional user interface enhancements and implementation guidelines that support this UAT plan. Background information about the CCCApply Redesign Project and other special implementations released in FY18-19 can be found in the CCCApply Redesign Project Dashboard. Data Dictionaries and User Guides have been updated for this release. 

Pilot UAT Plan

The user acceptance testing (UAT) plan, process and objectives for the CCCApply Release 6.5.0 Pilot are listed below. 

  • UAT Objectives & Success Criteria
  • Required Documentation 
  • Getting to the Pilot Application 
  • Pilot UAT Steps
  • Data Fields & Downloads
  • Admin Configuration 
  • Reports
  • Feedback & Support Processes

UAT Objectives & Success Criteria 

The objectives and success criteria for college user testing across the 6.5.0 release are detailed below.

#UAT ObjectivesSuccess Criteria College UAT Results 

Ensure college admissions and support services staff have all release notes, change specifications, and project implementation materials needed to update existing business operations and support services processes, data reporting requirements, and outreach activities based on the new user interface changes - if applicable (optional).


CCCApply Redesign Project Objective: Implement changes and enhancements to the user interface to "shorten & simplify" the application process" to meet the requirements in AB 3101.  

  • College admission and support staff have bookmarked the CCCApply 6.5.0 release notes
  • including the detailed User Interface changes deployed as part of the CCCApply Redesign Project
  • College staff have bookmarked the CCCApply Redesign Project Dashboard and reviewed the Release 3 specific user interface changes

  • College staff confirm that the user interface changes are displaying as specified:
    • Change to the Foster Youth Status question
    • Change to the Parent/Guardian Information text
    • New "Non-binary" value appears in the Gender field dropdown
  • Needs & Information page reconfiguration is noted.


Ensure college IT and support staff have all the release notes, data and technical specifications, updated user guides, and implementation information needed to implement fixes and solutions to data fields, downloads, and user interface bugs (as needed).

Replace workarounds with bug fixes technical updates, service incidents, error monitoring and other priority support issues  required to ensure CCCApply admin & reporting tools are functioning efficiently for colleges and end-users.

  • Colleges have downloaded and reviewed the CCCApply 6.5.0 release notes
  • Colleges IT staff have downloaded the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2019.2, and reviewed the 6.5.0 updates documented
  • Colleges IT staff have bookmarked the link to the online CCCApply Download Client User Guide v.2019.1 and reviewed 6.5.0 updates documented in the Change Log 
  • Colleges have updated their current Download Client with the 6.5.0 transfer-client.jar file.

Confirmed with colleges who reported the bugs that we have fixed those bugs and have no further need for the workarounds


Ensure college admissions and IT staff have ability to perform admin configuration and reporting activities with new data fields and values from 6.5.0 and previous releases in the Administrator and Report center.  

Maintenance, support and database upgrades required to ensure CCCApply admin & reporting tools are updated with new and changed data fields and bug fixes to ensure viability of CCCApply admin functionality 

  • Colleges have tested and confirmed that multiple Application Confirmation numbers can be recalled in the Spam Filter user interface Search field and they all appear at the top of the Spam Filter Summary table for processing
  • Colleges confirm that all spam applications have been reset and reprocessed correctly

Colleges have confirmed that the new "Non-binary" value is appearing in their Downloads and in the Report Center.

It is recommended that colleges update their CCCApply Download Client Jar file to the latest version for every pilot and production environment releases. Find the latest version here: CCCApply User Guides > Download Client Jar File.

Required Documentation

The following documentation is required for the CCCApply Release 6.5.0 implementation plan:

Additional Docs

Getting to the Pilot Environment

Pilot colleges can begin previewing and testing the CCCApply 6.5.0 pilot release items on May 31, 2019.  

Pilot UAT Implementation Steps

STEPS TO TEST CHANGES: The outline below walks you through steps to conduct user acceptance testing of the changes deployed in release 6.5.0.
EXPECTED RESULTS: To help confirm changes meet the proposed success criteria for the UAT objectives.

  1. Using a new Chrome browser window, navigate to your college (MIS code-specific) version of the /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/131465676 
  2. Sign in to CCCApply My Applications page and start a new CCCApply Standard application as a minor with a DOB from 2003
    1. From OpenCCC Sign-in page:
      1. If you have a Pilot OpenCCC test account, click "Sign In"; land in your My Applications page, 
      2. If you don't have a Pilot OpenCCC test account, click on "Create an Account"; complete process to create a new account; and auto-direct to the Enrollment page. 
    2. Once signed in, from the My Applications page, click on "Edit OpenCCC Account" to edit your date of birth (for testing purposes only).  Use a month-day-year from 2003.  Save changes.
    3. Click on "Start a New Application" to reach the Enrollment page.
  3. On the Enrollment page, complete all required fields and continue to the Account Information/Mailing page:
    1. Select a Term
    2. Select an Education Goal
    3. Select a Major Category
    4. Select an Intended Major/Program of Study

  4. UAT Activity:  Parent/Guardian Information Text Changes Review
    On the Account Information/Mailing page, review the text changes that were implemented to the Parent/Guardian Information section, noting the new bullet added to support foster youth minors to the "One of the following is true about me" option. 

    SUCCESS CRITERIA: Visual confirmation is needed. This additional information is intended to help minors who are in foster care select the correct option for this section. 

    1. On the Account In the Parent/Guardian Information section, note the new bulleted text added to support foster youth minors - then select one of the two options required;
    2. Review OpenCCC Account Information section and make any edits or changes as needed;
    3. Confirm that "My Current Mailing Address is the same as my Permanent Address" checkbox response is accurate; if needed, update current mailing address
    4. Click "Continue" to move to the Education page.

  5. Complete all required questions on the Education and the Citizenship/Military pages. Click "continue" to the Residency page.
  6. UAT Activity: Changes to the Foster Youth Status Response Options
    Review the user interface changes implemented in the Foster Youth Status question on the Residency page;
    Note that the change extends priority registration eligibility to 16 yr old students, changed from 18 yr olds. Selecting 
    SUCCESS CRITERIA: Students who are 16 years old and meet the updated criteria in the Foster Youth Status section will trigger the flag 71 for priority registration. College should see the flag indicator in their downloads and on the full application report in the CCC Report Center.

    1. Change Implemented: A text change made to the Foster Youth Status response options (text change only) now expands the age of foster youth who are eligible for priority registration. 

  7. UAT Activity: Demographic Information Page Changes
    Confirm that the new "Non-binary" response option appears in the Gender field menu. Select the "Non-binary" response option and confirm that the new value is populating in your downloads. Run the Full Application report for this test application upon submission.
    SUCCESS CRITERIA: After submitting this test application, you should see "Non-binary" as the value next to Gender in the Full Application report.

    1. Change Implemented:  A new value was added to the Gender field: Non-binary.   

  8. Complete all remaining required portions of the application and submit the application 
    1. Review your application responses on the Submission page (optional)
    2. Complete the Consent to Release Information checkboxes (required)
    3. Complete the Submission requirements (required)
    4. After submission, note the application's Confirmation number (App_id) and your CCCID.

  9. Review the confirmation screen and note your confirmation number for reference. Click "Continue" to move to the Satisfaction Survey / Special Links & Opportunities Page
  10. Navigate to Student Satisfaction Survey and complete the survey (optional)
  11. Continue down the page and review the Special Links & Opportunities for your application
  12. Click "Finish & Sign-Out" or if MyPath college, click "Finish and continue to MyPath" (confirm)

  13. Review table of user interface changes affected by this release (6.5.0)
  14. Review table of new and changed data field values affected by these user interface changes, detailed above.
    1. Review CCCApply Standard Application Pilot download files
      1. Add the new data fields to your existing Standard Application Format Definition XML file for the Pilot environment:
        1. Identify all Null values that will now appear on the download file and in reporting
        2. Identify all  blank  < > 
      2. Note all specified data field changes (new values, formats, logic, etc.) as specified in the Change Log of the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary v.2019.2 
      3. For help updating your Format Definition file, see the CCCApply Download Client User Guide

  15. Update your existing Download Client Jar File with new version (v.6.5.0 for Pilot release)
    1. Find and replace the "transfer-client.jar" file in your CCCApply Download Client with the latest version for this release (v.6.5.0).
      1. NOTE: The 'transfer-client.jar" file has the same as the download client jar file 
      2. Refer to the latest version of the Download Client User Guide v.2019.1
      3. Refer to the Download Client User Guide for instructions on replacing and running the Jar file for each application in each environment (Pilot and Production).
    2. Run a test download Job in the Pilot environment.

  16. UAT Activity: Search and Reset Multiple Fraud Applications in the Spam Filter Utility
    Confirm that the new Spam Filter Search functionality can find and reset two or more suspended applications in the Spam Filter utility.

    SUCCESS CRITERIA:  Multiple applications should be able to be returned to the Spam Filter table for processing, rather than one at a time. Bulk (multiple) application confirmation numbers can be copied and pasted into the Search field and brought back into the Spam Filter table to be processed (confirmed as spam or confirmed as valid).  Retrieved applications should appear at the top of the table.

    1. Navigate to the Pilot CCC Administrator (CAP) and login using existing user account credentials
    2. Select "CCCApply Administrator" from the Applications menu on the homepage
    3. From the CCCApply Administrator home page, select "CCCApply" from the Applications menu 
    4. Select your college from the College selection menu bar
    5. Select "Utilities > Spam Filter" from the Modules menu bar
      1. From the Spam Filter summary table, write down the Application ID numbers for two or more applications suspended in the Summary table;
      2. Place a checkmark next to the applications you've noted and then click on the "Mark as Valid" button above the summary table;
        1. Notice that the applications have been removed from the summary table.
      3. Copy and paste the Application ID numbers into the Search field above the summary table and click Enter
        1. Notice that the applications have reappeared in the summary table and are listed at the top of the table.
      4. Place a checkmark next to one or more of the retrieved applications and click "Mark as Valid" or "Mark as Spam" as needed.

Repeat this process for your Production application after the production release on June 28, 2019. 

New & Changed Data Fields

The table below provides an overview of the new and/or changed data fields being deployed in the CCCApply 6.5.0 release (Standard Application and "Glue for Standard Apply" Only).

See these data specification changes in the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Data Dictionary V.2019.2 in the CCCApply Data Dictionaries  space.

College Adaptor (SuperGlue) Data Element

For SuperGlue colleges, the new Race & Ethnicity Full data  element is called "raceEthnicFull".


Data Field

Format / Length



Updating Your Download XML Files

In general, in order to download new and changed data fields and values that get deployed in CCCApply applications, you must first add and/or make changes to the fields in your application-specific Format Definition XML file(s) and update the existing (transfer-client.jar) file for current release. 

For the 6.5.0 Pilot release, update your Standard Application Format Definition XML file with the data field changes specified in the New & Changed Data Fields table, above.   

To ensure your CCCApply download files are always in synch with the latest release version, we recommend that all new and changed data fields be added to your download files (Format Definition XML) and replace/update the Download Client Jar file with each release. This should be done whether you plan to import the new fields to your college SIS system.

Update Your Pilot Download Client Jar File 

After you've updated your Pilot Format Definition XML with new and changed data fields, replace your Pilot Download Client Jar file with the latest version.

In your installed Pilot Download Client directory, replace the following files:

    • Replace transfer-client.jar (V6.5) with: transfer-client-V5.jar

Follow the instructions in the Pilot CCCApply Download Client User Guide.


Please be sure to backup your files before downloading new ones.

Update the Production Download Client Jar File

To update your Download Client Transfer file for the Production environment, the process is the same as the Pilot environment update. The same jar file is used for both environment. 

In your installed Production Download Client directory, replace the following files:

    • Replace transfer-client.jar (V6.5.0) with: transfer-client-V4.jar

Follow the instructions in the CCCApply Download Client User Guide.

Pilot Release: Feedback & Support

During a CCCApply pilot release (30 days between pilot release and production release), colleges are encouraged to follow the response processes below to report system issues and bugs (S1 and S2) as well as non-critical bugs, change requests, and other general feedback (S3, S4) using the processes below.

Severity Levels

S1 - Application / service is unavailable.  

S2 - Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is available

S3 - Less important business process is impacted and/or workaround is available.

S4 - Low impact or cosmetic issue

Issue Type
Operations Priority
Feedback Process
S1Application / service is unavailable.  Pilot college cannot access the Noncredit application in the Pilot environment using their custom URL24-48 hr response 
Hot Fix resolution TBD
Email details to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com
S1Application / service is unavailable.  Pilot college cannot access the Noncredit application due to error message24-48 hr response
Hot Fix resolution TBD
Email details to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com
S2Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is availablePilot college identifies a critical bug in the Noncredit app user interface or backend systems that prevents implementation or testing 24 - 72 hr response
Set priority level TBD
Email bug information to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com 
S3Less important business process is impacted and/or workaround is available.Pilot college identifies a non-critical bug in the Noncredit app user interface or backend that does not prevent implementation or testing 1 week response
Set priority level TBD
Email bug information to College Support Services: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com 

Must Have Requirement

Required business process is prevented from being used.  No workaround is available

Pilot college identifies a missing IT or business requirement per state, federal or local mandate (example: AB 3101)1 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change Requirement template

Pilot college documents requirement(s) via Change Requirement form template; sends as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for bi-weekly meeting agenda.
Email:  pdonohue@ccctechcenter.org 


Nice to Have Request

Low impact or cosmetic issue

Pilot college identifies a med/high-priority change enhancement to the MVP application 2 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change Request template

Pilot college submits change requirement(s) using Change Request form template; send as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for bi-weekly meeting agenda.
Email:  pdonohue@ccctechcenter.org 


Delighter Enhancement

Low impact or cosmetic issue

Pilot college identifies an enhancement to the user interface or backend service(s) that includes unauthorized feature development (Out of FY scope)

2 - 4 week response
Set priority TBD

Use Change Request template

Pilot college submits change request(s) using Change Req form template; send as link or attachment to Pilot Project Manager to be prioritized for committee review.
Email:  pdonohue@ccctechcenter.org 

Request for Implementation SupportPilot college requests advice and/or general support for IT implementation, operations, best practices, and/or additional help from Product management, support services, other college pilots, or general colleges - in support of the new project.

24 - 48 hr response

Depending on item; TBD


Pilot colleges should review all CCCApply community board discussions before posting a new support request or question on the College Support Site: CCCTechnology.info

Issue Resolution During Pilot 

Incidents encountered during Pilot Project testing in the Pilot environment - especially during a pre-production release period - should be reported immediately to the College Support Services team - to be resolved as quickly as possible.    

College Support Services via the Staff Support email:  staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com

NOTE: If you report an issue to the Support team by email, please cc: Patty Donohue, CCCApply Product Manager, pdonohue@ccctechcenter.org - to keep the product team aware of incidents and bugs.

Change Request Form Templates

  • High-Priority Change Requirement Form
  • Change Request Form

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