2020-02: Noncredit Application Enhancements - Q3 Steering Meeting

2020-02: Noncredit Application Enhancements - Q3 Steering Meeting

The following enhancements were discussed during the Feb 11, 2020 CCCApply Steering/User Group meeting specific to the Noncredit Application.















Noncredit Application




Section / Question

Terms, User Logic,


Riverside City College


Proposed Release


Individual Change Requests

Item #

Proposed Change

Proposed Solution

Item #

Proposed Change

Proposed Solution


OPENAPPLY-8320 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Application-specific Terms for the Noncredit Application

OPENAPPLY-8006 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Implement the ability for colleges to identify which Application their Terms should display in; similar to the way we’ve implemented app-specific Majors/Programs of Study. Each new Term will have to specify whether it is applicable to Standard, Noncredit or Both. These would be the three values/settings adding to the Add/Edit Term UI modal, and the Import Terms csv spreadsheet.

  • Standard

  • Noncredit

  • Both

Some colleges using the Noncredit Application - such as Riverside City College - have different Term start and end dates compared to their Standard Application Terms. Thus this allows the college to identify Terms that are specific for the “Noncredit” app only will only show up in the Noncredit Application (for that college); and Terms that are specific to “Both” applications would show up in both the Noncredit and the Standard Applications..


Ability for Users to Complete Both Standard & Noncredit Application for the Same Term


OPENAPPLY-8167 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Implement the ability for an applicant to complete and submit one Standard Application and one Noncredit Application for the same Term at the same College. This allows the applicant to respond to App-specific supplemental questions in both applications.


Users can complete the Standard Application for a unique Term (App Type = Both) then complete the Noncredit App using the same Term code.

Users can complete the Noncredit Application for a unique Term (app Type = Both) then complete the Standard App using the same Term code.


More Notes:

We forgot about the fact that students who completed the Standard Application would miss out on the college’s specific Noncredit Supplemental Questions when we restrict them from completing the Standard App before the Noncredit. This makes sense, so we’ll proposed a change and estimate the dev effort.

Currently, logic has been fixed so that an applicant can complete the Noncredit Application for a Term (Fall XYZ) and then - after finding out that they must take a credit course - can following the Standard Application URL and apply to the same Term (Fall XYZ) and be allowed to submit both.
However, currently, the opposite is not true. Applicants can NOT submit a Standard App for Fall XYZ first, and then submit a Noncredit App for Fall XYZ.


Ability for colleges to implement different Categories for Majors/Programs of Study in the Noncredit App


Majors and Categories need to be able to be different for Standard, Noncredit or Both

Turn on Major Category functionality in the Noncredit Application

Ensure the Administrator