CCCApply Steering Meeting - Agenda - June 13, 2018

CCCApply Steering Meeting - Agenda - June 13, 2018

Online Meeting Information

This meeting will be held online via Zoom.

Meeting Information

Date    Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Time   1:30PM - 3:30PM 

Location  Online Zoom

 Click here to see the Zoom meeting information...

Zoom Information

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: 

MEETING ID: 612 595 691

Use VoiP or Call TOLL Telephone:  Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)

NOTE:  Please note that the numbers above are not toll-free. If possible, please try to call in using your computer speakers and microphone (VoiP).

This meeting requires online and/or telephone access for up to 2 hours. Please navigate to the Zoom URL link above and use your computer speakers and microphone for a toll-free meeting session.




Roll Call 

Welcome Catherine Frost from Contra Costa College District. She is Robin Armour's replacement and specializes in residency!




Nomination of 2018-2019 Steering Committee Officers - Term of Service from July 1 - June 30, 2019 

1:52PM2019 Workshop UpdateMurguia

Follow up on July 25 in-person meeting at Norco college(contact Mark DeAsis)

Update on CCCApply Residency Sub-Committee 

Donohue, Pena

Update on CCCApply Redesign Workgroup 

Donohue, Pena, Calhoon

Update on MIS Reporting Changes (report on meeting with Todd Hoig, CCCCO on May 14)


Update on CCCApply 2018 Release (and Roadmap Update) See below. 

Donohue / Calhoon

Update on  /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/640221194 change enhancement in-progress

3:10PMSub-Committees Update:  International ApplicationAlvarado

Close Meeting

Chat from meeting:

 Click here to expand Chat from meeting...

From smurguia to Everyone: (01:24 PM)
Be right back...
I am back
From Angela Embry to Everyone: (01:32 PM)
Angela Embry from El Camino College is here. I'm calling in now.
From plino to Everyone: (01:33 PM)
Paulette Lino is here
and Rozen Bondoc too
we accidentally hung up
logging back in now
thank you
From Ward_Michael’s iPad2 to Everyone: (01:43 PM)
I abstain from voting leaving it up to either Chris Truong (Santa Ana College) or Tuyen Nguyen (Santiago Canyon College).
From Olivia to Everyone: (02:28 PM)
Hi Patty. As I mentioned earlier, I need to leave early for another meeting. Thank you.
From Me to Everyone: (02:30 PM)
From Ali Salinas (Riverside City) to Everyone: (02:39 PM)
Parry, is it alphabetical by program code or by program description?
From Chris Truong - Santa Ana College to Me: (Privately) (02:59 PM)
Hi Patty. I had to leave the office for another meeting and missed part of the meeting. May I have a copy of your note later? Thank you.
From Michelle Pena @ Bakersfield College to Everyone: (03:00 PM)
I need to step away for a few minutes.
From Michelle Pena @ Bakersfield College to Everyone: (03:06 PM)
I am back
From Tuyen Nguyen (Santiago Canyon College) to Me: (Privately) (03:12 PM)
I think I may have someone from my college that would like to be on that International sub Committee. If you could please send me some information, I will reach out to them. We are very interested in implenting the app
From smurguia to Everyone: (03:25 PM)
Have internal auditors here. I have to leave. Thanks for everything your do Patty. Michelle close the meeting for me please.
From plino to Everyone: (03:31 PM)
Hello. I have a meeting at 330 pm and need to leave now.



  • Workshop Survey Results - Need help reviewing and consolidating results
  • Communication to the Workshop attendees about the Annual Update, Spam Filter, and how to participate in the Steering Committee
  • Communication to colleges about the Public Documentation space & CCCApplyproject.org
Murguia / Leahy / Pena

Roll Call

2018 Steering Committee Member Roster

 Click here to expand...

2018 - 2019







XAli Salinas (IT)Riverside City College - RCCDXJoshua RosalesEl Camino CCD

Richette Bell

Compton CCD

Anna SalazarLos Angeles CCD - ELAC

Karen Sea

San Joaquin-Delta CCD


Angela Embry 

El Camino CCD

Leigh Ann Unger

Rio Hondo District


Rozen Bondoc

Chabot-Las Positas


Ben Guzman

South Orange CCD

Mark DeAsis

Riverside CCD


Satish Warrier

Contra Costa CCD


Betty Glyer-Culver

Los Rios CCD


MaryLou Leyba

San Francisco CCD


Stephanie Murguia

Cerritos CCD

XChris TruongRancho Santiago CCDXMaury Pearl  -ResearcherLos Angeles CCD

Christian AlvaradoSouth Orange CCD -SaddlebackXMichael WardRancho Santiago CCD
Tina Mani San Joaquin Delta CCD

Cindy Gonzales

Los Rios CCD


Tuyen Nguyen

Rancho Santiago CCD

Clark Ray

Santa Rosa CCD

XMichelle PenaKern CCD

Vince Orton

Cerritos CCD

Craig Hayward

Kern CCD
Mitchell LeahySanta Rosa CCDXWill Minnich/Susan LorenzoSan Mateo CCD

Greg Aycock (research)Riverside CCD (Norco)XOlivia Alvarado -ITLos Angeles CCD
Catherine FrostContra Costa CCD
XHieu HoangEl Camino CCD
Pam MerySan Francisco CCD

NEW!  Replacing Robin Armour!

Janice Love (research)

Rancho Santiago CCD

XPaulette LinoChabot-Las Positas CCD

XJason RalphsLos Rios District - ARC
Quyen Lu/Wanda Wong

San Francisco CCD


Gary Bird



Mike Quiaoit


Deb Barker-GarciaCCCCO

Tim Calhoon



Patty Donohue


2018 Committee Meeting Schedule

 Click here to expand...
TuesJanuary 302018 Appreciation Dinner In-Person - Dinner Celebration7:00 pm - 10:00 pmMangia Mangia Restaurant, Albany, CA  >> Directions
WedJanuary 31CCCApply Steering Committee Meeting - January 2018In-Person - Regular Meeting10:00 am - 3:30 pmContra Costa College - Room TBD
WedMarch 28/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/228032712In-Person - Workshop9:00 am - 4:00 pmOrange Coast College - Meeting Rooms & Cafeteria
TuesApril 3UNPLANNED MEETING - Called to discuss MIS Data ChangesOnline 3:00 pm - 4:30 pmONLINE
TuesMay 2

Post CACCRAO Conference - April 29, 2018 - May 2, 2018

In-Person - Short Meeting12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Sacramento, CA - Holiday Inn Oldtown

WedJune 13CCCApply Steering Committee MeetingOnline - Regular Meeting1:30 pm - 3:30 pmONLINE
WedJuly 25CCCApply Steering Committee MeetingIn-Person - Regular Meeting10:00am - 3:00pmNorco College - Riverside CCD - close to Ontario Airport
WedSeptember 26CCCApply Steering Committee MeetingOnline - Regular Meeting1:30 pm - 3:30 pmONLINE
WedNovember 14

CCCApply Steering Committee Meeting

(Set our 2019 calendar during this meeting)

Online - Regular Meeting1:30 ppm - 3:30pmONLINE

Reminders and invitations with call-in zoom info will be sent out in advance of each meeting.  Mark your calendars now!

Election of 2018-2019 Steering Officers

CCCApply Steering Committee Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary need to be nominated and approved by early June - to give time for transition. 

A description of the offices were provided in the survey.

June 13 Discussion:

Link to survey results:  2018-2019 Steering Officers Election Survey Results

The way the survey was done didn't take in to consideration that only ONE vote per District should be counted.  However, we discussed as a committee and decided that the number of votes for Michelle Pena for Chair was sufficient enough to confirm this appointment here and now.  Michelle accepted the nomination and position.

However, the committee decided to defer the appointment of Vice Chair and Secretary because several of the nominees were not present for this meeting. Send out survey to collect votes. One vote per district.

Election of CHAIR was confirmed: Michelle Pena, Bakersfield College

Congratulations Michelle!

However, the election of the Vice Chair and Secretary were deferred for the following reasons:
  1. Nominees must accept the nomination before we can vote them into office.  
  2. Only one vote per District will be counted (per the Bylaws)
  3. The Chair and Vice Chair offices must be an Admissions & Records representative from your District.

Therefore, the decision was made to defer the election of the Vice Chair & Secretary to the next meeting - which will be held in-person at Riverside's NorCo College on July 25.
But first, the following three vote getters must accept the nomination. Once they have accepted the nomination, I will send out a second survey to capture votes for these two offices. Please select one person from your district to cast  your vote (once the survey arrives).

Vice Chair Nominees:
  • Mitch Leahy - Santa Rosa
  • Leigh Ann Unger - Rio Hondo
  • Michael Ward - Rancho Santiago CCD
  • Tuyen Nguyen - Rancho Santiago CCD
  • Richette Bell - Compton College

Secretary Nominees:
  • Paulette Lino - Chabot-Las Positas District
  • Stephanie Murguia - Cerritos
  • Hieu Hoang -- El Camino College
  • Olivia Alvarado - Los Angeles CCD
  • Cindy Gonzales - Los Rios CCD
  • Michael Ward - Rancho Santiago CCD
  • Ali Salinas - Riverside CCD
  • Mitch Leahy - Santa Rosa
  • Leigh Ann Unger - Rio Hondo

Update:  2019 Workshop 

Ongoing Business:  Planning for the 2019 Workshop

  1. The 2019 Workshop should be held in NorCal-Central-Bay Area this year (every year we alternate between NorCal, Bay Area, Central and SoCal. 
  2. Last month the committee started the discussion of locating a host College for the 2019 Workshop.  The ideal criteria that we need for the facility:
  • Close to an Airport
  • Break-out rooms that can hold 100
  • General session room that can hold up to 300

Some of the suggestions to check out:

  • Mission
  • Sac City
  • Chabot
  • San Jose City

JUNE 13:  What progress has been made?

Michelle Pena is current Vice Chair and comments that the role of the Vice Chair is a big job because it is responsible for the Annual Workshop. As we've experienced, rushing to put this together in a short amount of time is too hard, too onerous on the V.C. and we really need full participation from the committee at this Workshop, throughout the year and during the annual conference.  

Confirm a HOST COLLEGE FOR 2019 by end of August 2018.

Sac City Spring Break - April 15 - 21 - Stephanie is trying to get ahold of someone there.  Betty GC will follow up on behalf of the Committee. 

Unsure if we are doing our traditional "two day workshop" or just one day.
Patty will contact Mark Cohen, eTran PM -to inquire on whether they plan a Workshop DAY or not.  If not, would they want to combo 

Computer Lab discussion - should we or shouldn't we?  Have folks RSVP for or against in the Registration form?  and what they are interested in for that lab environment.

Update: MIS Reporting Requirements 

Patty, Michelle, and Stephanie had a meeting with Todd Hoig and Bryan Dickason of MIS on May 15 to discuss which new MIS reporting requirements affect CCCApply and what we need to do to comply.

What, if anything, needs to be added to CCCApply?  Timeline is VERY short.  Answer: Not much.

No changes are required to meet the required fields below. 
In the April 3 meeting, Betty Glyer-Culver added that other fields are now required that follow Adult Ed (data elements) - there are an intrusive list of questions that will add a great deal of questions to the application

June 13 discussion about the new elements that are now required by MIS.  (See memo130302.docx above).  

AEBG elements - Not needed to be added to CCCApply (colleges can get data in other places) 

Per Betty, MIS will allow an "Unknown" value can be pushed up to MIS for this first year reporting requirements.
Per Michael Q, MIS will be okay with "Unknown" from colleges that don't currently capture that data now. 

Go search for the PPT that the CO did on these requirements for language and reference. 

In response to Michael Q's comment:

Per Will Minnich:  We recommend that the the CO send out a memo to allow colleges time to get that data process implemented.

Tim Calhoon updated the Committee on a new agreement underway with CDE to get CalPass, MM data, and SSID (and make that available to the colleges).

Recap from Steering meeting on April 3

MIS Amended to include new reporting elements (SB amended)

  • Sexual Orientation (Steering wants this field added to the Download Client immediately, (encrypted). but keep it out of the Report Center (This was declined for security purposes per the CO) (Adjust the onscreen language)
  • Transgender (Steering wants this field added to the Download Client immediately, (encrypted). but keep it out of the Report Center (This was declined for security purposes per the CO) (Adjust the onscreen language)
  • CCCID - Colleges are already getting this now.
  • SSID (maybe needed for the on-boarding process) Need support from the CO (Ask Tim to take the lead on this). 
  • Apprenticeship status (different levels of apprenticeship and adult ed (maybe part of the AEBG stuff) SB23.pdf (review this at next meeting)




Residency Review Sub-Committee Update

This sub-committee has been delayed due to the parallel efforts underway by the Chancellor's Office, "CCCApply Redesign Workgroup".  This delay is temporarily suspended for short-term until the CCCApply Redesign Workgroup has completed their work and new 18/19 workplan is confirmed.) See "CCCApply Redesign Workgroup" information below.

Patty explained to the committee that because of this workgroup, she was respectfully asked by the VC to halt our duplicate efforts regarding moving forward with the Residency Review sub-committee which was in process of convening the first meeting with committee members and experts in the field of residency outside the committee. This request was to not confuse or duplicate efforts underway by the workgroup. 

Update on CCCApply Redesign Workgroup 

(CC Foundation - Ideas42 - Behavior Science Study on CCCApply UX - AB3101 - Discuss the issues and the facts behind this bill. )

During the May 2 meeting, Omid Pourjanzani attended our meeting and discussed the importance of the CCCApply application and the focus it is getting across the state.  

Based on legislation: AB3101

A grant ($500K) based on a student behavior 

Where can changes be made in the application.

June 13 discussion:

A CCCApply Redesign Workgroup is underway and had a kick-off meeting on June 1, 2018.    (Request to halt duplicate efforts 

Patty explained to the committee that because of this workgroup, she was respectfully asked by the VC to halt our duplicate efforts regarding moving forward with the Residency Review sub-committee which was in process of convening the first meeting with committee members and experts in the field of residency outside the committee. This request was to not confuse or duplicate efforts underway by the workgroup. 

  • IN response to AB3101 - CCCApply is working with an outside research group called Ideas42 (behavioral science review)
  • Sub-groups to review different areas within a CCCApply Redesign overall:
    • Low hanging fruit
    • Review of all the questions - streamline, revise the language, residency questions SSN number collection (noncredit students)
    • Revise technically, formats and other ways to make the workflow of application
    • Review other vendor/commercial applications to do what we need for Admissions
    • Calender/schedule of cyclical releases for OpenCCCApply
    • Profiles of noncredit and adult ed students (remote, lack of basic skills, ESL, language barriers, 
  • Workgroup charged with reviewing all the questions on CCCApply to see what / where we could streamline and make recommendations that could even inform change to legislation, Ed Code, Title 5 and ? MIS?
    What residency questions could be replaced?  Could be collected later?  Do we need all those questions?
  • What ways could we streamline the application overall?

    Note: The above sub-group dedicated to reviewing the questions in CCCApply (bullet number #2 above) had it's first meeting on the morning of June 13 and Patty informed them about the Steering's sub-committee on Residency Review and our objective to deep dive the CCCApply residency logic and questions for accuracy, currency and compliance with collecting exactly what is required to determine residency at the time of admission. This sub-group endorses this effort and called to bring that recommendation back to Omid and the main group.  Once that has been accomplished, Patty will reach out to the residency sub-committee with an update and hopefully with a meeting invite.

CCCApply 2018 Release Update


Pilot Release - June 28 (Pilot Preview begins)
Production Release - July 27 

The CCCApply 2018 annual release will be deployed to the PILOT environment on June 28.  The release scope consists of:

New CCCApply Administrator 

  1. Mostly feature parity (which mean, all the same feature functionality as currently exists in the current Administrator)
  2. New Features include:
    1. Major Category Filter - Major Category & Ed Goal Alignment 
    2. SPAM Filter 


Recruiting colleges to TEST the new Administrator Upgrade features beginning June 29 - July 25

June 13 Discussion:
Tim and Patty updated the committee on another effort underway to get colleges the LGBT data for reporting. 

Project Glue for CCCApply (to get LGBT data)

  • This would replace the Download Client with a process that pushes data directly into your SIS
  • DLC - when it drops the file on your college server, it's UNENCRYPTED. This is a security risk.

  • Phase 1:  Create a database table that allows Project Glue (loading or temp table) to put the data into that staging area encrypted. Colleges can continue to use their upload process (using the data from the table instead of our current process/file).  This method dovetails with your current processes.
    • Requires some IT work to wire up 
    • Important:  Requires the College Adaptor 2.5 tool be implemented at your college. The College Adaptor 2.5 is the piece in Project Glue that resides behind your firewall. Many colleges have stood this up for Canvas.  If not, we will set it up for you. 

If you are interested in standing up the College Adaptor 2.5 for Project Glue, please contact our Enabling Services Division.  Not a big impact on IT to set up Glue College Adapter.  We will help you.

  • Phase 2:  Colleges that want to implement Project Glue (College Adapter) take data right out of CCCApply and populated your SIS (via real-time web service).  P1 facilitates P2.

In the meantime - colleges that need the LGBT data, the Data Warehouse system is in the final stages (next few weeks) and with that approval, access to the data.  Researchers Only.  

Change Requests Pending

  1.  2018 NEW (Unheard) Change Requests
  2. Approved Changes Deferred

Update on Change Requests pending: /wiki/spaces/PD/pages/640221194 enhancement in-progress (requested by CO by a team)

Check with Betty on the other federal level changes that are being proposed (or approved?) for Race / Ethnicity (OMB in conjunction with the Census Bureau). Find out what changes are happening at that level and work that into any CCC changes.

2018 Sub-Committees

Call for Volunteers: Please Support the CCCApply Steering Committee by volunteering for one or more sub-committees in 2018. 

International Sub-Committee

On June 7, Patty met with Olivia Alvarado and Abby Watson from LACCD to discuss getting an International sub-committee meeting scheduled and outreach to the colleges who've adopted IA so far, as well as the colleges who are piloting or in-process of adoption. Suggestion was to make sure meetings are scheduled way in advance - especially during the summer months - and keep the meetings short, online, and around 3pm -out of respect for the colleges that only have one staff member working international admissions and can't leave their offices in the middle of the day. 

International sub-committee should include a mix of users and other international admissions staff getting ready (adoptees). 

 Click here to see list of 2018 sub-committees...

CommitteeDescriptionOBJECTIVESChair / Members
Annual WorkshopThis committee provides coordination and planning support for the Annual CCCApply Workshops. 

Objectives for 2019:

Planning 2019 Workshop in Nor Cal

Set location and host college

Using feedback from past workshop and asking for sessions

Try Sac City again.

  • Rick S.
  • Michelle 
  • Patty
  • Stephanie
  • Mitch
  • Mark Cohen
  • Christian Alvarado
CCC Administrator UX & Design Advisory Committee 


A dedicated committee of IT and admission staff are needed to support the new CCC Administrator (new central admin configuration tool for CCCApply, Promise Grant, Canvas College Adapter, and all systemwide CCC Tech Center applications currently under-development and in-production for college admin, faculty and staff.

Meet weekly (TBD) from May 26 through June 30, 2018 to support testing, migration, and implementation for colleges moving to the new CCCApply Administrator (Pilot).  

  1. Support CCCApply product manager with migration and implementation testing;
  2. Help gather requirements development effort / user stories / requirements
  3. Pilot colleges to support migration and implementation
  4. Help update User documentation drafts
  5. will support the CCCApply product manager with design, user experience, workflows and migration testing. 

    CCC Administrator 

  • Richette
  • Mitch
  • Will M.
  • MaryLou
  • Michelle
  • Tuyen
  • LeeAnn
  • Christian
  • Ben Guzman
Residency Review CommitteeOngoing advisory committee to support and advise on CCCApply residency related issues and change requests.
  • Short-term objective:  Support Steering Committee and product manager on all residency logic issues, changes, and enhancements.
  • Long-term objective: Deep dive analysis of current residency algorithm to recommend enhancements to streamline questions and steps to determine preliminary residency status in CCCApply. 
    • Can we shorten the residency questions and still calculate residency status accurately?
    • Do we need all the existing questions?

Need Advisory team leader and volunteers

Stephanie Murguia
Michael Q.
Tina Mani
Richette Bell
Michelle Pena
Mitch Leahy
Jason Ralphs
Chris Truong
Jason Ralphs

Michael Q. will send out doodle poll for these interested folks soon.

International Application UX & Design Advisory CommitteeA sub-set of the CCCApply Steering Committee comprised of international admissions specialists - dedicated to the design, development, and details of the CCCApply International Application to ensure accuracy, user-efficiency, and compliance with state, local, and federal rules and regulations for international students. 

Meet monthly (or more frequently) through December 31, 2018.

  1. Support the greater CCCApply Steering Committee with state, federal, and local international admissions policy counsel  
  2. Enhance design & user experience of the International Application
  3. Review and approve change requests pertaining to IA application
  4. Work on integration plan for incorporating IA questions & data fields into Standard Application for planned Universal Form Engine*
  • Olivia Alvarado
  • Mitch Leahy
  • Anna Salazar

Roadmap & Tech Projects Ongoing

(Click to see the 2018 Roadmap below)

 Click here to expand...

Applications / Projects

Q3   Jan 1 - Mar 30

Q4  Apr 1 - June 30

Q1  July 1 - Sep 30

Sub-Committee Projects

OpenCCC Account


  • Requirements for converting pages (UI and style guide) to responsive design
  • Sprint development on responsive design
  • Requirements for integration to MyPath

Release: 2018 Annual Update - NEW DATES

Pilot Release - JUNE 28

Prod Release - JULY 27

*Release timeline based on Admin launch


Per TCI Grant Work Plan 17/18 - work to get CCCID registered as an official MIS Data Element.

CCCApply UX Review

CCCApply Applications

  • Apply Standard
  • Apply International
  • CC Promise Grant


  • Requirements for UI upgrade across all three applications
  • Administrator integration
  • DW API
  • SPAM Filter - Back-end / API
  • SPAM Filter - Research PILOT
  • Promise Grant Auto-population
  • Promise Grant MyPath integration
  • Requirements for converting all three apps to responsive design
  • Sprint development on UI upgrade

Release: 2018 Annual Update


  • Sprint development on approved CRs
  • Finish remaining Administrator integration
  • SPAM Filter UI complete
  • Sprint development converting all three apps to responsive design

Post-Release Activities

  • New UI + responsive design
  • Integration of Promise Grant to MyPath
  • Administrator integration


  • Requirements for CCCApply 3.0
  • MyPath Workflow Enhancements

CCCApply UX Review

Residency Review

Promise Grant & IA UX Reviews

Research & Data Security Review

CCCApply Administrator

Development (Feature Parity)

  • Re-write all modules  (database, API, backend code, integration, UI) in new architecture / infrastructure
  • Majors Module - feature enhancements (implement new filters for meta majors & guided pathways)

Release: MVP (CCCApply Modules)


90% Feature parity of existing Admin modules
10% NEW features & functionality

Final migration of User to new CCC Administrator
Final migration of Data to CCCApply Admin 2.0 
End of Life planning

(End of Life)

Administrator UX Review

CCC Administrator

Admin Product Launches

  • CANVAS College Adapter (Glue) 2.5 - January
  • Data Warehouse 1.0 = March 

Ongoing Development

  • Sprint development continues for all CCCApply admin modules (UI screens, database conversion, API)
  • CAP development continues for all shared/global features and functionality (User Management, authentication, navigation, page design templates, central interface)
  • Requirements for central architecture re-design to support API framework and authentication for project integration


  • Accessibility Review (CCCApply UI screens) = January 21 (TBD) 
  • Security & ARC Review (All applications modules + CAP) = TBD, before end of February

TEST Release MVP to support ETL process, Accessibility Review - mid January 2018

Steering sub-committee meetings; Review demos
Documentation Drafts
Enabling Services Transition Plan
Communication Plan & Schedule
Support & Training Plan
Migration Planning 

Release: Admin Product Launch:

CCCApply Modules:

  • PILOT = JUNE 28
  • PROD = JULY 27*

Ongoing Development

  • Sprint development continues for all CCCApply admin modules (UI screens, database conversion, API)
  • CAP development continues for all shared/global features and functionality (User Management, authentication, navigation, page design templates, central interface)

Migration process complete on June 28
Proxy integrations complete by May 20
Documentation Final Drafts published June 28
Enabling Services Transition Plan Final June 15

Admin Product Launches

  • Course Exchange 3.0
  •  TBD

Administrator UX Review

CCC Report Center

On Deck:  Jasper Upgrade (TBD)


Move existing version to new SSO for Admin 2.0

Planning additional release during Summer 2018 to upgrade to latest version of Jasper Reports.

End-of-Life (EOL)


Release: SSO Proxy Upgrade 1.8.0 

Enhancements & Bug Fixes

Pilot Release:  January 12
Prod Release: January 19


College/District proxy integrations continue

NOTE: ALL CCCApply colleges MUST complete proxy integration for CCC Administrator release


College/District proxy integrations continue

Tech Projects - Ongoing



Q1 2018/19

Sub-Committee Projects

SPAM Filter Utility

Research & Development

  • Continue project work with Seyvu (Infiniti) and Apply dev team on development (opt-in utility that will require commitment from PILOT colleges.

Release Plan

  • SPAM Filter back-end API complete
  • SPAM Filter user-interface screens in CCC Administrator complete
  • Pilot colleges testing
  • Documentation drafted
  • Before & After research

Admin UX Review

CCCApply UX Review

Research & Data Security Review

Data Security

Spam Filter Web Service development

CCCID registered in MIS Data Element Dictionary

Architectural Configurations
Research & Data Security Review

MyPath Workflows & Integration

Continuous Improvement and Deployment of CCCApply > MyPath Workflows, data sharing, messaging, and user experience enhancements.

  • Integration of OpenCCC Account into MyPath
  • Integration of CC Promise Grant into MyPath workflow
  • Streamline workflows and re-directs
Continuous Improvement and Deployment of CCCApply > MyPath Workflows, data sharing, messaging, and user experience enhancements.Continuous Improvement and Deployment of CCCApply > MyPath Workflows, data sharing, messaging, and user experience enhancements.

CCCApply UX Review

Residency Review

Promise Grant & IA UX Reviews

Research & Data Security Review

Admin UX Review

CCC Report Center


Prepare for upgrade to Jasper 6.4.2

Plan, Test, Move, Test

Integrate existing version with new Admin SSO - June 29, 2018

Upgrade planned to Jasper 6.4.2

Plan, Test, Move, Test

Research & Data Security Review

Admin UX Review

Accessibility Priorities

Pre-Review Activities

  • Work with CAO on internal review of OpenCCC & CCCApply UI upgrade development (early)
  • Work with CAO on internal review of CCCApply admin modules in CCCAdmin (early)
  • Update report to punt major revisions of CCCApply to next version (3.0)

Pre-Release Reviews

  • Schedule and pass internal review of OpenCCC & CCCApply UI upgrade screens;
  • Schedule and pass internal review of CCCApply admin modules in CCCAdmin (early)
  • Requirements:  CCCApply 3.0 accessibility updates (where are we at wrt new direction?)

CCCApply UX Review

Admin UX Review

Steering District Roster: Approval Poll Table

 Click here to expand...




Cerritos CCD


Chabot-Las Positas District


Contra Costa CCD

Bay Area

El Camino CCD 

5Kern CCDCentral
6Los Angeles CCDSouthern
7Los Rios CCDNorthern
8Rancho Santiago CCDSouthern
9Rio Hondo CCDSouthern
10Riverside CCDSouthern
11San Francisco CCDBay Area
12San Joaquin-Delta CCDCentral
13San Mateo CCDBay Area
14Santa Rosa CCDNorthern
15South Orange CCDSouthern

2017 Steering Committee

3 = Bay Area Region

2 = Northern Region

2 = Central Region

8 = Southern Region

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