CCCApply Steering Meeting - Agenda - April 3, 2018

CCCApply Steering Meeting - Agenda - April 3, 2018

ONLINE Meeting Information

Meeting Information

Date    Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Time   3:00PM - 4:30PM 

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Zoom Information

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/495438991

MEETING ID: 495 438 991

Use VoiP or Call TOLL Telephone:  Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)

NOTE:  Please note that the numbers above are not toll-free. If possible, please try to call in using your computer speakers and microphone (VoiP).

This meeting requires online and/or telephone access for up to 1.5 hours. Please navigate to the Zoom URL link above and use your computer speakers and microphone for a toll-free meeting session.

Agenda & Minutes


3:00 PM

Roll Call

Murguia / Pena

NOTE:  Due to time limitation, we did not review minutes from last Steering meeting: January 31, 2018We will review these during the May 2 meeting. 

MIS Changes Coming that Affect CCCApply

Fields that MIS expect to download:

MIS Amended to include new reporting elements (SB amended)

  • Sexual Orientation (Want added to downloads, (encrypted) but keep it out of the Report Center) (Adjust the onscreen language)
  • Transgender (Want added to the downloads, (encrypted) but keep it out of the Report Center) (Adjust the onscreen language)
  • CCCID - You're already getting this now.
  • SSID (maybe needed for the on-boarding process) Need support from the CO (Ask Tim to take the lead on this). 
  • Apprenticeship status (different levels of apprenticeship and adult ed (maybe part of the AEBG stuff) SB23 - look at this via DED

Other fields that follow Adult Ed (data elements) - intrusive list of questions that will add a great deal of questions to the application

Not yet updated on the CO MIS website (should be updated by August 2018)

Consult with Todd Hoig - new elements are required for AEBG, Perkins, and other areas.  So far, CCCApply (via the Tech Center) hasn't received any direction on these changes.

There is a lot of push back from colleges if these are required to be added to CCCApply. 

Comments from Michael Q:
"StrongWorkforce did meet with Tim and provided a heads up that these may be coming. I informed the group that the committee were not necessarily going to put new questions on the application. I was not aware that there were new MIS elements added and the expectation was that the data came from CCCApply. Who said that it needed to come from CCCApply?

Questions to the Apply development team (via Tim/Patty)

  • How quickly could we get the AB620 fields into the downloads?
  • How quickly could we get the AB620 fields into the Report Center?
  • If we added these fields into the RC, would colleges be able to run a report going back to November 2017?

Need a way for researchers and admissions to get that data from Report Center (user accounts). 
Need it for the Summer 2018 (so each college needs this data based on their Summer term dates). 

NEED to prepare change requirements
Onscreen language that needs to be reviewed:

  • This information is only used for summary demographic reporting.
  • Your responses are kept private and secure.
  • Providing this information is optional.
  • It is not available to admissions personnel and will not be used for a discriminatory purpose.

Residency Logic & Integrity Flag Inconsistencies with Date Element Dictionary

  • Set Residency Review Sub-Committee Meeting to begin logic review 

  • (Reminder: 2018 Sub-Committees)


  1. Review the existing Residency algorithm and ensure it matches what our current DED says
  2. Identify bugs and prioritize their fix
  3. Review that we comply with all current state residency regulations & laws
    1. And make sure the DED is updated to match
  4. Review if we are collecting unnecessary data
    1. And if so, discuss removing any overlap questions or requirements
  5. Review all integrity flags 
    1. To ensure documentation is matching actual code
    2. To identify any bugs and prioritize those bugs
    3. Are we missing any flags
  6. Review how the logic is identifying homeless youth and foster youth 
    1. Ensure we are streamlining that process
    2. Implement streamline processes

Volunteers = Jason Ralphs, Mitch, Michelle, Patty, Pilar @ Santa Ana College (Tyler Bain, Unicon) 

Please solicit our college experts to help with this project.  

Donohue / Ralphs

Note:  Send everyone information on the Homeless Youth Self-Certification form that Michael Q is working on with the CO.

2018 June Release Update

The CCCApply annual update for spring 2018 consists of:

New CCCApply Administrator 

  1. Mostly feature parity (which mean, all the same feature functionality as currently exists in the current Administrator)
  2. New Features include:
    1. Major module - 2 new filters - Major Category & Ed Goal Alignment 
    2. SPAM Filter 

Pilot Release - May 31th (30 Day Preview)
Production Release - June 29

Look for Communication campaign starting soon.


2018 CCCApply Workshop Feedback

Sending out a Workshop survey to all colleges

Pena / Donohue

NEXT MEETING - MAY 2 - 12:00PM - CACCRAO Conference



  • Communication to colleges about the Public Documentation space & CCCApplyproject.org
  • Communication to the Workshop attendees about the Annual Update, Spam Filter, and how to participate in the Steering Committee
  • Change Requests
  • Riverside CCD - Committee Members (DONE - Thanks!)
  • CC Foundation - Ideas42 - Behavior Science Study on CCCApply UX
Murguia / Leahy / Pena

Roll Call

2018 Steering Committee Member Roster

 Click here to expand...

2018 - 2019







XAli Salinas (IT)Riverside City College - RCCD
Joshua RosalesEl Camino CCD

Richette Bell

Compton CCD

Anna SalazarLos Angeles CCD - ELACX

Karen Sea

San Joaquin-Delta CCD

Angela Embry 

El Camino CCD

Leigh Ann Unger

Rio Hondo District


Rozen Bondoc

Chabot-Las Positas


Ben Guzman

South Orange CCD


Mark DeAsis

Riverside CCD


Satish Warrier

Contra Costa CCD


Betty Glyer-Culver

Los Rios CCD


MaryLou Leyba

San Francisco CCD


Stephanie Murguia

Cerritos CCD

xChris TruongRancho Santiago CCD
Maury Pearl  -ResearcherLos Angeles CCD

Christian AlvaradoSouth Orange CCD -SaddlebackXMichael WardRancho Santiago CCD
Tina Mani San Joaquin Delta CCD

Cindy Gonzales

Los Rios CCD

XMichael DeAsisRiverside CCD (Norco)

Tuyen Nguyen

Rancho Santiago CCD

Clark Ray

Santa Rosa CCD

XMichelle PenaKern CCD

Vince Orton

Cerritos CCD

Craig Hayward

Kern CCDXMitchell LeahySanta Rosa CCDXWill Minnich/Susan LorenzoSan Mateo CCD
XGreg Aycock (research)Riverside CCD (Norco)XOlivia Alvarado -ITLos Angeles CCD

XHieu HoangEl Camino CCD
Pam MerySan Francisco CCD


Janice Love (research)

Rancho Santiago CCD

Paulette LinoChabot-Las Positas CCD

XJason RalphsLos Rios District - ARC
Quyen Lu/Wanda Wong

San Francisco CCD


Gary Bird



Mike Quiaoit


Tim Calhoon



Patty Donohue


2018 Committee Meeting Schedule

 Click here to expand...
TuesJanuary 302018 Appreciation Dinner In-Person - Dinner Celebration7:00 pm - 10:00 pmMangia Mangia Restaurant, Albany, CA  >> Directions
WedJanuary 31CCCApply Steering Committee Meeting - January 2018In-Person - Regular Meeting10:00 am - 3:30 pmContra Costa College - Room TBD
WedMarch 28/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/228032712In-Person - Workshop9:00 am - 4:00 pmOrange Coast College - Meeting Rooms & Cafeteria
TuesApril 3UNPLANNED MEETING - Called to discuss MIS Data ChangesOnline 3:00 pm - 4:30 pmONLINE
TuesMay 2

Post CACCRAO Conference - April 29, 2018 - May 2, 2018

Selection of new officers (Chair, Vice Chair)

In-Person - Short Meeting12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Sacramento, CA - Holiday Inn Oldtown

WedJune 13CCCApply Steering Committee MeetingOnline - Regular Meeting1:30 pm - 3:30 pmONLINE
WedJuly 25CCCApply Steering Committee MeetingIn-Person - Regular Meeting10:00am - 3:00pmNorco College - Riverside CCD - close to Ontario Airport
WedSeptember 26CCCApply Steering Committee MeetingOnline - Regular Meeting1:30 pm - 3:30 pmONLINE
WedNovember 14

CCCApply Steering Committee Meeting

(Set our 2019 calendar during this meeting)

Online - Regular Meeting1:30 ppm - 3:30pmONLINE

Reminders and invitations with call-in zoom info will be sent out in advance of each meeting.  Mark your calendars now!

Steering District Roster: Approval Poll Table

 Click here to expand...




Cerritos CCD


Chabot-Las Positas District


Contra Costa CCD

Bay Area

El Camino CCD 

5Kern CCDCentral
6Los Angeles CCDSouthern
7Los Rios CCDNorthern
8Rancho Santiago CCDSouthern
9Rio Hondo CCDSouthern
10Riverside CCDSouthern
11San Francisco CCDBay Area
12San Joaquin-Delta CCDCentral
13San Mateo CCDBay Area
14Santa Rosa CCDNorthern
15South Orange CCDSouthern

2017 Steering Committee

3 = Bay Area Region

2 = Northern Region

2 = Central Region

8 = Southern Region