COCI 1.7 Release Notes

COCI 1.7 Release Notes

Production release: 12/15/2017

COCI version 1.7 contains critical bug fixes and improvements to existing features. Many thanks to the users who volunteered to be testers for this release. If you would like to participate in testing for an upcoming release please contact Pamela Shaw at pshaw@ccctechcenter.org.

COCI 1.7 Testing Community

Review Testers: David Garcia, Eric Nelson, Kevin Olson, Chantée Guiney

Submitter Testers: Shelly Hess - San Diego College District, Dixie Krimm - Imperial Valley, Sharon Awad - Chaffey, Irena Zugic - Santa Monica, Marilyn Perry - Sac City, Heather Townsend - Modesto, Kevyn Montano - American River, Katherine Rhyno - Napa Valley, Reyes Vazquez - Santa Ana, Nili Kirschner - Woodland.

CCCTC Testers: Pamela Shaw, Rachel Stamm

COCI 1.7 Release Contents

The following items were resolved in the COCI 1.7 release.  The numbers below reference the issue ID number in the CCCTC issue tracking system.

Updates visible to or pertaining to all users:

Ticket #DescriptionNotes
CC-1343MIS Downtime Notice on Dashboard page - enhancement completedMIS will be down for scheduled maintenance from December 15th, 2017 to January 3rd, 2018. During this time courses and programs can be submitted, reviewed and approved, but Control Numbers will not be assigned for courses until MIS is back online in the new year.
CC-1163Search by Top Code does not return Accurate results - fixed

Entering a Top Code, with or without a decimal point, into Search Criteria will return correct results.  

CC-1258Search on Programs/Courses page 'Control Number (CB00) or (SP04)' does not work - fixed

A Control Number entered into Program or Course Search Criteria will allow for any value that is currently set as a control number for a program or course (including "Y" placeholders for courses or programs with no Control Number assigned), and will return the appropriate course(s) or program(s). Additionally, when using more than one search field, all criteria should all be applied to the search results, not just one or the other. 
Please see Known Issues for additional information on Control Number searches for Programs with no Control Number assigned (YYYYY).

CC-1158All Programs to be displayed in Public Reports once issued a control number - enhancement deployed, and continued refinement expected in future releasesPublic Reports will now show Programs that have been assigned a Control Number, even if they are not in Active or Inactive Status.  Previously only Active and Inactive status Programs would display.  Now, Programs in Active, Approved, Submitted, Review,  Revision or Withdraw status will show on the Public Programs pages. Please see Known Issues for additional information on Public Reports statuses. 
CC-1291Standardize clear filters language on courses and programs main pages - enhancement completedA "Clear Filters" button now appears in both Programs and Courses Main pages Search Criteria section.  The location and language for this button was aligned on both Programs and Courses pages.
CC-1321Expand Admin Functionality to allow Override of Validation checks and Sub Changes when making status changes.- enhancement completedWhen SiteAdmin is changing the status of a proposal, the functionality now exists to override validation and sub changes.  Please note that MIS may still reject a proposal with skipped validation, if the approved proposal is not in alignment with the system requirements based on the PCAH, 6th edition and/or other MIS requirements.
CC-1142MIS Upload is set to occur at 7pm PST but it is occurring at UTC.Due to Time Zone correction with MIS Upload, Course Control Numbers should be returned to COCI and displayed within 24 hours.  Please see Known Issues for additional information on Time Zone mismatches.
CC-1093Non-Credit courses are missing CB22 element when Legacy system had the CB22 code saved in proposal88% of Courses now have CB22 Element, vs the <10% prior to data correction. Any Courses still missing CB22 were not retained in Legacy System, or in MIS.  Users will have to update the few Courses without CB22. 
This issue was fixed and released in COCI Hotfix Release 1.6.1 on November 21, after being tested by CCCTC Internal testers.

Updates visible to or pertaining to College Submitter:

Ticket #DescriptionNotes
CC-1020Active courses missing from "Add Courses" pop up from "Create Program" and "Edit Program" pages - enhancement completedA new "Add Courses" page has been designed, with multiple search fields. All Active Courses will appear in this new screen. If you do not find a specific course in table, please check in your college's Courses inventory to confirm that the course is listed in "Active" status.  Please see Known Issues for additional notes on the new "Add Courses" pop-up screen.
CC-1147Add a confirmation pop-up when pressing Delete/changing a proposal status to Deleted enhancement completedWhen a user selects "Delete" Action, a pop up will occur, requiring that the user confirm that they wish to continue the action.
CC-1234When Uploading New Documents to a Course/Program, a "Whoops" error should not occur when "Add Another Document" is clicked enhancement completed"Whoops" error message is no longer being triggered when a user clicks "Add Another Document" button, and submits, without actually adding another document.  Please see Known Issues for additional notes on the "Add Another Document" button.
CC-1317Whoops error message when inputting district governing board date (in wrong format) in courses - fixedWhen using Chrome, the 'Governing Board Approval Date' field will require that user enters the mm/dd/yyyy by using a date picker for each segment of the date. Please see Known Issues for additional notes on the Browser Requirement.
CC-1323Incorrect Paging for Admin Courses/Programs Search Results - fixedAll filtered results in the main Courses and main Programs pages should be displayed in Course and Programs tables, with no blank pages at the end. All pages have actual results visible.
CC-1315If net annual labor demand number is larger than 999999, it gives user sql error  - fixedNat Annual Labor field constraints are set to 999999.99, in accordance with the data dictionary. If user enters a number larger than the ascribed field constraint, user will no longer experience a sql error or whoops error, but an error message which alerts the user to the details of how to address the issue before submission will be accepted.
CC-1322Incorrect CB22 condition blocking non credit courses from being activated - fixedError message "TOP Code must be a Basic Skills TOP Code that is not ESL." will no longer appear. The condition has been updated to allow course submissions that contain the appropriate TOP Codes, and meet the CB22 condition. These proposals can now be submitted, approved and activated. 
This issue was fixed and released in COCI Hotfix Release 1.6.1 on November 21, after being tested by CCCTC Internal testers.
This issue was re-tested by 1.7 Testing Community, and confirmed as working for all TOP Codes that previously triggered this error 
CC-1306Course Approval letters not generating college-specific headerAll sections of the approval letter that reference a college/district name or course specific information, match the college and course information.
This issue was fixed and released in COCI Hotfix Release 1.6.1 on November 21, after being tested by CCCTC Internal testers.
CC-1305Courses set to "Revision" by system set to "Draft" instead of correct status prior to revision in 1.6 releaseCourses have been set back to "Approved" status, if they were set to "Revision: or "Draft" my system.
This issue was fixed and released in COCI Hotfix Release 1.6.1 on November 21, after being tested by CCCTC Internal testers.

Updates visible to or pertaining to Chancellor's Office Reviewer:

Ticket #DescriptionNotes
CC-1266Reviewer should only be able to add SUBMITTED courses or programs to their queue - fixedReviewers can now only add proposals in "Submitted" status to their queue, as those are the only proposals with the "Add to Queue" link.
CC-1269Link to "Remove from Queue" (for Reviewers) not functioning as expected - fixedAll Proposals, no matter their previous status, should be able to be removed from Queue. Proposal will leave Reviewer's queue, and return to the previous status in the main Course or Main Programs page. 
CC-1292"Return to Queue" button added to "Review" screens for Courses enhancement completedWhen logged in as Reviewer and reviewing a specific course, a new "Return to Queue" button will display.  After Reviewer completes their review, they can click "Return to Queue" and will navigate back to their Dashboard / Review Queue.  Please see Known Issues for additional notes on the workflow  of the "Return to Queue" button.
CC-1293"Return to Queue" button added to "Review" screens for Programs enhancement completedWhen logged in as Reviewer and reviewing a specific program, a new "Return to Queue" button will display.  After Reviewer completes their review, they can click "Return to Queue" and will navigate back to their Dashboard / Review Queue.  Please see Known Issues for additional notes on the workflow  of the "Return to Queue" button.
CC-1296Reviewer "Program View" Navigation from Dashboard Queues enhancement completedWhen Reviewer is on main Dashboard / Review Queue - Programs, user may select "View" and be taken to the "Program Detail" page. When Reviewer lands on the "Program Detail" page from the main Dashboard, the buttons at the top of the page should read:  "Return to Queue", "Review Program", "Program History".
CC-1298Reviewer "Course View" Navigation from Dashboard Queues enhancement completedWhen Reviewer is on main Dashboard / Review Queue - Courses, user may select "View" and be taken to the "Course Detail" page. When Reviewer lands on the "Course Detail" page from the main Dashboard, the buttons at the top of the page should read:  "Return to Queue", "Review Course", "Course History".
CC-1299Reviewer "Course History" Navigation from Dashboard Queues enhancement completedWhen a reviewer is on the main Dashboard / Review Queue - Courses, the user should be able to select "History" and be taken to the "Course History" page. When the user lands on the "Course History" page from the Dashboard, the buttons at the top of the page should read: "Return to Queue" , "Course Detail", "Review Course", "Return to Course List" (navigating to Main Courses Page) and "Edit Course".
If Reviewer clicks "History" from Main Course page, and then selects "Review Course", a "Whoops" error will appear, as Reviewer must follow the appropriate workflow, by clicking "Add to Queue" before being able to Review a Course. This message is expected an appropriate.
CC-1300Reviewer "Program History" Navigation from Dashboard Queues enhancement completedWhen a reviewer is on the main Dashboard / Review Queue - Program, the user should be able to select "History" and be taken to the "Program History" page. When the user lands on the "Program History" page from the Dashboard, the buttons at the top of the page should read: "Return to Queue" , "Program Detail", "Review Program", "Return to Program List" (navigating to Main Programs Page) and "Edit Program".
If Reviewer clicks "History" from Main Programs page, and then selects "Review Program", a "Whoops" error will appear, as Reviewer must follow the appropriate workflow, by clicking "Add to Queue" before being able to Review a Program. This message is expected an appropriate.

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