COCI 3.1 - Deployed 06/21/2019

Version 3.1 includes new features, improvements to exiting features, bug fixes across the application and an infrastructure upgrade.

Users will be introduced to the "Save button" in the form of new working copy functionality and a new C-ID lookup is intended to reduce the time needed to add/evaluate articulation details.

3.1 also launches the ability to export results behind the login, lookup associated courses to programs, view to the date a proposal was actually submitted. Improvements to conditional display, field validations, document display on the Manage and Document Audit pages were also made and bug fixes across the site were deployed to improve the overall user experience. 

Detailed release notes are below. Please do not hesitate to contact support at with any questions or concerns you may have about any upgrades included in 3.1

organization of Release Notes below

new feature

improvements made to existing features

bug fixes

`Release Contents

General changes that apply to both Course and Program Submissions

Export to excel added to All Courses and All Programs pages
  • Users can now export filtered or unfiltered results from the All Courses and All Programs pages to excel
  • The report is limited to 24,999 records per export and users will see a pop up explaining the report size limit if the report is too large to generate
  • All users able to access the All Courses and All Programs pages can export the results to excel.
  • The exported program report contains the following data elements: College, Program Control Number, (SP00), Program Award (SP02), Program Goal, Program Title, Proposal Status, Submitter, Reviewer, Submitted Date, Proposal Create Date, TOP Code (SP01), CIP Code, Program Effective Start Date, Distance Education, Apprenticeship, CDCP Eligibility Criteria, Total Core Courses, Total Core Hours, Total Elective Courses, Total Elective Hours, Minimum Units for Degree, Maximum Units for Degree, Minimum Units for Major or Area of Emphasis, Maximum Units for Major or Area of Emphasis, Minimum Required Certificate Units, Maximum Required Certificate Units
  • The exported course report contains the following data elements: Control Number (CB00), College, Title, Department Name (CB01A), Department Number (CB01B), Submitter, Reviewer, Proposal Status, Submitted Date, Proposal Create Date, TOP Code (CB03), Credit Status (CB04), Transfer Status (CB05), Course Basic Skills Status (CB08), SAM Priority Code (CB09), CWE Status (CB10), Course Classification Status (CB11), Approved Special Class (CB13), Course Prior to Transfer Level (CB21), Noncredit Category (CB22), Funding Agency Category (CB23), Course Program Status (CB24), Minimum Contact Hours, Maximum Contact Hours, Minimum Course Contact Hours, Maximum Course Contact Hours, Minimum Outside of Class Hours, Maximum Outside of Class Hours, Units of Credit - Minimum (CB07), Units of Credit - Maximum (CB06)


Ticket(s): CC-2489

Date Submitted Added to Results Table on All Courses and All Programs pages
  • Date Submitted was added to the results table on the All Courses and All Programs pages.
  • This column is sortable
  • the Last Updated column remains on the report and has been moved to the far right. 

Ticket(s): CC-2386

Workflow settings for Deleted Courses and Programs
  • Available actions for deleted courses and programs updated to only show "View" and "History" actions to College Submitters, COCI Read Only and CCCCO Reviewer users
  • COCI Support retains the ability to restore deleted courses and programs

Ticket(s): CC-2204

Approval Letters removed from "Make a Copy" drafts
  • Approval letters were being copied along with all other proposal documents when "make a copy" was selected on the manage program or manage course pages.
  • Approval letters pulled out of documents copied to new, draft proposal.
  • once submitted the new proposal would receive a unique CCN or PCN and the approval letter specific to that proposal would be generated at that time. 
Ticket(s): CC-2650

Other improvements for both Courses and Programs
  • other minor and/or low impact improvements and bug fixes that apply to program and course submissions
  • CC-2220: Proposal ID field updated to display on Manage Course/Program and View Course/Program pages
  • CC-2649: information displayed on Document Audit and Manage Course/Program pages updated to include document type and title on both pages for consistency

Specific to Course Submissions

C-ID lookup added as optional field to Manage Course page when Transfer Status is set to "A" or "B"
  • Read-only integration between COCI and C-ID allows college submitters to add articulation details from C-ID directly into the COCI course without leaving COCI or uploading additional attachments.
  • College Submitter presented with same C-ID information that is available on
  • Using the lookup is entirely optional. 
SnapshotPlease see our C-ID Lookup How-To Guide for annotated screenshots and directions on how to use. 

Ticket(s): CC-2485, CC-2486, CC-2487, CC-2488, CC-2633,

CC-2640, CC-2748, CC-2749, CC-2750, CC-2766

Substantial change tracking added to history of new proposal
  • Users are now able to identify whether a course proposal originated as a result of a substantial change. 
  • a comment is added to the new draft course proposal stamping the substantial change and the course of origin on the Course History page. 
  • the notes on the course of origin can be found in the comments history with the details of the fields that triggered the sub change, the submission number of the original course and a link to the original course.

Ticket(s): CC-2473

Other Course Submission Improvements



  • minor or low impact improvements and/or bug fixes that specifically apply to course submissions


  • CC-2651: workflow rules fixed to render "Approved" courses fully read-only until a CCN is returned by MIS

Specific to Program Submissions

CCN lookup field added to All Programs page
  • Course Control Number field added to search criteria on All Programs page. 
  • When a control number is entered in the field the results table will update to show all programs that CCN is currently associated with. 
  • This field searches on an exact match. For example, entering CCC00027 in the Course Control Number search field will return zero results in the table, however entering the entire control number returns 2 results. 

Ticket(s): CC-2480, CC-2508

C-ID Status Document field validation updated 
  • based on feedback from the CCCCO, the system behavior of the C-ID Status Document field has been updated to display the "Remove" checkbox for all C-ID status documents uploaded. 
  • Users are still required to upload supporting documentation for A.A-T or A.S-T programs and will see the standard validation message upon submitting if there is not at least 1 document uploaded to the C-ID Status Document field. 
Ticket(s): CC-2297, CC-2768
Resubmits/Revisions set to "Review" Status when Auto-Approval is off 
  • Courses in "Revision" status were being set to "Submitted" status when users resubmitted the course. 
  • A fix was applied and courses sent to revision will now go back to "Review" status after being resubmitted if the original reviewer is still an active CCCCO Reviewer. 
  • If the original reviewer is no longer active, the resubmission will go into "Submitted" status and be added to the queue of another CCCCO Reviewer. 
  • Status changes captured and displayed in history.
Ticket(s): CC-2517, CC-2518, CC-2682 
Substantial change flag removed on "Make a Copy" submissions
  • Some fields on "make a copy" drafts still had substantial change check/flags enabled 
  • All substantial change flags on these drafts have been removed.
  • All drafts without a CCN assigned will be treated as brand new proposals when the user clicks "Submit"
Ticket(s): CC-1717
All C-ID status documents associated to a program now display on View and Review pages
  • a display setting was preventing all C-ID status documents uploaded on the Manage Program page from displaying on View Program and Review Program pages
  • this issue is specific to the C-ID status document section of a program proposal and was only occurring in cases where multiple documents with the document type of C-ID Status Document were uploaded. 
  • this setting has been updated and all documents loaded by the college submitter will now display on all three pages - Manage Program, View Program, Review Program
Ticket(s): CC-2512

Other program submission improvements
  • other minor and/or low impact improvements and bug fixes specific to program submissions 
  • CC-2448: format of information text above above Next Program Review field updated to meet accessibility standards.
  • CC-2572: conditional display rules of C-ID Status Document field updated to hide field when Program Goal is other than "A.A-T" or "A.S-T"
  • CC-2598: condition display rules for CTE Regional Consortia field updated to hide field if either the Program Goal field is empty or if the Program Award field is set to "A.A-T"
  • CC-2085, CC-2295: Validation rules updated to require the selection of a  Document Type for all uploaded documents
Ticket(s): CC-2384

General changes that apply to Course and Program Reviews

Date Submitted Added to CCCCO Reviewer queues on My Courses and My Programs pages
  • Date Submitted was added to the CCCCO Reviewer queues on the My Courses and My Programs pages.
  • This column is sortable 
  • the Last Updated column remains on the report and has been moved to the far right. 

Ticket(s): CC-2386

Specific to Course Reviews

Fields removed from Review Course page
  • The District Governing Board Approval Date field was removed from the Review Course screen at the request of the CCCCO because it is a field that does not factor into the CCCCO Reviewer evaluation
Ticket(s): CC-2471

Specific to Program Reviews

Articulation Details available to Reviewers as part of Program Review 
  • Read-only integration between COCI and C-ID allows college submitters to add articulation details from C-ID directly into the COCI course without leaving COCI or uploading additional attachments.
  • College Submitter presented with same C-ID information that is available on
  • Using the lookup is entirely optional. 
SnapshotPlease see our C-ID Lookup How-To Guide for annotated screenshots and directions on how to use. 

Ticket(s): CC-2485, CC-2486, CC-2487, CC-2488, CC-2633,

CC-2640, CC-2748, CC-2749, CC-2750, CC-2766

All C-ID status documents associated to a program are display on View and Review pages
  • a display setting was preventing all C-ID status documents uploaded on the Manage Program page from displaying on View Program and Review Program pages
  • this issue is specific to the C-ID status document section of a program proposal and was only occurring in cases where multiple documents with the document type of C-ID Status Document were uploaded. 
  • this setting has been updated and all documents loaded by the college submitter will now display on all three pages - Manage Program, View Program, Review Program
Ticket(s): CC-2512

User Settings

Issue of spaces being added to fields on Manage User page resolved
  • Resolved a system bug that was automatically adding spaces to the beginning or end of several fields on the Manage Users screen
Ticket(s): CC-2593, CC-2580, CC-2581, CC-2616

CCCCO Admin Functions

Public Reports


Infrastructure/MISC updates included in 3.1
  • Infrastructure tickets included in the release are listed below. these tickets apply to the underlying COCI codebase and should be invisible to end users
  • CC-592: Upgraded Laravel from version 5.2 to version 5.7
  • CC-2626: footer updated on all pages