COCI 2.2 - Deployed 12/11/2018

Version 2.2 includes refinements to fields on the manage page for programs and courses. The changes deployed are explained below, organized by which tab on the site they belong to.

You can find a quick refresher of the COCI tabs and access levels here.

Tickets are codified as being refinements, new features/functions or as bug fixes. 


New Feature
Bug fix

`Release Contents


No Changes

My Programs 

No Changes

My Courses

No Changes

All Programs

Updates to  "Recommended by CTE Regional Consortia" field for AA-T or AS-T Programs

Changes were made the "Recommended by CTE Regional Consortia" field to align with submission guidelines in the PCAH:

  • The "Recommended by CTE Regional Consortia" field will no longer display when  program award is AA-T or AS-T even if the goal is CTE.
  • The validation that was requiring users to upload a document against this field has been removed when the program is AA-T or AS-T and a Program Control Number is already assigned.
Ticket(s): CC-2341

Display in Associated Courses Table on Review/Detail page when no courses are present and Program has a PCN 

DetailsA small tweak was made to the messaging in Associated Courses section for Programs with a PCN but not attached courses. The section will now display "N/A; Legacy proposal. Program Update Needed." This change is intended to better communicate status and completeness to users viewing the program on the "Review" and "Detail" pages by presenting the absence of associated courses as a legacy data import issue rather than the impression of the college receiving  a PCN without submitting a complete proposal.

Ticket(s): CC-2008

Updates to "CIP Code" Field Update drop down selection for CDCP field in programs

The contents of the CIP code drop down were updated with a more complete list provided by the CCCCO. The format of the drop down was also updated to align with the TOP Code field. 

Ticket(s): CC-2305, CC-2306

Updates to "CDCP Eligibility Criteria" field in programs

Drop down options for htis field were updated based on feedback from the CCCCO.

The following options were removed from the drop down: 

  • "Citizenship for Immigrants (B)" 
  • "Health and Safety (D)" 

Ticket(s): CC-2369

Updates to "Maximum Certificate Units" field  for COA 18 or greater programs

Unit validation as added to this field that stops a user from submitting a value of less than 18 when the program award is COA 18 or greater. Users that enter a value less than 18 will see the following error message upon submit: 

"The Minimum Required Certificate Units must be at least 18 when Program Award is Certificate of Achievement: 18 or greater semester units."

Ticket(s): CC-2314

Updates to "Next Program Review Month, Year" fields 

Field level messaging and changes to the drop down options were applied to both support a 2 year review cycle for CTE programs and the need for other program submissions to have an expanded drop down for the year field that goes through year 2035. 


Ticket(s): CC-2379

All Courses

Updates to Transfer Status (CB05) field 

A previous release had erroneously added a sub change flag to the Transfer Status (CB05) field. This flag has not been removed and changes to this field will no longer trigger the sub change workflow

Ticket(s): CC-2367


No Changes


No Changes

TOP Codes

No Changes


No Changes


No Changes


No Changes

Public Reports

No Changes