CCCApply Communication Plan - FY18/19


Executive summary

highlights the key points, dates and deliverables.

Designed in part to address the key legislation passed in Assembly Bill 3101 - the new CCCApply Non-Credit Application path is a streamlined version of the Standard Application, free of residency questions, with a unique, college MIS-code branded URL to support students planning to enroll exclusively in non-credit courses. More like a "workflow" than a completely separate application, the non-credit path piggy-backs on the existing user interface and back-end infrastructure of the Standard Application. 

Q3 Communication Plan Goals & Tasks

GoalTimelineEmail Distribution Support Site Post MetricNotes

6.4.0 Pilot Release

2/19/19Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 9
Feb 18
Release Notes - Email distributionCOMPLETE   See Release 6.4.0 Summary Notes
  • Non-Credit Application Path
2/19/19Feb 7
Feb 14
Feb 9
Feb 18
Release Notes & Pilot Project Outline
6.4.0 Production Release3/15/19

Feb 7 - 1st
Feb 28 - 2nd
March 11 - 3rd

Feb 9 - 1st
Feb 28 - 2nd
Mar 11 - 3rd
Successful production deploymentSee Release 6.4.0 Summary Notes

Communication Calendar

Jan 13Jan 13Feb 8 - Mar 15Publish calendar of comm events by Feb 8COMPLETE
Product Announcement
Feb 8FebRelease dates confirmed; Pilot release in-progress, Prod dates confirmedEmphasis on the Non-Credit Application Workflow as part of the overall 6.4.0 Release scope
Product Description > ComponentsFeb 8Feb 8Feb 8Release plan confirmedCOMPLETE Scope is set for 6.4.0, communicated to colleges
Product Demo (Pre-Pilot / Test for PMs)
Jan 17TBDRelease 6.4.0 live in Test environment


Internal demo held Jan 17 - all prod & project mgrs; ES, support, leadership

Documentation Breakdown

  • Standard DED Update (Appendix)

Feb 8February 8Publish updated DED in Public Docs space/wiki/spaces/OPENAPPLY/pages/826408986
  • User Guides (Admin, RC, DLC)

Feb 8February 8Publish updated DED in Public Docs space

COMPLETE  See Data Dictionaries

  • Support & Training Articles (Public)

Feb 8February 8Publish updated DED in Public Docs spaceCOMPLETE
  • New Fields Across CCCTC 

January 17Feb 8

COMPLETE  See Release 6.4.0 Summary Notes

  • New Non-Credit Report in RC

February 19

Internal Implementation Plan ES February 8February 8

Ensure ES updates all college on boarding installation/implementation docs
UAT & Pre-Release TestingFebruary 8February 8February 19Non-Credit UAT for Pilot is publishedCOMPLETE
External PILOT Implementation Plan February 8February 8February 19See aboveCOMPLETE
User & Implementation Training February 8February 8February 19
Product Marketing Materials
Jan 13Feb 14February 19FAQ page is published in Public Docs spaceIN-PROGRESS
  • Training / Implementation PPT
Jan 13Feb 14February 19DONE - Non-Credit Path - UAT Pilot SlidesCOMPLETE
  • Training Video 
Jan 20Feb 14February 19NEEDIN-PROGRESS
  • Implementation Video (How to Use)

Feb 14February 19NEEDIN-PROGRESS

Target Market

Our target audience includes CCC districts and colleges that have a large "non-credit" student population, but also high schools, adult schools, ESL programs, and other college preparatory programs.

Critical Communication Key Points & Details

  • The driver behind the CCCApply "Non-Credit" Application is AB3101 - which grants residency exemption for exclusively non-credit students

    The application workflow was developed to address the legislation introduced in AB3101 calling for a residency-determination exemption for students who are enrolling exclusively in non-credit courses.
    To comply with AB3101, this path does not include pages, questions, field logic calculations that determines residency status, including the residency submission calculation service,  and will only display a set of questions that are required by the federal government, state law, or that are otherwise necessary to uniquely identify the student, during the application process.

  • The CCCApply Standard Application is used for Credit and Non-Credit applicants
    The CCCApply Standard Application is used for all students: Credit and Non-Credit

  • The Non-Credit Application is really just a "workflow variation" of the Standard Application 
    The "Non-Credit Application" is really a workflow variation of the Standard Application - for all intents and purposes, this IS a custom version of Standard Application - residency free version - does NOT determine the residency status of the applicant.

  • NO custom administrative configuration for the Non-Credit Application - Not a separate application - It is a special workflow within the Standard Application
    This means that the "Non-Credit Application" uses the same/cannot have different:  Terms, Majors, Rules, Supplemental Questions - or any other admin configurable components 

  • DIFFERENT URL for the Non-Credit Application  (NC workflow is within the Standard Application BUTit  has a unique URL to trigger the Non-Credit workflow)
    The "Non-Credit Application" workflow has a unique URL - in order to distinguish this variation from the Standard "for Credit" application.
    The new URL template is:  http://<college_domain>.<environment>
    Example: Bakersfield College:


Messaging & Positioning

Product description

The CCCApply Non-Credit Application is a streamlined, residency-determination-free version of the Standard Application, with a unique, college MIS-code branded URL intended explicitly for students enrolling exclusively in non-credit courses. More like a "workflow" than a completely separate application, the non-credit application uses the same infrastructure as the Standard Application - but without the residency questions or the residency algorithm.  The residency status field will automatically default to "N" and a new "non_credit" flag will default to "True" for all applicants who enter the Standard Application via the new Non-Credit URL. 

Short positioning statement

The new CCCApply Non-Credit Application is a "workflow" variation of the Standard Application without residency questions, logic, collecting just the data required by state, federal and local laws and regulations.

Important Things Colleges Should Know:

  • The Non-Credit Application IS the Standard Application; it's basically one and the same EXCEPT:
    • The NC application has a separate, unique URL (front-door) which is the main identifier/indicator that the application is not a "standard" Standard Application and does NOT include residency questions, pages or logic
    • The NC application does not go through the Submission Calculation Service (residency logic) and does not deliver a <res_status> residency status - this will be a blank or Null value in the download file
    • The NC application does not include the Citizenship/Military page or the Residency page - all these fields will either be blank or Null in the download files and in the Report Center
    • The NC application does not 

  • The Non-Credit Application IS the Standard Application; it's basically the same application including: 
    • Uses the same admin configuration setup in the CCCApply application in the Administrator that the Standard Application uses, including Terms, Majors, Rules, Supplemental Questions, Reset Downloads, etc.
      • Admin configuration for the Non-Credit Application is the same as the Standard Application
      • There is no separate admin confirmation for the NC Application -
      • The NC Application is the same as the Standard Application in many ways:
        • Same UI look & feel
        • Same college branding
        • No separate implementation/on-boarding process 
        • Same Admin, Report Center, Download Client, Download XML files 
      • This means - there are no unique Terms, Majors, Rules, SQs, etc. for the Non-Credit Application
    • Uses the same reporting tool, CCC Report Center, and the same Public report templates created for the Standard (Submitted Applications) 
      • Colleges will login to the Report Center and can run reports on Non-Credit Application using their existing user accounts for the Report Center 
      • Colleges can run reports on NC applications using the same Views, Reports, and data fields as the Standard (Submitted) Applications folders
      • A distinguishing factor is the Confirmation or App ID numbers
    • Uses the same Download Client for the Standard Application
      • Uses the same Format Definition XML
      • Uses the same Job XML file
      • Based on the same set of data fields used in the Standard Application 
      • The only different is that SOME of the data fields will not deliver values because those pages/questions are hidden in the NC application
    • Uses the same data field sets as specified in the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary

  • The NC Application uses the same 

  • NC Application goes through all the same post-submission web services and processes that the Standard App does EXCEPT THE RESIDENCY Submission Calculation Service
    • Does use: Spam Filter
    • Does use: CDE, CCGI, other post-submission services
    • Does use: 

  • Colleges can identify NC applications from Standard Applications in the following ways:
    • Confirmation Numbers for NC submitted applications begin with "NC-" - otherwise everything else is the same


See Release 6.4.0 Summary Notes




RisksRisk impactNotes


FAQ:  Issues & Key Points

#Description / IssueNoteResponse / Resolution / Mitigation

Identifying Non-Credit students

Removal of Residency Questions

Removal of Residency Status Determination

Removal of AB540 Eligibility 

Removal of Financial Aid Eligibility

Removal of Admission Ineligibility

Removal of Citizenship & Military Page

Removal of Residency Page

Removal of Athletic Interest Question(s)

Removal of Other Needs & Interests Questions

Logic to Allow Student to Re-Apply for Same Term, Same College for Credit Courses 

New URL and Non-Credit Flags

Admin Configuration - Shared Data 

Reporting - Shared Reports

Downloads - Shared Download Files

As a "non-credit" student, identified as such by a college or high school, I need a user-friendly process within CCCApply that is free from residency questions and other unnecessary questions, and exempts me from the CA residency determination status/process (per AB3101). I should only have to answer questions required by state or federal regulations for someone enrolling exclusively in non-credit courses at the time of application. If my college credit status should change, I need to re-apply using CCCApply Standard workflow and will have to answer all residency questions that were hidden/exempt during the non-credit process.

Additional Information
In response to & support of AB3101, the Chancellor's Office is requesting a version of the Standard Application which is exempt from the CA residency determination specifically for non-credit students. There are two pieces to AB3101: 1) exempt non-credit students from residency requirements; and 2) make the process for non-credit and ALL students as streamlined and barrier free as possible by only collecting info and data that is required by state and federal law at the time of application, in other words remove questions that aren't required at application or that can be collected by the college at a different time.

It's important that the Standard Application be the basis for this new "residency-exempt" application so that there is limited hassle and time-savings if and when the non-credit student transitions to "college credit courses" which will require the student to re-apply to the college using CCCApply and thus, classified for residency. See section on additional requirements for the transitioning student.

The Standard Application should be used for all students: Credit and Non-Credit. This new "application" should be based on the existing Standard application, just accessed from a different, unique URL (customized for each college by MIS code). This is not a request for a second application or a copy of the application. 
Pertains to the Standard (Credit) application only; there is no "non-credit" International application option.

General Requirements

  • Revise the Standard application so that it has two distinct workflow paths, but share the same user interface, same pages and questions, the same data fields, the same integrations and dependencies, the same pre- and post-application required processes and web-services, etc. *For the most part, these two work flows will look, feel, and function exactly the same - other than the new Non-credit path will not include some questions/pages and will bypass the residency submission calculation service (no calculated res_status; should default to "Exempt")
  • Hide all residency questions and exempt applicant from residency determination calculation service. See these requirements break-down below*
  • Hide Other Approved Questions: See these identified below.
  • Transition Requirements: Add logic that will allow a NC student to re-apply to the same term, same college, IF they end up taking one or more credit courses (in which case they must be determined for residency and should complete all questions and all residency logic.). Allow this one-way logic to exist: Non-Credit students can re-apply as Credit students to the same term/college; but Credit cannot reapply as Non-Credit.
  • Auto-population Enhancements: Ensure that only the questions that were not answered/completed in the NC application require completion. In other words, make sure that all previously submitted responses auto-populate if student starts a Standard (credit) application within 2 years of submitting a NC app.
  • Res Status Change Field - Ensure the <res_status_change> field is working and triggers a flag to Admissions when a NC students completes a credit application within 2 years.

UNIQUE Features & Functionality to the Non-Credit Path

  • Has a unique, distinct URL (college-specific) - which can be used to quickly & easily identify/distinguish that the applicant completed the residency-exempt workflow after the application.
  • Has a unique Confirmation number/App_Id - which can be used to quickly & easily identify that the application was completed from the Non-Credit path (number should start with "NC")
  • Only displays a sub-set of existing Standard app pages & questions (detailed below) - there should be no change to the pages or questions themselves. The purpose of this requirement is to hide questions that are not required at the time of application.
  • Exempt from Residency Determination process - this means that Non-Credit applications should bypass the residency algorithm and a default value should be added to the residency status field.
  • Bypass the Submission Calculation Service
  • Add new value to Residency Status field <res_status> = "0" zero = No status/Residency Exempt.
  • Add and trigger a new integrity flag (81) to identify non-credit / residency exempt status
  • Add logic to only display specific, non-credit values in the Major Category menu so that the college can control the programs/majors that appear in the NC path. (This may be out of scope for the first iteration, but this is important to include in planning).

SHARED Features & Functionality Between Standard & Non-Credit Paths
**: Regardless of URL, the same My Applications should be used/shared for both the Standard and Non-credit applications.

  • My Applications: All Standard and Non-Credit applications will share the same "My Applications" module. Standard & Non-Credit apps - in-progress or submitted - should be displayed in the existing tables, sorted with existing logic - displaying their unique App_Id/confirmation number (to distinguish them from Standard apps, use the prefix "NC-" before the number (similar to the way International apps are listed).
  • Start A New Application button should have logic to link the student to the correct workflow based on the URL they used to sign-in.
  • OpenCCC Account Creation, Edit, Recovery, SSO: If a first-time applicant is applying through the new Non-credit URL, they are still required to create an OpenCCC account and should still be re-directed to the Enrollment page (bypassing the My Applications page) after Account creation.
  • OpenCCC ReDirect: first-time applicants using the NC URL should still go through the OpenCCC process before starting a new app. After Account creation, they should be redirected to the Enrollment page (on the NC workflow path);
  • If an applicant coming through Non-Credit URL has an existing account - they should "Start a New Non-Credit Application" from the shared standard & non-credit My Applications page, Do Not Create a separate My Applications module for Non-Credit applications
  • Administrator Integration: Both paths are integrated with the CCCApply Administrator (Standard Application). *Non-Credit applications share the same Terms, Majors, Rules, Messages, Spam Filter, and Reset Downloads modules and configured settings that are currently integrated with the Standard Application.
  • Post-Submission Processes & Web Services: Both paths - all Standard & Non-Credit applications are subject to all existing Standard post-submission processes and services, including CDE, CCGI, Spam Filter, Downloads, Report Center, data shares, data profile shares, etc. all existing and future
  • Download Server: All NC applications should download to the same Download server as the standard app. NO changes here
  • Report Center: All NC applications should display in the Report Center, no change here. Application Look-Up reports will be customized based on need, but all data should be reportable.

See *Change Request: 2018-24R: Revise CCCApply to Support Non-Credit Students - Residency Exempt*

The Non-Credit Path SHOULD INCLUDE the following pages & questions:

  • OpenCCC Account: All questions in the OpenCCC Account are asked in the Non-Credit workflow
  • Enrollment page: All questions on the Enrollment page (Term, Ed Goal, Major Category, and Major) are required
  • Account Info/Mailing page: All questions on the Account Info/Mailing page will be included, as well as the "Dependency Status" (Minors) question
  • Education page: All existing questions on the Education page will be included
  • Needs & Interests page: The "Programs & Services" section on the Needs & Interests page will remain
  • Demographic Information page: All questions on the Demographic Information page will remain
  • Submit page: All questions on the Review, Consent & Submit page will remain

The Non-Credit path SHOULD NOT include the following pages, questions, or logic

  • The Citizenship & Military page will be removed completely - (all questions on the Citizenship & Military page)
  • The Residency page will be removed completely - (all questions on the Residency page)
  • The following questions should be removed from the Needs & Interests page:
    A) Main Language section: Are you comfortable reading and writing English?
    B) Financial Assistance section:
    Are you interested in receiving information about money for college?
    Are you receiving TANF/CalWORKs, SSI, or General Assistance?
    Athletic Interest set of fields:
    C) Are you interested in participating in a sport while attending college?
    Yes, I am interested in participating in one or more sports, including the possibility of participating of playing on an intra-collegiate team.
    Yes, I am interested in intramural or club sports, but not in playing on an intercollegiate team.
    No, I am not interested in participating in a sport (beyond taking a P.E. classes).

Changes to Residency Logic & Fields on the Non-Credit Path

  • Add a new value "N" to the Residency Status field <res_status> for "non-credit / exempt" status
  • Default res_status to new value for all applications using the NC URL
  • Add a new Integrity Flag (81) for "Non-Credit / Residency Exempt"-
    Upon submission of application, IF "Non-Credit Status" = Yes (or indicates the student was exempted from residency determination) then set new flag 81 on Table G

Implement logic to allow a non-credit status student to re-apply to the same term, same college using CCCApply, if they plan to transition from NC to Credit status

  • NOTE: Currently - CCCApply does not allow an applicant to submit more than one application to the same Term at the same college. For this proposal to work, we'd need to allow this process (be able to submit another application).
  • Implement logic in CCCApply to allow non-credit students (ONLY) to re-apply to enroll in credit courses (submit another application) to the same Term, same college in order to transition from "Non-Credit" status to "Credit" status (in order to change their intention to exclusively enroll in non-credit courses).
  • The logic would NOT allow a credit student to re-apply for credit or non-credit (once the credit application is submitted, that is sufficient for either status)?
  • Implement ability to change the "Non-Credit Status" value in the <res_status> db  - does the "residency status change" field need to be resurrected? (Note: We currently have a bug and this logic is not working).

Questions & Issues to be Explored by Non-Credit Pilot Colleges

What critical components are missing from this application?

Will Non-Credit programs be satisfied with the functionality in this version of the application?

How can we improve the Majors and Categories fields in this version of the application?

Is the Residency Status Change field needed?  Why?

What are the required reporting fields for Non-Credit students to MIS?  To other regulatory bodies?

Describe your current process for transitioning students from Non-Credit to Credit status?  

What documentation is collected from Non-Credit students at the time of admission?