OpenCCC Release 2.5.0 Summary Notes


OpenCCC Maintenance Release 2.5.0 deploys:

  • To pilot environment: December 12, 2024

  • To production: December 16, 2024

No database or data delivery changes were made in this release.

Release Summary


Internal Bug Fixes

Several backend bugs and other system issues were fixed in preparation for the upcoming system update (coming January 2025). For security purposes, internal issues are not itemized here.



Our Commitment to Prioritizing Fraud Prevention Efforts

The CCCTC is committed to identifying and mitigating application and financial aid fraud across all Student Success Suite systemwide technology applications, including OpenCCC, MyPath, and CCCApply. For security reasons, all fraud prevention activities and development are never shared publicly outside of the CCCTC Private Fraud/Spam Support Group.

Authorized CCC staff may request access to the private fraud/spam support group by sending an email request to CCCTC Staff Support at

Data Access & Delivery

No data access or data delivery changes were made in this release. The information below provides general information about CCCApply data access and delivery.

Superglue for Apply

As new features and functionality are developed for CCCApply and other systemwide technology applications, it may be necessary for colleges to upgrade their existing Superglue College Adaptor schema to the latest version. For information about the Superglue College Adaptor and your current schema version, please contact your College Experience Manager at Enabling Services for assistance.

Data Warehouse Access

All CCCApply and Student Success Suite data fields are ultimately stored in the CCC Data Warehouse which can be accessed directly via the Data Warehouse Direct Access Connection service and/or, for authorized admins and staff, through the Data Warehouse Report Server.




No data element changes were made in this release. The latest OpenCCC and CCCApply Data Dictionaries and User Guides are posted in the CCCApply Public Documentation space.Documentation Sites