Multiple Measures for Assessment Placement in CCCApply
The Multiple Measures Placement Service (MMPS) questions implemented in CCCApply for the purpose of collecting student self-reported data are specified in the High School Transcript Information Data section of the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Specification and Data Dictionary. The latest version can be found on the Data Dictionaries page.
Understanding the New Multiple Measures Questions & Data Fields
General Requirements
The technical specifications below pertain to the High School Transcript Information section which appears on the Education page of the CCCApply Standard Application (for credit applications only). The High School Transcript Information section does not display in the Noncredit Application. Colleges do not have to to collect these data; the questions display based on the conditions specified below.
If the conditions are met and the section appears, the following questions are required:
Grade Point Average
Highest English Course Taken
Highest Math Course Taken
Onscreen Text: "College staff use this information to provide guidance. Your responses will not affect your admission to college."
Display Conditions
The High School Transcript Information section appears between the Last School Attended and the College Education Level sections IF either of the conditions shown below are met, otherwise it does not display.
Condition 1:
IF High School Education Level <hs_edu_level> is one of the following:
· "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" OR
· “Will be enrolled in adult school and authorized to enroll in college at the same time” OR
· “Not a graduate of, and no longer enrolled in high school”
AND Current or Last High School Attended IS NOT “I did not attend high school and was not homeschooled”
AND High school Country = United States
THEN, display the High School Transcript Information section WITH the Highest Grade Completed <highest_grade_completed> question and require a response.
Condition 2:
IF High School Education Level <hs_edu_level> is one of the following:
· Received high school diploma from US high school
· Passed a high school equivalency test
· Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency
AND High School Country = United States
THEN, display the High School Transcript Information section but DO NOT display the Highest Grade Completed question <highest_grade_completed>, display Grade Point Average, Highest English Course Taken, and Highest Math Course Taken questions.
ELSE, DO NOT display the High School Transcript Information section or any section questions.
Required Questions & Condition Examples:
If the student meets the conditions necessary to display above, the following questions are required:
Grade Point Average
Highest English Course Taken
Highest Math Course Taken
Highest Grade Completed (for condition #1 only).
All the other questions in the new High School Transcript Section are conditional based on the responses provided to the four required questions.
For example:
If condition #1 is met - the first question displayed is Highest Grade Completed ("What was the highest grade you completed in high school?"). If the answer is NOT “Currently enrolled in 9th or lower grade, or no high school at all”, then the other required questions display. If the answer IS “Currently enrolled in 9th or lower grade, or no high school at all” then no further High School Transcript Information questions appear.
If condition #2 is met - which triggers the High School Transcript Section and "Grade Point Average" question - but the applicant responds with "None of the Above/Don't Know" to "Highest English Course Taken" question, then the next question, "What grade did you receive?", does not appear.
Onscreen Text / Question | Data Field | Conditions for Question to Appear |
What was the highest grade you completed in high school? | <highest _grade_completed> | Condition #1 is met. |
Have you completed the 11th grade? | <completed_eleventh_grade> | This question was replaced with Highest Grade Completed in 2018. |
"What was your unweighted high school GPA (grade point average)? Please enter a value between 0.00 and 4.00. If unsure, please estimate." | <grade_point_average> | Condition #2 is met and/or applicant does not select “Currently in 9th grade or lower…” in the Highest Grade Completed question. |
"What was the highest English course you took in high school? | <highest_english_course> | See conditions above |
"What grade did you receive?" | <highest_english_grade> | Only appears if applicant chooses a response to "Highest English Course Taken" that is NOT "None of the Above/Don't Know" |
"What was the highest math course you took in high school? | <highest_math_course_taken> | See conditions above |
"What grade did you receive?" | <highest_math_taken_grade> | Only appears if applicant chooses a response to "Highest Math Course Taken" that is NOT "None of the Above/Don't Know" |
"What was the highest math course that you passed with a Pass or C- or better grade in high school?" | <highest_math_course_passed> | Only appears if applicant chooses a grade that is D, F, NP, or other Non-Passiing grade" in "Highest Math Taken Grade" |
"What grade did you receive?" | <highest_math_passed_grade> | Only appears if applicant chooses a response to "Highest Math Course Passed" that is NOT "None of the Above/Don't Know" |
Testing in the Pilot Site
All colleges have access to the High School Transcript Information data fields in the Pilot environment.
Learn more about your Pilot Environment.
Preparing the Pilot Administrator for Testing
Depending on how many test applications you plan to submit, you'll need to ensure you have enough open Terms configured in the Pilot CCCApply Administrator to accommodate these tests.
Reminder: Only one application can be submitted per Term to the same college. For instructions on how to add Terms, see the CCCApply Administrator User Guide.
Ensure open test Term and Major are created in the Pilot Administrator:
Launch your Pilot Administrator (Getting to the Pilot Administrator)
From the Administrator homepage, select "CCCApply" from the "Select an application to manage" drop-down menu, and your college from the "select a college to manage" menu.
Click on the Terms tab to create a test Term to use for testing (See screenshots below for creating a test Term)
Click on the Majors tab and ensure there's an open Major to use for testing
Sign-out of Pilot Administrator.
Launch your Pilot CCCApply Standard Application to view the Multiple Measures questions and data fields:
Paste the Pilot CCCApply Standard Application template URL into a new browser window and replace the "XXX" with your college MIS code (see screenshot below)
Sign in using your Pilot OpenCCC Account or create a new Pilot OpenCCC account just for testing in the Pilot environment
From the My Applications page, click on "Start a New Application"
From the Introduction page, click on "Start a New Application"
Enrollment Page: Select a Term (your new test Term), Major (any open Major), and Education Goal (any education goal) from the dropdown menus
Click Continue to go to the Account/Mailing Information page
Ensure that the Date of Birth for your test account is in 1999 or more recent, so that your test account see completes the application as a Minor;
If the Date of Birth of your test account is older than 1998, click on "Edit OpenCCC Account" and edit your test Date of Birth accordingly;
Complete the Current Mailing Address fields and click "Continue" to go to the Personal Information page;
Complete the Personal Information page questions as needed. Click "Continue" to go to the Education page;
Test Scenario #1: Concurrent Enrollment - HS Senior
In the "College Enrollment Status" field, select "Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" from the menu;
In the "High School Education level" field, the selection will default to "Will be enrolled in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time"
In the "Have you attended high school in California for 3 or more years?" - click Yes
In the "Last High School Attended" section, select "I attended high school" and "Country = United States" and "State = California"
Enter any high school into the High School Finder search bar and select a high school
In the "High School Transcript Information" section, see that the "Highest Grade Completed" question appears. This is the first required question when Condition #1 is met.
If you select the response option: "Currently enrolled in 9th or lower grade, or no high school at all" to Highest Grade Completed question - no other questions appear.
If you do not select “Currently enrolled in 9th or lower grade, or no high school at all”, the three required questions, "Grade Point Average", "Highest English Course Taken", and "Highest Math Course Taken" questions appear.
Enter a GPA between 0.00 and 4.00 in the text box.
For "Highest English Course Taken" - select a course from the menu. Do NOT choose "None of the Above/Don't Know" option.
Notice that the "What grade did you receive?" question now appears. Select any grade from the menu. (The response will be reflected in the download file.)
Now, change your response for "Highest English Course Taken" to "None of the Above/Don't Know".
Notice that the conditional question, "What grade did you receive?", has disappeared. (Note: A null value will be downloaded for this response in the download file.)
For "Highest Math Course Taken" - select any response option from the menu other than "None of the Above/Don't Know".
Notice that the conditional question, "What grade did you receive?" question appears.
Select any "non-passing grade" for your response.
Note: For the purposes of this implementation, Non-passing grades include: D, F, NP, and Other Non-Passing Grade.
Notice that a new conditional question, "Highest Math Course Passed", appears.
Select any response option from the menu other than "None of the Above/Don't Know".
NOTE: For this implementation, CCCAssess wants to collect self-reported data pertaining to the highest math course that was taken and passed with a grade of Pass, C- or better. If the applicant selects a course from "Highest Math Course Taken" but does not pass the course, the system will display the conditional question, "Highest Math Course Passed".
Select any option from the "What grade did you receive?" question. This ends the section.
Now, change your response to "What grade did you receive?" for Highest Math Course Taken" to a passing grade (Passing grades include: A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, P (Pass)".
Notice that the "Highest Math Course Passed" and "What grade did you receive?" questions both disappear and no further questions appear.
Finally, now go back and change your response to "Highest Math Course Taken" to "None of the Above/Don't Know".
Notice that this response tells the system that the applicant doesnt' know or never took any of the "Highest Math Course Taken" courses and does not display and further questions. This ends the Multiple Measures (High School Transcript Information Section) for the Test Scenario #1.
At this point, you can finish this application and submit based on the condition #1 test responses, or return to the top of the Education page and change the test responses for Condition #2 (Test Scenario #2).
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do choose to complete and submit this test application based on Test Scenario #1, you will need to start a new application from the beginning (from the My Applications page) using a different test Term. Only one application can be submitted to the same Term at the same college. In the interest of time, it may be more efficient to test using Test Scenario #2 in the same application.
To complete the application and submit, use the test steps below.
Continue entering responses on the Education page and click "Continue" to go to the Citizenship/Military page.
Citizenship Status = US Citizen; and Military Status = None apply to me. Click "Continue" to go to the Residency page..
Continue entering responses on the Residency Page and throughout the rest of the application.
Review your responses on the "Review Application" page; complete the Consent and Submission pages ; and complete the Submission of the test application.
After submission of the application, you can skip the Satisfaction Survey and when you land on the Confirmation screen, jot down the Confirmation # for future reference in the Report Center.
Test Scenario #2: US High School Graduate (or Equivalent) within 10 Years Prior to the Term RDD
To test for the US High School Grad scenario, repeat steps 1 - 10 above to get to the Education page of a new application (or use the same application and change your test responses starting on the Education page):
In the "College Enrollment Status" field, select any response other than "Enrolling in high school (or lower grade) and college at the same time" from the menu;
In the "High School Education level" field, select one of the following responses:
Received high school diploma from US high school
Passed a high school equivalency test
Received a Certificate of California High School Proficiency;
In the "High school Completion Date" fields enter a date that is within 10 years of the Term RDD.
Note: The Term RDD is the date that appears in the question text for "High School Education Level": "High school education level as of mm/dd/yyyy".
In the "Did you receive your diploma, GED, or certificate in California?" - click Yes
In the "Have you attended high school in California for 3 or more years?" - click Yes
In the "Last High School Attended" section, select "I attended high school" and "Country = United States" and "State = California"
Enter any high school into the High School Finder search bar and select a high school
Notice that the High School Transcript Information section appears with the "Grade Point Average", "Highest English Course Taken", and "Highest Math Course Taken" questions. These are the required questions for the Multiple Measures implementation for Conditon #2.
Now change the "High School Completion Date" fiels and enter a date that is NOT within 10 years of the Term RDD.
Notice that the High School Transcript Information section disappears.
Change the "High School Completion Date" back to a date within 10 years of the Term RDD.
Now change the "Last High School Attended - Country" field to a country other than the United States.
Notice that the High School Transcript Information section disappears
Change the "Last High School Attended - Country" field back to "United States".
Enter a GPA between 0.00 and 4.00 in the text box.
For "Highest English Course Taken" - select a course from the menu. Do NOT choose "None of the Above/Don't Know" option.
Notice that the "What grade did you receive?" question now appears. Select any grade from the menu. (The response will be reflected in the download file.)
Now, change your response for "Highest English Course Taken" to "None of the Above/Don't Know".
Notice that the conditional question, "What grade did you receive?", has disappeared. (Note: A null value will be downloaded for this response in the download file.)
For "Highest Math Course Taken" - select any response option from the menu other than "None of the Above/Don't Know".
Notice that the conditional question, "What grade did you receive?" question appears.
Select any "non-passing grade" for your response.
Note: For the purposes of this implementation, Non-passing grades include: D, F, NP, and Other Non-Passing Grade.
Notice that a new conditional question, "Highest Math Course Passed", appears.
Select any response option from the menu other than "None of the Above/Don't Know".
NOTE: For this implementation, CCCAssess wants to collect self-reported data pertaining to the highest math course that was taken and passed with a grade of Pass, C- or better. If the applicant selects a course from "Highest Math Course Taken" but does not pass the course, the system will display the conditional question, "Highest Math Course Passed".
Select any option from the "What grade did you receive?" question. This ends the section.
Now, change your response to "What grade did you receive?" for Highest Math Course Taken" to a passing grade (Passing grades include: A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, P (Pass)".
Notice that the "Highest Math Course Passed" and "What grade did you receive?" questions both disappear and no further questions appear.
Finally, now go back and change your response to "Highest Math Course Taken" to "None of the Above/Don't Know".
Notice that this response tells the system that the applicant doesnt' know or never took any of the "Highest Math Course Taken" courses and does not display and further questions. This ends the Multiple Measures (High School Transcript Information Section) for the Test Scenario #2.
Adding the Multiple Measure Data Fields to Downloads
The data fields that align with the new Multiple Measures implementation question are shown below.
To add these fields to your current Pilot Download Format XML file,
Data Field Name | Data Element | Format / Length | Deliverable | Available in Report Center | Available in CCCApply Rules | Application |
Highest Grade Completed | highest_grade_completed | varchar | Yes | yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Completed 11th Grade. (No Longer Used) | completed_eleventh_grade | boolean | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Grade Point Average | grade_point_average | varchar 5 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Highest English Course Taken | highest_english_course | integer | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Highest English Course Taken Grade | highest_english_grade | varchar 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Highest Math Course Taken | highest_math_course_taken | integer | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Highest Math Course Taken Grade | highest_math_taken_grade | varchar 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Highest Math Course Passed | highest_math_course_passed | integer | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Highest Math Course Passed Grade | highest_math_passed_grade | varchar 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Standard App Only |
Updating the Download Client Transfer Files
To download the new Multiple Measures data fields in your CCCApply download file, you must also update your Download Client Transfer file to the latest version, which is always updated and published on the User Guides page alongside the updated Download Client User Guide.
Please be sure to backup your files before downloading new ones.
Update Download Client in Pilot Site
We recommend adding the fields and updating the Download Client Transfer file in the Pilot environment first before updating your Production Download Client with these fields.
In your installed Pilot Download Client directory, replace the following files:
Replace transfer-client.jar (V.x) with the latest version: transfer-client-VX.jar (see latest version here)
Follow the instructions in the CCCApply Download Client User Guide.
Technical specifications for the Multiple Measures data fields are listed in the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary (see the latest version at the top of the Data Dictionaries page).
Update Download Client in Production Site
Update your Production Download Client Transfer file. The process is the same as the Pilot site.
In your installed Production Download Client directory, replace the following files:
Replace transfer-client.jar (V.X) with: transfer-client-V.X.jar (NOTE: Always update with the latest version of the Jar file).
Follow the instructions in the CCCApply Download Client User Guide.
Technical specifications for the Multiple Measures data fields are listed in the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary (see the latest version at the top of the Data Dictionaries page).
Accessing the Data in the Report Center
Once you've submitted one or more test applications in the Pilot environment, you can run a report on the responses in the Pilot Report Center.
Login to your college Pilot Report Center
Select "View > Repository" from the main menu
Select "Public Folders > Application Reports > Multiple Measures Basic Report"
Click on the title of the report to launch in the Report Viewer
To filter the report, click on the "Input Filters" icon (farthest right icon in the Report View Toolbar)
To export the report data, launch the report and then select the "Export" icon. Select the export format of your choice. Recommend: Excel.
To save a copy of the report, click on the "Save As" icon and save the report to your College Folder in the Report Center.
Multiple Measures Basic Report