Design a Post-Submission International App On-boarding Checklist

This is a change management planning worksheet in progress.

Purpose of the International Application Post-Submission Checklist



Additional Information - Data

In FY 2018-2019, XYZ CCCApply International applications were submitted.

In FY2018-19, TBD

Next Actions

Work with the colleges who have implemented the International Application and sub-committee to discuss what happens after an IA application is submitted.

  1. Create a short survey to identify checklist items

  2. Schedule a call with contact lists to discuss


What systems would use this checklist?

The current implementation has several issues:

Data Collection

  • Summary

MyPath Advisor Card Application Prototype

  • Documents to Upload

  • Pre-Application requirements



What would we need to develop?

What staff tools would need to be developed? Where?

What reporting tools need to be developed? Where?


Reference: Legal Information

Everything below is for reference only.