Noncredit: NOCE MIS Supplemental Questions

Noncredit: NOCE MIS Supplemental Questions

The following questions are part of the NOCE 

QuestionValues / ResponsesRequired?  MIS Element?How does CCCApply respond?

Have you ever applied and/or registered at North Orange Continuing Education, Cypress College, or Fullerton College?  Yes  No

❑ Yes
❑ No
No.  College-specific question.

Banner ID # @ Date _______________________ (MM/DD/YYYY)
No. College-specific question.

Last _____________________________

First ______________________________

Middle ___________

The Legal Name data fields are already provided to the college in their downloads. The data is collected in the OpenCCC account system and passed to the college with the application data upon submission.

Date of BirthDATE OF BIRTH _______________________ (MM/DD/YYYY)

The "Birthdate" data is already provided to the college in their downloads. The data is collected in the OpenCCC account system and passed to the college with the application data upon submission.

PERSONAL INFORMATION (Additional information provided/customized by the college)

This information will be used for state and federal reporting purposes. It is optional and voluntary and will not be used for discriminatory purposes. By California law, the California Community Colleges collect voluntary demographic information regarding the sexual orientation, gender identify, and gender expression of students. This information is only used for summary demographic reporting, and your responses are kept private and secure.

No. College-specific text.
What is your current gender identity?❑ Male ❑ Female ❑ Decline to state

The "Gender" data field is already provided to the college in their downloads. The data is collected in the Noncredit App on the Demographic Information page with the same response options. 

NOTE: This field, by federal law, must be asked on the application but is NOT required to be answered by the applicant.

This field is provided to colleges in their downloads

What is your current sexual orientation?❑ Straight/Heterosexual
❑ Gay or Lesbian/Homosexual
❑ Bisexual
❑ Other
❑ Decline to state
? Required by federal and state laws (AB620)

The "Sexual Orientation" data field appears in the Noncredit App on the Demographic Information page with the same response options.

This field is required by federal law, and must be asked at the time of application but is NOT required to be answered by the applicant.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This data is provided to colleges but is not included in the standard college download file or Glue data set. This sensitive data is only available to colleges via special access to the CCCTC Data Warehouse to approved researchers. Please check with your college President or district Admissions 

Do you consider yourself transgender? ❑ Yes
❑ No
❑ Decline to state
? Required by federal and state laws (AB620)

The "Transgender" data field appears in the Noncredit App on the Demographic Information page with the same response options.

This field is required by federal law, and must be asked at the time of application but is NOT required to be answered by the applicant.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This data is provided to colleges but is not included in the standard college download file or Glue data set. This sensitive data is only available to colleges via special access to the CCCTC Data Warehouse to approved researchers. Please check with your college President or district Admissions 

Help Pop-Up Text Box (college customized additional text)

Gender Identity” means one’s private sense of being male or female.

Sexual Orientation” describes an enduring pattern of attraction-emotional, romantic, sexual, or some combination of these-to persons of the opposite sex, the same sex, or to both sexes, as well as the genders that accompany them.

Transgender” is the state of one’s gender identity (self identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one’s assigned sex (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex).

No. College-specific text.
Have you been employed as a seasonal agricultural worker for at least a total of two months of each of the past two years?❑ Yes
❑ No

This field is NOT included on the Noncredit Application. It is included on the Standard Application - on the Residency page.
Are you currently homeless?❑ Yes
❑ No

As a specific question - this field is provided to colleges in the Standard App, but NOT included in the Noncredit Application (currently hidden with the other questions on the Residency page). However, currently, there is an opportunity to gather information on whether a student is currently homeless via the OpenCCC account information on the Permanent Address question, and in the Noncredit application on the Account Information/Mailing page - with the Current Mailing address. Below are the fields that include current homeless status:


Are you comfortable reading and writing in English?❑ Yes
❑ No

This field is currently provided to colleges in their Standard App downloads from the Needs & Interests page; however, per request from the CO Redesign workgroup, the Needs page is being removed from the application by default but the colleges have an opportunity to “opt-in” for each data field on that page.

IF the Noncredit App pilot colleges believe it would be more advantageous to have this question remain, should it appear on the Needs & Interests tab/page? Or should this be added to the Supplemental Questions for Noncredit page (optional/customizable by the college)?

Do you currently receive any of the following types of assistance? (Check all that apply)❑ CalWORKs, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
❑ Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
❑ General Assistance (GA)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, Food Stamps)
Foster Care, Medical/Medicaid, HUD Section 8 Housing Assistance, or other economic public assistance
❑ I am not currently receiving any public assistance

Some of this question is displayed in their Standard Application on the Residency page, which is currently NOT available in the Noncredit Application. Which means - even if we made this question available in the Noncredit application, it would need to be revised to include the values that do not currently appear in the Standard App. downloads - this question appears on the Residency page, which is currently NOT available to the Noncredit download file

Please select your approximate annual household income.❑ $0 to $15,000
❑ $15,001 to $30,000
❑ $30,001 to $45,000
❑ $45,001 to $60,000
❑ $60,001 to $75,000
❑ Over $75,000
❑ I do not know my approximate household income

This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application.  This is one of the questions that would need to be added via Supplemental Questions page in the Noncredit App.

Please enter the number of people in your household.


This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application.  This is one of the questions that would need to be added via Supplemental Questions page in the Noncredit App.
Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a crime?

❑ Yes ❑ No

This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application. 

Have you had a job in the last six months?

❑ Yes ❑ No

This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application. 

Have you been looking for a job in the last six months?

❑ Yes ❑ No

This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application. 

Do you have any attitudes, beliefs, customs, or practices that make it hard for you to find a job?❑ Yes ❑ No

This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application. 

Are you currently preparing for a job by participating in internships, work experience, or capstone projects?❑ Yes ❑ No
This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application.
Are you currently participating in activities that help you learn about a job through job shadows, service learning, class projects, or mentorships from professionals working in that job?❑ Yes ❑ No
This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application.

Are you currently participating in any events or activities that will help you identify career interests or explore career options such as guest speakers, company tours, field trips, career fairs, or mock interviews?

❑ Yes ❑ No
This question/field does NOT appear on the Standard application.

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