COCI 1.5 Release Notes


COCI 1.5 Release

release date: 9/28/2017

The COCI 1.5 release addressed defects and enhancements affecting College Submitters and Chancellor’s Office Reviewers, as prioritized by the Chancellor's Office.

Our thanks go out to the California Community Colleges Technology Center development team and to the dedicated Chancellor's Office staff and user acceptance testing community that have assisted with this release, including testing, workflow and data quality feedback and improvements to product documentation.

COCI 1.5 Release Contents

The following items were resolved in the COCI 1.5 release.  The numbers below reference the issue ID number in the CCCTC issue tracking system.

  • [CC-1076] - Courses and Programs that were previously in “Active” status have been changed to “Deleted” by the system, and cannot be switched back. This fix will enable Chancellor’s Office Reviewers to edit the Course or Program from “Deleted” status to “Active” status.

  • [CC-1181] - Newly created Draft Proposals are missing immediately after saving.  This ticket addresses the College Reviewer’s ability to create a new Course or Program and save it in "Draft" status, and allows Submitters to find the Drafts within their inventory. While completing CC-1181, developers discovered related issues affecting draft proposals, which were addressed with the following tickets:

    • [CC-1194] - Draft Program Statuses - Programs not receiving a "Draft" status on Save
    • [CC-1193] - Course Submission Fails - “500 Internal Server Error”
  • [CC-1170] - Substantial Changes should not be triggered by modifying CB01A / CB01B elements. Confirmation of all CB Element Substantial Changes, per 6th Edition of PCAH.
  • [CC-1165] - "Program Goals" is not to trigger a Substantial Change.
  • [CC-1172] - College Reviewers need ability to move Approved Courses and Programs with Control Numbers into Active status, using the “Activate” button at the bottom of Programs or Courses screens.
  • [CC-1174] - Resolve issues with units Calculations, and modify to round down to the nearest .5 increment.
  • [CC-1148] - TOP Codes should display with number & descriptor in Public Reports for Courses and Programs, as well as in Program Review or Course Review Screens.
  • [CC-1078] - Add a "Remove from Queue" Action Link to Reviewer's Dashboard.
  • [CC-1104] - Many active users set by default to CCCCO Reviewer user role. Only small defined list of users should have CCCCO Reviewer or CCCCO Admin role assignment.
  • [CC-1137] - Security Audit for COCI 1.5 Release
    • [CC-1182] - Security Review for 1.5 Release
  • [CC-1183] - Accessibility Review for COCI 1.5 Release, and to resolve items discovered during audit:
    • [CC-1206] - Missing form field labels
    • [CC-1207] - Missing form field label - Programs page
    • [CC-1208] - Missing form labels - Create New Program page
    • [CC-1209] - Missing form field labels - Create New Course page
    • [CC-1210] - Missing form field labels - Profile page

COCI 1.5 Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues related to areas of the application identified for improvement in this release. Subsequent maintenance release will address these items identified during user acceptance testing. For questions about these lists, please contact

Related to [CC-1181],  while the reported issue has been addressed, the following item requires additional work to be completed in the next release (COCI 1.6):

    • [CC-1236] - “Duplicate Course” Error, requiring Submitters to click “Skip Duplicates” box.

  • With this release we recommend that when the "Duplicate Course (###)" error message pops up when trying to “Save”, the user checks the box next to "Skip Duplicate Check” which appears below the  "Duplicate Course” Error Message. This will allow the course to be saved in “Draft” status.  Course will not be saved in “Draft” Status if this box is not checked.

Related to [CC-1165], the following tickets were created,  scheduled to be addressed in COCI 1.6:

  • [CC-1235] - Changing any Proposal with an Award Type of "Certificate" will trigger a Substantial Change for Degree Major Units
  • [CC-1225] - When entering program and when Gainful Employment is checked, JAC Sponsor field is required when it should not be.

Related to [CC-1148], While this item passed testing, the following will be addressed in COCI 1.6:

  • [CC-1215] - All TOP codes should have a decimal between the 4th and 5th digits

The following items were also noted in relation to this release, scheduled to be completed in COCI 1.6:

  • [CC-1186] - In some instances, Approved Proposals with Substantial Changes are not generating new Control Numbers
  • [CC-1187] - Non-Credit Courses should not require Minimum and Maximum Outside of Class Hours

COCI 1.5 Development and Implementation: Next Actions

The team is currently working to address defects and enhancements as prioritized by the Chancellor's Office and 5C COCI Subcommittee.  These items will be released as COCI 1.6.