Major Category Filter (UAT) Step-by-Step Guide

Major Category Filter (UAT) Step-by-Step Guide

This UAT Guide is designed specifically to ensure that colleges that intend to implement the new optional Major Category filter in the CCCApply Standard and/or International Applications have implemented and tested the new functionality and are provided a feedback channel for communicating bugs, issues, and support requests for this new functionality.

Colleges are encouraged to utilize the “Major Category Filter Implementation Worksheet” for setting up the Major Category filter.



User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 upgrade is being completed and documented in the “CCCApply Administrator 2.0 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Step-by-Step Guide.

  • Validate that you can get to the Majors module in the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 with your new college URL and existing user account

  • Verify that your college Majors data appears correctly to the new CCCApply Administrator 2.0 system (Pilot) and that all Majors functionality is behaving as expected for the CCCApply Standard & International Applications, if applicable.

  • Verify that your college Majors data is displaying in alphabetical order in the “Intended Major or Program of Study” menu on the Enrollment page of the CCCApply Standard Application, and that after your major categories have been added display in alphabetical order in the new Major Category menu on the Enrollment page of the CCCApply & International Applications, if applicable;

  • Validate that you’ve exported and archived copies of your college’s legacy majors configurations (pilot and production) for back-up and reference

  • Verify successful implementation of the Major Category filtering mechanism correctly for your CCCApply Standard & International applications;

  • Verify and test functionality for exporting & importing Majors in the new Majors module in the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 system.

    • Tests are to include functional tests, including adding, editing, and archiving required and optional fields;

    • Exporting the Majors to CSV file and correctly configuring additions and edits to the exported file correctly;

    • Importing new or edited Majors using the correct CSV file format to the Majors module in the Administrator;

  • Acknowledge existence of an official feedback channel for reporting bugs and issues found while implementing the Majors Category implementation tasks,  as well as a standard process for working with a support engineer during the UAT, training and support process;

  • Validate ability to access support and training materials from the CCCApply Public Documentation space, including User Guides, Data Dictionaries, technical specifications and support tutorials for the new CCC Administrator core administrator platform, as well as the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 and CCC Report Center.


The following goals pertain to the exercises and testing steps included in the 2018 CCCApply Administrator Upgrade process only.

  • Validate that you can get to the Majors module in the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 with your new college URL and existing user account

  • Verify that your college Majors data has been migrated correctly to the new CCCApply Administrator 2.0 system (Pilot) and that all new Administrator Majors functionality is behaving as expected for the CCCApply Standard & International Applications, if applicable. NOTE: This pertains to the migration activities required as part of the 2018 Administrator Upgrade

  • Verify that your college’s Admin 1.0 Majors are displaying in alphabetical order in the “Intended Major or Program of Study” menu on the Enrollment page of the CCCApply Standard Application, and that after your major categories have been added display in alphabetical order in the new Major Category menu on the Enrollment page of the CCCApply & International Applications, if applicable;



The designated representative from the college completing this implementation and UAT process has been provided access to the following setup documents:

Section One: Verify Major Module Access

  1. Validate authentication and user authorization to the Majors module in the Pilot CCCApply Administrator 2.0 through the CCC Administrator.

    1. Click on your custom college (or district) URL to the PILOT CCCApply Administrator  2.0, which replaces your legacy CCCApply Admin 1.0 URL.

  2. When prompted, log in to your college- or district IdP sign-in screen with your existing Username and Password.

    1. Upon successful login, confirm that you have landed on the CCC Administrator homepage and can select “CCCApply Administrator” from the ‘APPLICATIONS’ menu.

    2. Ensure the CCCApply Administrator is launched in a new window or tab (depending on your browser) and that you have landed on the CCCApply homepage in the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 system.

    3. Confirm that your college name appears in the “Select a college” menu bar by default, and then select “Majors” from the modules menu.

Section Two: Verify Majors Data Migration

  1. Verify that your college’s Majors have been migrated correctly into the new CCCApply Administrator 2.0 system (Pilot) and that all new, and feature parity functionality, is behaving as expected.

    1. Validate that you can see all your existing Majors migrated from Admin 1.0 displayed in the summary table;

      1. Validate that you can change the sort order of each column in the table by clicking on the column header;

      2. Validate that you can edit a Major by clicking on the “Edit” icon in the Actions column in the summary table and

        1. Confirm that you can add or change data in the “Edit Major” modal that pops up.

        2. Confirm that you can “Save” changes or “Cancel” the Edit Major modal.

    2. Validate that you can remove a Major from the summary table (and it will be removed from the corresponding CCCApply application) by clicking on the “Archive” icon in the Actions column of the table.

      1. Verify that you can either “Confirm” the removal or “Cancel” the removal from the confirmation pop-up modal that appears;  

    3. Validate that you can click on the “Add Major” button and can enter data into the required majors fields;

      1. Confirm that you can add a new Major by completing the required data fields and click “Save” to see it appear in the summary table.

      2. Confirm that the “Save” button is inactive until all required data fields are entered correctly;

      3. Confirm that you can cancel a new Major from being added by clicking on the “Cancel” button in the Add Major modal.

  2. From the Majors summary table, export your Majors to verify the migration of your data was successful;

    1. Navigate to the Majors module in the Pilot Administrator and verify the college name appearing in the Select a college menu is correct;

    2. Click the “Export Majors” button and verify that your Majors export in a CSV file format to your Downloads folder or other default folder on your computer or shared network drive;

    3. Locate and open the Majors export CSV file with Microsoft Excel, and review the file format (column order, data format, etc.)

    4. Verify Majors that the export list matches the majors that appear in your corresponding CCCApply Application;

      1. In a new tab or browser window, paste in the URL for your college’s pilot CCCApply Standard application, and sign in through the pilot  OpenCCC to your My Applications page.

      2. Resume an in-progress application or start a new application that can be used for testing and verification.

      3. Navigate to the Enrollment page and select a Term and an Education Goal from the available menus;

      4. Click on the Intended Major or Program of Study menu and validate that your majors are displaying in alphabetical order and match the majors migrated to the Pilot CCCApply Administrator 2.0 for your college.

      5. Select one of the options and then click the Save button at the bottom left of the page. Sign out of the application and return to the window displaying the CCCApply Administrator 2.0.

Section Three: Verify Majors Display in CCCApply Standard/International Applications

  1. Verify that your Major Category implementation was set up successfully in the CCCApply Administrator and in the CCCApply Application(s);

    1. Verify that the Majors that have more than one category aligned to it is properly formatted in the “Category” column using the correct format (i.e., (category),(category),(category),...)

    2. Verify that all the dates that were configured in the “Start” and “End” columns have been formatted correctly with the following date format: “mm/dd/yyyy”

    3. Verify that the format of the CSV file is exactly the same as when you first opened the CSV file;

    4. Verify that there is NO DATA appearing in the “EduGoal” column; in other words the column is empty except for the Header description;

    5. Verify that all optional data is configured correctly per the instructions provided in the Implementation Worksheet.

  2. Validate that the Major Category filter is functioning as expected by selecting one of the options in the Major Category menu and then clicking on the “Intended Major or Program of Study” menu to confirm that the Majors displayed align with the majors that were aligned to that category in the configuration of the “Category” column in the Majors CSV file.

    1. Verify that you can appears Log in as a sample student using the ID and Password provided in Section Two.

  3. Verify that every Major in the Majors summary table has a “+” icon, ensuring that all majors will be included in the Major Category filter in CCCApply Application(s);

    1. Select a major to test and click on the “+” sign to expand the Category column in the Majors summary table.

  4. Open the “CCCApply Major Category Implementation Worksheet” and confirm that you’ve identified (named) all the Major Categories and listed them correctly in the “Identifying Your Major Categories” section table.

    1. Navigate back to the Majors CSV file and confirm that you’ve carefully aligned your major categories to each major listed in the CSV file correctly;

      1. Verify that the Majors CSV file is imported successfully through the “Success” verification message in the Majors module in the CCCApply Administrator 2.0.

      2. Validate that the new Categories were imported successfully by confirming the “+” icons now appear for each major in the Majors table,

    2. Verify that the Major Category menu now appears on the Enrollment page of the CCCApply application and when clicked on displays the new categories in alphabetical order.

  5. Submit Test Application and verify all new and migrated data integrated from the CCCApply Administrator 2.0 system is submitted, downloaded, and appears in the CCC Report Center for reporting purposes. 

    1. Use the URL provided to access another college’s Course Exchange pilot instance.

    2. (NOTE: Be sure to use an ‘Incognito Window’ within the Google Chrome web browser.)  

    3. Verify and log the outcome for each attempt in the appropriate column.

(NOTE: Be sure to close out and open a new ‘Incognito Window’ for each login attempt. Your test students are only enrolled at one other specific consortium college. Please test with the college indicated for accurate outcomes. )

Section Four: Feedback & Discussion of Next Steps

  1. Contact the College Support Services and schedule a one-on-one support call: staffsupportccctc@openccc.zendesk.com

  2. Complete the CCCApply Major Category Filter Implementation Worksheet 

  3. Navigate to the CCCApply Administrator 2.0

    1. Click on your college-specific URL to the Pilot CCC Administrator

    2. Sign in to your college Identity Provider with your college UN & PW

    3. Land on the CCC Administrator homepage

  4. Log into the CCC Administrator using college or district IdP

    1. Confirm your User access and authorization

    2. Ensure your User account grants Basic User access to the CCCApply Standard and/or International Applications

  5. Launch the CCCApply Administrator

    1. From the CCC Administrator homepage, select CCCApply Administrator from the “APPLICATIONS” menu

    2. Confirm that the CCCApply Administrator system opens in a new tab or window and loads the CCCApply Standard Application homepage.

    3. Getting to the Majors Module for CCCApply Standard & International Applications

  6. Navigate to the Majors module

    1. Export your existing list of Majors to CSV file

To request assistance setting up or using the CCCApply Major Category filter, please contact College Support Services.

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