CCCApply Standard Application - Implementation Checklist

CCCApply Standard Application - Implementation Checklist


The purpose of this checklist is to provide IT staff and other key stakeholders with a step-by-step guide that includes specific requirements, action items, deadlines, and notes to support a successful OpenCCCApply implementation. A real-time version of this document (Google Doc) will be provided to your project team during the Project Overview meeting. 

Overview of IT & Business Operations Tasks

The tables below include tasks related to both the IT setup of your project and the business operations tasks, which play a key part in your successful implementation. Admissions staff, as well as the IT project team, should review this document to understand the different requirements involved in preparing this application for student use. The tables are organized in the order they should be completed:


Key Dates & Deployment Timeline


Deployment Dates

Implementation Notes & Relevant Links

MOU signed and executed


Must be completed prior to planned deployment date.

Confirm college’s anticipated Go Live date with CCCApply
Note: CCCTC / Help Desk requires two weeks notice*

Begin Accepting Applications

Confirm date college(s) want to begin testing downloads in the Production environment


Dependent on completion of migration of Administrator and Downloads to Production environment.

Confirm date college(s) will stop accepting Xap Applications**
**Confirm all terms are closed in Xap.

For Xap CCCApply users only.
Should be the same date as your OpenCCCApply deployment date.

Confirm date college/district Xap contract expires



Schedule Report Center Training with Tech Center



Schedule Xap Migration Project with Tech Center


Must have Xap Apps downloaded and formatted for import to the Report Center.


Development Tasks - Setting Up the Pilot Environment

Development and testing should take place in the Pilot environment. As part of your Shibboleth installation, you will be provided with the unique URLs to access your Pilot and production Administrator and CCC Report Center. (Note: These URLs are not provided by the CCCTC. Consult the technician who performed your Shibboleth installation.)  

Once you have set up and configured all table settings in the Pilot Administrator and tested downloads completely, contact the Tech Center to begin migrating your data to production environment.

Development Task

Who's Responsible


MOU Process



Create MOU and forward to College/District Administrator

Tech Center

Keith Franco, Project Rep., kfranco@ccctechcenter.org, leads this effort for Tech Center