2018 Workshop Sponsors

2018 Workshop Sponsors

Please join us in thanking our sponsors. Their support makes this workshop possible.

The sponsor exhibit area will be announced upon arrival at the Workshop.  Please take some time out of your day to meet them and learn about their products and services.

Credentials Solutions

Credentials Solutions develops innovative transcript and verification solutions to fit the unique needs of Higher Education. TranscriptsPlus® and integrated automation software RoboRegistrar® provide a truly comprehensive transcript solution for all major SIS platforms. TranscriptsNetwork™ is the largest electronic transcript sending and receiving network serving Higher Education and is capable of exchanging PDF, EDI and XML formats. Coupling this electronic transcript reach with print and mail service eRoboMail® streamlines the entire transcript process from ordering through fulfillment.

Starfish by Hobsons

In 2015, Hobson’s student success platform, Starfish, was chosen by the CCC Technology Center’s Education Planning Initiative (EPI) to provide comprehensive solutions to support education planning and degree audit activities as a statewide technology service.  Twelve pilot colleges chosen by the statewide Steering Committee commenced work with Hobsons to turn the existing Starfish Degree Planner into a multi-college district and California-centric solution.  Today, 37 CCCs have signed on for Starfish, 26 of whom are already live on some or all parts of the Platform. 

The Starfish Enterprise Success Platform can help institutions scale their ability to support every student’s academic journey.  Functionality includes onboarding/student readiness tools, early alert, degree planning, holistic advising and case management, calendaring/scheduling, predictive analytics and student intervention inventory. 

In October 2017, Starfish received Complete College of America’s Guided Pathways for Student Success Seal of Approval and was honored to be the recipient of the Gold award for Student Success/Retention in Campus Technology‘s third annual Readers’ Choice Awards.  In November 2017, the CA Community Colleges received a Starfish endorsement by the CA State Academic Senate - https://www.starfishsolutions.com/2017/11/california-guided-pathways/ for guided pathways. 

The CCC Starfish User Group now meets together semi-annually to share outcomes and best practices on this student success platform.  In December 2017, 27 CCCs (180 registrants) participated in a 2-day Starfish Summit at Crafton Hills College - CCCTC Report - Dec 2017 Starfish Summit at Crafton Hills.  Michelle Stricker of Reedley College/SCCCD and Co-Chair of the EPT-DAS Steering Committee says, “Hobsons has helped us create the only true degree plan product that is tailored for California.”

National Student Clearinghouse

The Clearinghouse proudly partners with the California Community Colleges by providing tools, resources and research that supports campus and student success.


Parchment provides a convenient platform to securely send and receive digital academic credentials and is recognized as the most comprehensive digital credential management service. Since 2003, Parchment has exchanged more than 20 million credentials. The Parchment send network, reaching 25% secondary and 17% postsecondary enrollments in the US, is dedicated to turning credentials into opportunities.


Established in 1997 at the National Center for Higher Education, PESC operates as an international 501(c)(3) non-profit, community-based, umbrella association headquartered in Washington, D.C.

PESC leads the establishment and adoption of open data standards across the education community by serving as an open standards-development and open standards-setting body producing PESC APPROVED STANDARDS.  PESC Members believe that fostering open, transparent collaboration across educational communities to solve common, industry-shared problems brings much needed clarity and coherence to the education eco-system.  Through open, transparent community participation, PESC enables cost-effective connectivity between data systems in order to accelerate performance and service, to simplify data access and research, and to improve data quality along the learner lifecycle.  PESC envisions global mobility or interoperability within the learner domain supported by a trustworthy, inter-connected network built by, for & between communities of interest in which data flows digitally and seamlessly from one community, system or network to another and throughout the entire ecosystem when and where needed without compatibility barriers but in a safe, secure, reliable, legal, and efficient manner.​


Unicon is a leading provider of technology consulting, services, and support for the education industry. Institutions and corporations leverage Unicon’s domain expertise across numerous disciplines, including identity and access management (IAM), learning analytics/student success, standards-based integration, portals, content lifecycle, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Unicon’s depth of experience in designing, building, integrating, operating, and supporting learning, assessment, and institutional systems ensures the right skills and technologies are applied to every engagement.

Unicon is a Contributing Member of IMS Global Learning Consortium; a Commercial Affiliate of the Apereo Foundation; a Trust and Identity Solution Provider in the Internet2 Industry Program and an Industry Member of Internet2; an InCommon Participant; an Instructure Certified Partner; a Desire2Learn (D2L) Technology Partner; a GSA Industry Partner and Schedule 70 Contract Holder; an Advanced Consulting Partner in the AWS Partner Network, a member of the AWS Education Competency Program, and a member of the AWS Public Sector Program. For more information, visit: www.unicon.net.

Xap Corporation

XAP Corporation is the industry leader in developing, and providing students and adults with, the online tools to explore, plan, and apply to colleges and universities.  In collaboration with CCC Technology Center, eTranscript California (eTranscriptCA) was developed by XAP Corporation and has been used successfully by member institutions for over 10 years.  eTranscriptCA enables all California colleges to transfer student electronic transcripts between the state’s California Community Colleges (CCC) and the University of California (UC), and California State University (CSU) system, as well as other higher education institutions in and out-of-state. eTranscriptCA membership continues to grow as evidenced by the 16 new members who went live in 2016. 

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