CCCApply Administrator User Guide
The CCCApply Administrator User Guide can be exported to PDF or Word by selecting the “Export” option in the More Actions menu in the upper right of this page.
Latest version updated to align with CCCApply release 6.16.0
The CCCApply Administrator is the admin configuration tool for the CCCApply suite of online applications, including the Standard, Noncredit and International admission applications, the California College Promise Grant Online application, and other integrated systemwide technology applications developed by the California Community Colleges Technology Center (CCCTC). The CCCApply Administrator can be accessed by authorized staff and faculty users from the Applications menu in the CCC Administrator.
- 1 General Information
- 2 Core Application Administrators
- 3 CCCApply Administrator
- 4 Configuring College & District Information
- 5 Configuring Terms
- 6 Configuring Majors
- 7 Enabling the Education Goal/Majors Filter
- 8 Configuring Major Categories
- 9 Configuring the English Proficiency Section
- 10 Configuring Application Rules
- 11 Configuring Messages for Application Rules
- 12 Configuring Supplemental Questions
- 13 Using the Application Utilities
General Information
The CCCApply Administrator User Guide provides authorized college users with implementation and admin configuration instructions for setting up and maintaining individual CCCApply applications. This document is updated regularly to reflect changes and new functionality implemented with CCCApply application version releases and as needed.
Scope of Document
The CCCApply Administrator User Guide addresses:
getting to the CCCApply Administrator
adding and editing authorized users in the User Manager
configuring required and optional features/functionality
importing and exporting custom Supplemental Questions (optional)
using the application-specific Utilities including the Reset Downloads tool and the Spam Filter user interface
navigating within and between administrator modules for individual CCCApply applications
This Guide does not cover the specifications for configuring and managing custom (optional) supplemental questions. Those details are covered in the Working with Supplemental Questions User Guide.
This Guide does not address application “front-end” specifications such as application questions and responses, format definitions, display conditions, algorithms, or data element specifications. These specs are addressed in the CCCApply data dictionaries, crosswalks, user guides, and other end-user documents located throughout the CCCApply Public Documentation site.
Glossary of Terms
Term | Description |
CCC Administrator | The central administrator tool providing SSO-based authentication, system and user management, and a single point-of-entry for the CCCApply Administrator. |
CCCApply Administrator | The back-end admin configuration tool for setting up and maintaining individual CCCApply applications for CCC colleges. |
CCCApply Standard Application | The official domestic (US) online application for admission for the California Community Colleges. |
CCCApply Noncredit Application | The streamlined workflow within the CCCApply Standard application exclusively for students enrolling in noncredit courses. |
CCCApply International Application | The official international (non-US) online application for admission for the California Community Colleges. |
CC Promise Grant Application | The official online California Colleges Promise Grant application for the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. |
CCCApply Report Center | The real-time, integrated BI reporting tool for all CCCApply submitted applications. |
CCC Data Warehouse Report Server | The business intelligence and reporting tool for the CCC Data Warehouse data restricted to college and district IRPE researchers. |
CCCMyPath | The customized student onboarding portal for California Community Colleges. |
CEM | The College Experience Manager (CEM) serves as the sales and service representative between the CCCTC Enabling Services and individual colleges. |
Download Client | A software tool that facilitates the download of applications submitted to individual colleges from the CCCApply download server. |
Enabling Services | The Enabling Services division of the CCC Technology Center provides direct sales, implementation, and support of systemwide technology applications. |
English Proficiency Test | An optional, customizable module for the International application only that allows colleges to configure form fields to gather information on English proficiency tests taken. |
Majors / Programs of Study | Applicants are required to select an Intended Major or Program of Study from a list configured and uploaded by the individual college being applied to. |
Major Category | Major Categories - also known as meta majors - are custom groupings of majors/programs of study defined by the individual college. |
Messages | Messages are custom content configured by the college to display as email messages or onscreen error messages based on a configured Rule in CCCApply. |
OpenCCC | OpenCCC is the federated identity initiative and student account system for the California Community Colleges. OpenCCC is integrated with CCCApply. |
Pilot Environment | The Pilot Environment is a sandbox system providing a copy of the production environment for application implementation, staging, and admin testing. |
Reset Downloads | The Reset Downloads function is a utility in the CCCApply Administrator that allows colleges to re-download one or more submitted applications. |
Rules | Rules can be created and enabled to send email messages or prevent the submission of an application based on custom logic configured by the college. |
Supplemental Questions | Supplemental Questions is a feature that allows a college to ask additional questions and collect response data as part of the CCCApply application. |
Spam Filter | CCCApply Spam Filter utility allows colleges to view/manage submitted applications that have been flagged as possible fraud before they reach the college SIS or downloads. |
SuperGlue for Apply | SuperGlue for Apply is the data delivery pipeline between CCCApply databases and the college’s student information system (SIS) or downloads. |
System Administrator | The System Administrator is an application within the CCC Administrator system houses the User Manager application. |
Terms | Applicants are required to select the Term to which they are applying from a list configured and uploaded by the individual college. |
User Manager | The User Manager is an application in the CCC Administrator that enables authorized users to manage user accounts for their college or district. |
Utilities | The Utilities module enables colleges to manage resetting downloaded applications and processing applications suspended as potentially fraudulent. |
Development Environments: Use and Support
CCCTC maintains two parallel development environments for systemwide Student Success Suite (SSS) applications, including OpenCCC, CCCApply, CCCMyPath, and other integrated products and services. The CCCTC Production environment delivers the “live” system to end-users, while the Pilot environment provides colleges and districts with a sandbox environment for initial implementations of SSS applications and services, and to stage and test changes to their configurations prior to planned and unplanned product updates and new service roll-outs.
The CCCApply Pilot environment is designed to be a carbon copy of the Production environment, giving colleges a sandbox to stage configuration changes and test planned and unplanned updates prior to production roll-outs.
CCCApply Pilot Applications & Administrator
Colleges are provided an integrated, end-to-end Pilot environment for each of the CCCApply applications implemented. Authorized college staff are given Pilot user accounts and custom application URLs, configured to their college or district MIS code. Access to the CCCApply Pilot environment by way of secure IdP is available Monday - Friday, from 8:00am - 4:00pm PST.
Pilot Use & Support
The Pilot environment is not actively monitored for errors and issues in the same way as the Production environment and there is no designated support team in place to respond to Pilot environment issues. It is recommended that college staff personnel use the online support community - - to communicate issues, ask questions, and request assistance. The CCCTC Helpdesk and college staff support engineers monitor and triage all incoming posts during business hours and endeavor to respond within 48 hours to Pilot environment issues. Depending on the issue’s nature, resolution time may vary.
Enabling Services: Implementation & Support
The CCCTC Enabling Services (ES) provides a common-services delivery team for the purpose of ensuring successful adoptions and implementations, and support of Student Success Suite applications and other integrated CCCTC technology solutions across all California Community Colleges.
The Enabling Services team strives to build strong, customer-centric relationships with colleges throughout the implementation process with the following support representatives:
Enabling Services Team Member | Supporting Role |
College Experience Management (CEM) | Serve as your first point-of-contact for all things related to CCCTC products and services, including scheduling a demo. |
Product Implementation Readiness (IPM) | Works with the CEMs and the implementation engineers (ICE) to ensure your implementation project says on track. |
Implementation & Configuration Engineers (ICE) | Provides hands-on implementation setup and configuration support to prepare your college to go live with CCCTC products and services. |
College Support Services Representatives (SUP) | Provides post-implementation support for CCCTC products and services. |
Get Started with Implementation: Contact your College Experience Manager (CEM) to discuss new products and upgrades at
Technical Support: Visit the online support community for college staff and faculty:
Related Documents & Supporting Resources
The following additional user documentation and resources are available to support CCCApply setup, admin configuration, data delivery and reporting:
CCCApply Data Dictionaries
Working with Supplemental Questions User Guide
CCCApply Report Center User Guide
SuperGlue for Apply
SuperGlue Public Documentation Site
CCCMyPath Administrator User Guide
Core Application Administrators
The CCC Administrator is the central admin management tool for the CCCApply Applications, the CC Promise Grant Online Application, CCCApply Report Center, and other integrated systemwide applications. Providing a single point-of-entry, college staff and faculty have the ability to configure application settings and customize rules and messages, this scalable service provides a launch pad to integrated admin tools from a single point-of-entry.
Colleges are provided college-specific URLs - configured to their college/district IdP and integrated with the SSO proxy - which authenticates users as they land on the home page. Integrated admin tools, such as the CCCApply Administrator system, no longer have direct URL access.
The System Administrator module manages User Roles & Access management to authorized users, defining scope of permissions via one set of user credentials (one user account per user, per environment).
Getting to the new CCCApply Administrator requires staff users to sign in to the CCC Administrator using their college-specific URL. Click here to find Administrator URLs or contact College Support Services at
System Administrator
(Applications->System Administrator)
The System Administrator module provides:
SSO-based authentication to all CCC colleges through custom college-specific URLs configured to their college or district IdP
User management for all authorized CCC college staff and faculty users
Access management to all integrated CCCTC administrator applications and services through a single point-of-entry
User Manager
(Applications->System Administrator->User Manager)
The User Manager is restricted to CCCTC authorized personnel for the purposes of configuring and managing authorized college & district staff user accounts. .
Launching the CCCApply Administrator
(Applications->CCCApply Administrator)
If your credentials include permission to configure the CCCApply Standard application, CCCApply International application, and/or CC Promise Grant (BOG Application) for your college or district, you can access those via the CCCApply Administrator.
You’ll select CCCApply Administrator from the Applications drop-down menu on the CCC Administrator home page to launch the CCCApply Administrator application in a new browser tab or window with the following modules that you can manage:
Terms, Majors, and College- and District Information
Custom Supplemental Questions for the CCCApply Standard and CCCApply International applications
Details of the English Proficiency section in the CCCApply International application
Automate Rules and Messages you configure for emails and error messages that display for application submissions
Reset Downloads of previously downloaded student applications
Manage suspended fraudulent applications in the Spam Filter
The CCCApply Standard application and the CCCApply International application will be referred to as CCCApply and International, respectively, throughout this user guide.
OpenCCC Administrator
The OpenCCC Administrator is available to authorized college and district staff in the Pilot and Production environments. Staff will only be able to access OpenCCC administration tasks for your college or district colleges, depending on your authorized staff user account.
The purpose of the OpenCCC Administrator is solely to create and manage OpenCCC student accounts that are being created by an authorized staff member on behalf of a student who is unable to create their own account.
The admin functionality includes:
Single OpenCCC account creation
Multi (bulk) account creation of OpenCCC accounts
For detailed user information, please the OpenCCC Account Creation Tool document.
CCCApply Administrator
The CCCApply Administrator is available to authorized staff in the Pilot and Production environments. You will only be able to access administration tasks for your college or district colleges.
You’ll select CCCApply Administrator from the Applications drop-down menu on the CCC Administrator home page to launch the CCCApply Administrator application in a new browser tab or window with the following modules that you can manage:
Terms, majors, and college- and district-level information
Custom supplemental questions for the CCCApply Standard and CCCApply International applications
Details of the English proficiency section in the CCCApply International application
Automate rules and messages you configure for emails and error messages that display for application submissions
Reset downloads of previously downloaded student applications
Manage suspended fraudulent applications in the Spam Filter
Accessing the CCCApply Administrator
Use the following steps to access the CCCApply Administrator.
Log into the CCC Administrator:
PILOT: http://<college OR district domain>
PROD: http://<college OR district domain>
User must be logged in to your college/district IdP to be authenticated by the CCC Administrator system.
College URLs: Environment-specific URLs are provided to the college or district during the CCCApply implementation process. For more information, see College URLs.
2. From the landing page, select “CCCApply” from the Applications menu in the CCC Administrator main menu. The CCCApply Administrator application will display in a new window or browser tab.
3. For multi-college district users: Select a college from the Select a college drop-down menu.
4. For single college district users: Your college name will display by default in the Select a college menu.
5. Select the CCCApply application you want to configure from the Applications drop-down menu in the main menu. The applications available include:
CCCApply (pertains to both the Standard and Noncredit applications)
CC Promise Grant Online
of the CCCApply Administrator homepage.
Layout & Navigation
The CCCApply Administrator’s two top header bars includes global links that always display no matter which application you are managing or which part of the application is in focus.
CCCApply Administrator Homepage tool are highlighted.
The table below provides a summary of the CCCApply Administrator’s global links’ functionality.
Global Links & Menus | Function |
CCCApply link (upper left corner) | Returns focus to the CCCApply Administrator landing page |
Colleges & Districts drop-down list | Displays editable college or district contact information that displays on the CCCApply application Note: After you navigate to the College Information and/or District Information pages you will need to reselect your CCCApply/International/CC Promise Grant application from the Applications drop-down list to navigate back to it for any continued administration. |
Applications drop-down list | Displays the three different applications available for configuration:
Sign Out link | Logs you out of your CCCApply Administrator session and displays the successful log out screen Note: The CCC Administrator tab session remains open and active unless you close it. You will also remain logged into your college or district IdP session. |
Select a College drop-down list | Displays the colleges available for configuration based on your credentials. The value displayed here defaults to only your college unless you are a multi-college district, in which case all of your district colleges display here for selection. |
The table below provides a summary of the CCCApply Administrator’s application-specific link functionality.
Application Links & Menus | Function |
CCCApply link International link CC Promise Grant link | Displays the application you’ve selected from the Applications drop-down list and returns focus to the application’s home page. |
Terms link | Displays all of the configured terms for the selected college and application. You can import, export, add, edit, and archive terms. Note: It is strongly advised you take caution when editing terms in production that may have been used in submitted applications. Available for: CCCApply and International applications |
Majors link | Displays all of the configured majors for the selected college and application. You can import, export, add, edit, and archive majors. Note: It is strongly advised you take caution when editing majors in production that may have been used in submitted applications. Available for: CCCApply and International applications |
English Proficiency | Displays the configurable English Proficiency options for your International application. Available for: International applications only |
Rules link | Displays all of the configured rules for the selected college and application. You can add, edit, and delete rules. Available for: CCCApply, International, and CC Promise Grant applications |
Messages link | Displays all of the configured messages for the selected college and application. You can add and edit messages. Available for: CCCApply, International, and CC Promise Grant applications |
Supplemental Questions link | Displays all of the configured supplemental questions for the selected college and application. You can import, edit, and download supplemental question XML content. Available for: CCCApply and International applications |
Utilities drop-down list | Displays the following configurable options:
Available for: CCCApply, International, and CC Promise Grant applications
Available for: CCCApply applications only |
Date Fields & Best Practices
We recommend using the Calendar widget when entering dates in date fields instead of free-form text entry. This will ensure correctly-entered date data format for your CCCApply applications.
Other best practices are documented within the module in which they apply, i.e.:
Adding a Major
Creating a Rule Using a Date
Sorting Columns
Throughout the CCCApply Administrator you can sort table data display by clicking any column header. Clicking a column a second time will toggle it back to its default display (i.e. from descending back to ascending sort order).
Note: When adding a new application to either the Reset Downloads or Spam Filter modules, it is recommended you do one of the following steps to display the new application correctly upon sorting (i.e. for the newly added application to display in the first row of the table):
Sort the table columns prior to adding a new application, OR
Refresh the page before adding applications
Exporting Data from the CCCApply Administrator
You can export data in three modules in the CCCApply Administrator:
Supplemental Questions
The Terms and Majors modules have Export buttons that download your terms or majors to a .csv file.
The Supplemental Questions module includes a Download icon that effectively downloads/exports a .csv file of an individual specific supplemental question set.
Configuring College & District Information
Use the following steps to edit your College & District Information data settings which is used in various ways for the CCCApply, International, and CC Promise Grant applications.
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to configure college information from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district your college displays by default.
Click the Colleges & Districts drop-down list and select either College Information or District Information to display the College Information or District Information screens.
Click Edit to display the Edit College Information dialog box (or the Edit District Information dialog box).
Make edits in the editable fields provided and click Save.
College’s Contact Information from the College Information Page
IMPORTANT: The updated information appears to the student on the application confirmation screens for all three CCCApply applications: Standard/Noncredit, International, and CC Promise Grant.
College Information Data Table
Field Label | Required | Meaning / Usage |
College Name | Yes | Not editable. Name of the college. |
College MIS | Yes | Not editable. Name of the college |
Street Address 1 | No | Recommended. College main street address. Editable field. |
Street Address 2 | No | Recommended. College alternate street address. Editable field. |
City | Yes | Not editable. City in which the main campus resides. |
Postal Code | Yes | Not editable. Postal code of the college main campus. |
College URLs | No | Recommended. College main website or admissions office URL. |
Admissions Office Contact | No | Recommended. Optional text input field. If populated, this field is merged/used in several ways in the post-submission application process, including:
Admissions Office Email | No | Recommended. Optional text input field. If populated, this email address is used in multiple ways in the post-submission application process, including:
Admissions Office Phone | No | Recommended. Optional text input field. If populated, this information appears to the applicant on the post-submission confirmation screen. |
Admissions Out-Of-State Phone | No | Recommended. Optional text input field. If populated, this information appears to the applicant on the post-submission confirmation screen. |
Admissions Office Fax | No | Recommended. Optional text input field. If populated, this information appears to the applicant on the post-submission confirmation screen. |
Academic (BOG) Year | Yes | Required. Toggle used to indicate the college's academic year setting for financial aid. |
District Information Data Table
Field Label | Required? | Meaning / Usage |
District Name | Yes | Not editable. Name of the district. |
District MIS Code | Yes | Not editable. MIS code of the district. |
District Street Address 1 | No | Recommended. District main street address. Editable field. |
District Street Address 2 | No | Recommended. District alternate street address. Editable field. |
District City | Yes | Not editable. City in which the district office resides. |
District Postal Code | Yes | Not editable. Postal code of the district office. |
District Applications | No | Not applicable. |
IMPORTANT: The College information displays on the CCCApply, International, and CC Promise Grant (BOG) applications when the student completes the application.
Configuring Terms
The Terms module is where you can add, edit, archive (functions as a delete in the CCCApply Administrator), import, and export your custom college terms. The Terms module is only available in the CCCApply (Standard & Noncredit) and International applications. Terms have a required start and end date that determines which terms display in the Term Applying For drop-down list the CCCApply and International applications.
The “term start date” is used to determine the residency determination date (RDD) in the CCCApply Standard Application (only), which is the day before the first day of the term (Start Date), for each term configured by the college. The RDD is used extensively across the CCCApply application to identify data fields/questions that are used in the residency algorithm to determine the “preliminary residency status” for the student upon submission of their application. See the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit Application Specification and Data Dictionary, “Appendix A: Submission Calculation Logic & Residency Algorithm" for details.
Adding a Term
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to configure terms from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district your college displays by default.
Select either CCCApply or International from the Applications drop-down list.
Click the Terms link to display the Terms Summary table.
Click Add Term to display the Add Term for <Your College> dialog box where you can define the term.
Enter or select values in the fields provided to define the term. Use the Terms Table below as a guide to configuring your values.
Click Save to save the term, close the Add Term dialog box, and return focus to the Terms Summary table with your new term displayed.
Terms Table: Fields & Usage
Field Label | Required? | Meaning/Usage |
Term Code | Yes | The 15-character code that identifies your college’s unique term. The Term Code MUST NOT be edited or deleted once it is made available to students in the CCCApply Applications. A Term Code may be archived from the Terms Summary table. |
Term Start Date | Yes | The date on which the college-defined term starts (i.e., first day of classes). Used to determine the RDD (Residency Determination Date) in the CCCApply Standard Application, which by state law is one day before the term start date. The term Start Date must be formatted as: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm a - in the Import CSV file. |
Term End Date | Yes | The date on which the college-defined term ends. The term End Date must be formatted as: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm a - in the Import CSV file. |
Open Date | Yes | The date when the Term Description appears in the Term Applying For drop-down menu in on the Enrollment Information page in the CCCApply applications. This is the date a student can begin an application for this term. The current date and time must be between the Open Date and the Close Date (inclusive). The term Open Date must be formatted as: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm a - in the Import CSV file. |
Close Date | Yes | The last date a student can begin or submit an application for this term. When the current date is past the Close Date value, the college-defined term no longer appears in the Term Applying For drop-down list on the Enrollment Information tab in the CCCApply application. This is the last date that the Term Description appears in the Term Applying For drop-down menu in the CCCApply applications. The term Close Date must be formatted as: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm a - in the Import CSV file. |
Description | Yes | The Description is an alphanumeric value that identifies the Term being applied to and is what displays in the Term Applied For drop-down list on the Enrollment Information tab in the CCCApply application for active terms (those in which the current date is between their open and close date). This is the only descriptor that displays to the applicant in the user interface that identifies the term. |
Application Type | Yes | The Application Type field allows colleges to configure different terms for the Noncredit Application, or for use in both the Standard and Noncredit applications at the same time. The three Application Type options are: Standard, Noncredit, or Both. |
The Application Type field allows colleges to configure different terms for the Noncredit Application, or for use in both the Standard and Noncredit applications at the same time.
Editing a Term
Use the following steps to edit a term.
Select the Edit icon on the row for the term that you want to edit.
2. Make your edits and click Save to close the Edit Term dialog box and return focus to the Terms Summary table with the edited term displayed.
Archiving a Term
Archiving terms in CCCApply Administrator renders them inaccessible and should be thought of as the same as deleting them. Archive functionality will be extended to be fully functional in a future release.
Use the following steps to archive a Term.
Select the Archive icon on the row for the term that you want to edit. This displays the Archive Term dialog box.
Click Confirm to archive the term. The Archive Term confirmation dialog box closes and focus returns to the Terms Summary table where the archived term no longer displays.
The Archive Term confirmation box.
Archiving a Term = Deleting a Term: Remember that archiving terms in CCCApply Administrator renders them inaccessible and should be thought of as the same as deleting them.
Exporting Terms
Use the following steps to export all terms to a .csv file.
Choose either CCCApply or International from the Applications drop-down list and then click Terms to display the Terms module.
Click Export Terms to display the Export Terms dialog box:
The Export Terms dialog box.Click Confirm to immediately download an export of all of your terms to a .csv file on your computer’s default download location (i.e. the Downloads folder on a Mac).
Editing the Terms Export CSV File
The export function produces a .csv file describing the terms, and the import function requires a .csv file in exactly the same format. Unless you have experience with text editors and CSV files, the best way to edit your .csv file may be with a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. However, these applications may have default date settings that may apply to dates you enter, so you may have to apply the correct date format (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm a) to any new dates and/or times. Remember to save the file in CSV format when you are finished editing it.
Open the downloaded terms .csv file on your computer using the application of your choice (MicroSoft Excel is recommended).
Edit the terms data as needed. It is assumed your intention is to add new terms and/or edit the terms displayed in order to import them for new values for either your CCCApply or International application. Use the table below as a guide.
Standard/Noncredit terms cannot be mixed with International Application terms in the same .csv file at this time.
Terms CSV File Element | Purpose |
Header row (i.e. row 1 that reads left to right: code, description, start, etc.) | The header row is required in order for your .csv file to import correctly and the values to be stored properly by the CCCApply Administrator. |
Date format | Must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. You may need to apply non-default formatting to date fields you enter in an Excel application to ensure it matches the required format. Simple text editors will likely not apply a default date format to the .csv file, but the display may not be as organized. |
Time format | The time format must be in hh:mm a (or hh:mm p) format. I.e. 07:00 AM or 10:00 PM. |
Once you are done adding/editing terms, save the .csv file using your software’s Save As option.
Edit the file name to be unique and confirm that the file extension displays as .csv.
Your terms .csv file is now ready to be imported.
Importing Terms
You use a .csv file to import terms into the CCCApply Administrator. The easiest way to do this is usually to export the current terms and then edit the file since a header row and some configuration details are required.
The table below details the add and update functionality for terms imports (no deleting or archiving of any terms occurs upon import).
If you import a Terms CSV file and... | ...then |
no existing term(s) values were changed but new terms are added to the .csv file | the new terms are added to the CCCApply Administrator Terms Summary table and depending on the Term Open Date(s) will appear in the CCCApply application(s) |
existing term(s) values were changed | the edited terms will be updated in the CCCApply Administrator Terms Summary table and depending on the Term Open Date(s) will appear in the CCCApply application(s) |
existing term(s) values were changed AND new term(s) were added | the new term(s) will be added and the edited terms will be updated in the CCCApply Administrator Terms Summary table and depending on the Term Open Date(s) will appear in the CCCApply application(s) |
Use the following steps to import terms.
Have ready an edited .csv file of terms for importing. See Editing the Exported Terms CSV File for details.
From the Terms Summary table, click Import Terms to display…
...the Import Terms dialog box:Click Choose File to display your computer’s file navigator.
Navigate and select the terms .csv file you want to import. The file name for the file you selected displays next to the Choose File button.
Click Import to import the terms .csv file, close the Import Terms dialog box, and display the Terms Summary table where all rows are replaced/updated and the terms list refreshes to match your imported values.
Configuring Majors
The Majors module is where you can add, edit, archive, import, and export majors and categories. The Majors module is available for the CCCApply Standard, Noncredit, and International applications.
Important: The Noncredit Application requires configuration of the Majors module.
If your college is implementing the Noncredit Application for the very first time, you MUST identify which majors/programs should appear in the Noncredit application (vs. the CCCApply Standard Application) or no majors will appear for the Noncredit Application. This applies to new and existing majors and programs. The most efficient way to ensure the appropriate majors are available in the Noncredit Application is to export your list of majors for the CCCApply Standard application in a CSV file, add/edit that file as needed for your Noncredit Application majors, set the appropriate Application Type setting for Standard, Noncredit, or Both, save the CSV file, and then re-import the file.
Adding a Major
The majors you define for the CCCApply Standard, Noncredit, and International applications are not the same. Some amount of configuration is required for each application.
For example:
CCCApply vs. International Majors: If you choose CCCApply from the Applications drop-down list and define a major, and then select International from the Applications drop-down list, the major you just defined for the CCCApply Standard application will not appear in the Majors table for the International application. If you want a given major to be available on both applications, you must create it separately for each application. Or, you may import the major (or list of majors) into both applications (i.e. you can create majors in one application, export those majors, and then import those majors into the other application).
CCCApply vs. Noncredit Majors: If you choose CCCApply from the Applications drop-down list and define a major, and you want that major to also display for the Noncredit application, you will want to select Both from the Application Type drop-down list in the Major dialog box when manually creating a major. Otherwise the major defaults to Standard application display. As with the International application, you can choose to import the major (or list of majors) into both applications.
To add a major manually:
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to configure majors from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district, your college displays by default.
Select either CCCApply or International from the Applications drop-down list.
Click the Majors link from the modules menu bar to display the Majors table.
Click the Add Major button to display the Add Major dialog box to define the major.
Enter and/or select values in the available fields to define the major. Use the Best Practice table below for instructions and helpful tips when populating the Add Major dialog box.
8. Click Save to add the new major. Once saved, your new major will be added to the Majors summary table in the CCCApply Administrator.
Majors are stored and managed in the Majors table in the CCCApply Administrator. All active majors will appear to end-users (students) in the appropriate CCCApply application as long as the current date is between the major’s configured Major Start Date and Major End Date.
Editing a Major
Use the following steps to edit a major:
Select the Edit icon on the row for the major that you want to edit. This will display the Edit Major dialog box.
Make your edits and click Save to close the Edit Major dialog box and return focus to the Majors table.
Archiving a Major
Archiving majors in the CCCApply Administrator renders them inaccessible and should be thought of as the same as deleting them. Archive functionality will be extended to be fully functional in a future release.
Use the following steps to archive a major:
Select the Archive icon on the row for the major that you want to edit. This displays the Archive Major confirmation dialog box:
Click Confirm to archive the major. The Archive Major confirmation dialog box closes and focus returns to the Majors table where the archived major no longer displays.
Note: The Archive feature for majors in the CCCApply Administrator behaves similarly to a delete function. Since majors no longer active cannot be deleted from the backend, archiving them will renders them inaccessible, no longer displayed to staff or end users, and is basically the same as deleting them.
Exporting Majors
Use the following steps to export your majors to a .csv file.
Click the Export Majors button to display the Export Majors confirmation dialog box.
Click Confirm to immediately export (download) your Majors CSV file to a secure default location (i.e., the Downloads folder on a Mac).
Editing & Formatting the Majors CSV File
The Export Majors function downloads your majors list to a .csv file. The Import Majors function requires this .csv file in the exact same format. Please be aware that editing and formatting this file correctly is critical for a successful import of your majors and categories. Be sure to save the file in CSV format when you have finished editing it.
Unless you have experience with text editors and CSV files, the best way to edit your Majors CSV file may be with a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. Please be aware that these applications may have default settings that may apply to formatting and dates entered, and take precaution to apply the correct date format (mm/dd/yyyy) to any new dates and/or times.
Editing Steps
Open the downloaded Majors .csv file on your computer using the application of your choice (Excel or another spreadsheet program is recommended).
Edit the majors data as needed. Use the table below as a guide for configuring each data column.
Once you are done editing your majors or adding new majors, save the file using your software’s Save As option.
Edit the file name to be unique and confirm that the file extension is .csv.
Your Majors .csv file is now ready to be imported.
Ensure that you adhere to the following rules when you edit and populate your Majors CSV file.
Reminder: Majors for the International Application requires a separate Majors CSV file. The same file format and rules apply for the International Application (differences are specified where applicable).
Guide for using the Add/Edit Major Screen (single major) | Guide for Configuring the Majors CSV File | ||||
Name | Required? | Field Configuration Notes | CSV Column Heading | Required? | Important CSV File Configuration Notes |
Header Row | Yes. | The header row pertains to the Majors CSV file only. Required for the CSV file | Header Row | YES | IMPORTANT: The file header row containing the column headings is required for your .csv file to import successfully and for the values to be stored correctly in the admin system.
Application | Yes | System-generated based on which CCCApply application you are exporting from in the Administrator. For the CCCApply Standard & Noncredit applications, export your majors file from the CCCApply application in the Administrator. For the CCCApply International application, export and import your majors CSV file from the International application in the Administrator. | application | YES |
The application column value must be in ALL CAPS. |
Major Code | Yes | Enter your unique college code for each major, up to 30 characters. DO NOT EDIT AN EXISTING MAJOR CODE A <major_code> can be archived (only) manually by clicking on the Archive icon on the Majors Summary table. The Major Code cannot be edited once it is added or imported to the major table and saved as a record.
| code | YES |
Major Description | Yes | Enter the name or description for a particular major in 100 characters or less. The major description is the name or title of the major which displays alphabetically to the end-user in the application. Other than the Major Category - if implemented - the Major Description (“description”) is the only text that displays to the end-user for selecting their uninformed major or program of study in the application. See Implementing the Ed Goal/Majors Filter for more information and best practices for configuring your major descriptions. | description | YES |
See Implementing the Ed Goal/Majors Filter for more information and best practices for configuring your major descriptions. |
Major Category | No | OPTIONAL field.
If you choose to implement Major Categories the end-user will be required to select a category first before selecting a major. Important: If you choose to implement Major Categories, we recommend that each major be associated to at least one category. If a major is not associated with a specific category, it will automatically be assigned to the All Majors category, which is a default category included with the filter. | category | NO |
If your college has opted to implement Major Categories, then…
See the Configuring Major Categories section for more details on setting up the optional Major Category Filter. |
TOP Code | No |
| topCode | NO |
Program Control Number | No | OPTIONAL field. If used, enter the CCCCO Program Control Number code for each major from the Chancellor’s office. | programControlNumber | NO |
If you choose to enable the Ed Goal / Majors Filter for Associate Degrees we recommend including the Program Control Number for each of your associate degrees and transfer degrees to support MIS reporting. |
Award Type | Yes | REQUIRED if implementing the Ed Goal / Majors Filter for Associate Degrees. On the Add/Edit Major screen:
Important: The values that appear in the Award Type drop down on the Add/Edit Majors screen may appear inconsistent with the specific format required for your Majors CSV import file. Please follow the instructions for configuring your Majors CSV file in the far right column. See Implementing the Ed Goal/Majors Filter section for more information about setting the Award Type attribute. | awardType | YES* |
Important: Although you may see some inconsistencies in Award Type values in the other parts of the admin interface, the values listed above are the values that must be used in your Majors CSV import file. See Implementing the Ed Goal/Majors Filter section for more information about setting the Award Type attribute. |
Application Type | Yes |
Note: ApplicationType setting does not apply to the International application. | applicationType | YES |
You can leave this value/column blank in your International Application majors CSV ONLY. |
CIP Code | No | OPTIONAL field. If you choose to populate the CIP Code field, enter the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. | cipCode | NO |
EduGoals | No | NOT APPLICABLE. Currently not used in the Ed Goal/Majors Filter. IMPORTANT: The “EduGoal” field/column is not applicable to the Ed Goal/Majors Filter feature. The "eduGoal" column MUST NOT BE REMOVED and the entire column MUST BE LEFT BLANK in your Majors CSV file. | eduGoals | NO | Leave this column in place and LEAVE IT EMPTY. Do not enter ANY data or values in the EduGoals column. If any values accidentally get entered into the column, your students may not be able to select a Major in CCCApply. IMPORTANT: The “EduGoal” field/column is not applicable to the Ed Goal/Majors Filter feature. The "eduGoal" column MUST NOT BE REMOVED and the entire column MUST BE LEFT BLANK in your Majors CSV file. |
Major Start Date | Yes | Enter the date when this major will start being available for selection by an applicant in either the CCCApply or International application(s)’ Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list. | start | YES |
When importing majors using the CSV file, the date must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. This is important or the file will not import correctly. |
Major End Date | Yes* | Every major must either have an end date or the Major has no end date checkbox must be checked. Enter the date in which this major will no longer be available for selection by an applicant in either the CCCApply or International application(s)’ Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list. For a major to appear in the application’s drop-down list, the current date must be between ‘major:date_start’ and ‘major: date_end’ (inclusive). If you do not want to end-date your major, you must select the Major has no end date check box.
If user selects "Major has no end date" THEN the Major will ALWAYS display in the "Intended Major or Program of Study" menu in CCCApply | end | YES* |
Major has no end date | No | Select this check box if the major will have no end date. When this check box is selected, the Major End Date field becomes hidden. |
| No | (If your major has no end date - leave the “end” column BLANK in the CSV file.) |
Created Date | Yes | VERY IMPORTANT: The “Created” column is a system-generated field that MUST REMAIN BLANK if included in your CSV import file. | created | YES | VERY IMPORTANT: The “Create” column is a system-generated field that MUST REMAIN BLANK when completing your CSV import file. |
REMINDER: The “EduGoal” column and the "Created" column (if applicable) are not currently used but MUST remain in your majors CSV file and should be BLANK to import properly.
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Importing Majors
Use your properly configured .csv file to import your majors list into the CCCApply Administrator. As detailed in the sections above, the safest, most efficient way to do this is to export the current majors and then edit the file since a header row and some configuration details are required.
The table below details the add and update functionality for majors imports (no deleting or archiving of any majors occurs upon import).
If you import a majors CSV file and... | ...then |
no existing major(s) values were changed but new majors are added to the .csv file | the new majors are added to the Administrator Majors summary table and will appear in the designated CCCApply application. |
existing major(s) values were changed | the changed majors are updated in the Administrator Majors table and will appear changed in the CCCApply application. |
existing major(s) values were changed AND new major(s) were added | the new major(s) are added and the changed majors are updated in the CCCApply Administrator Majors table and will appear in the CCCApply/Noncredit or International application(s) |
Use the following steps to import majors.
Using the same exact format in the export file, edit and prepare your Majors CSV file for import.
If you navigated away from the Majors module in the Administrator (where you exported your majors list), select the appropriate CCCApply application from the Applications drop-down list.
From the Majors module, click the Import Majors button to display the Import Majors dialog box.
Click Choose File to display your computer’s file navigator.
Navigate and select the majors .csv file you want to import. Ensure that, if you selected CCCApply or International in step 2 above, you select the correct application majors .csv file. After selecting your .csv file, the file name displays next to the Choose File button.
Click Import to import the majors .csv file. The Import Majors dialog box closes automatically, and the Majors table displays with all rows updated and and refreshed to display your edited and new major values.
How Your Majors & Categories Display in the CCCApply Applications
The default sort order for all majors and programs of study that appear in the Intended Major or Program of Study dropdown is alphabetical order by the Major Description field. Colleges can edit the Major Description of each major in the Majors module in the CCCApply Administrator. Majors must be configured (individually or via Majors CSV file) for the CCCApply Standard and the CCCApply International applications, separately. Majors and programs must also be configured separately for the Noncredit application by using the Application Type <applicationType> setting in the CCCApply (Standard) Majors module.
What is the display sort order for Majors when… | …In the Standard & Noncredit Applications | …In the International Application |
NO Major Category and NO Ed Goal/Majors filters are enabled… | The default sort order for all majors/programs is alphabetical by Major Description <description>, displayed in one big list in the application (Intended Major or Program of Study drop down). | The default sort order for all majors and programs of study is alphabetically by the Major Description field. |
WITH Major Categories implemented ONLY | If Major Categories are implemented: (Reminder: Major categories are not available in the Noncredit Application) then…
| Categories display alphabetically within the Category drop down menu which appears on the application above the Intended Major or Program of Study menu. Associated majors display alphabetically by major description for each category. |
WITH the Ed Goal/Majors filter enabled ONLY | If the Ed Goal/Majors filter is enabled and the student selects the Education Goal option to “Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” THEN:
| The Ed Goal/Majors Filter feature is not available in the International Application. |
WITH BOTH Major Categories implemented AND the Ed Goal/Majors filter enabled | If Major Categories are implemented and the Ed Goal/Majors filter is enabled and the student selects the Ed Goal option to “Obtain an associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution”, THEN:
| The Ed Goal/Majors Filter feature is not available in the International Application.
Displaying Majors in the Noncredit Application: Ensure that majors appropriate for the Noncredit Application are carefully configured with the appropriate “applicationType” and “awardType” settings.
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Enabling the Education Goal/Majors Filter
The Education Goal / Majors Filter for Associate Degrees is an optional filter that when enabled allows colleges to streamline their list of available majors and categories if/when applicants select the Education Goal option to “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution”. This feature is designed to support legislation: AB-928: Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021.
How it Works
This feature is based on a simple design:
IF the filter is enabled, AND IF the end-user selects the Education Goal option to “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution” option (only)
majors with any one of the following award types: AA_degree, AA_T, AS_degree, AS_T - will display listed in alphabetical order by the Major Description <description>)
if Major Categories are implemented, only the categories that include at least one of the majors with one of the four award types* will be included in the Major Category drop down and will be listed alphabetically by Major Category <category>
IF the feature is not enabled, then…
No change to existing functionality; no change to the existing display of majors, categories or education goals.
Enable/Disable the Filter
The Education Goal/Majors Filter is disabled by default.
To enable the filter:
On the Majors summary page, place a checkmark in the Enable Transfer Major filter toggle on the left side of the page.
To disable the filter, uncheck the Enable Transfer Major Filter checkbox.
Note: Some colleges may notice a lag time between enabling/disabling the filter checkbox and having the change persist in the UI.
Configuring Majors for the Ed Goal/Majors Filter
Navigate to your college’s instance of the Pilot CCCApply Administrator. Sign In and navigate to the Majors module summary page.
Click the Export Majors button to export (download) your current list of majors to a location of your choice. The file will export as a .csv file.
Open your exported Majors CSV file and edit your list following the specific guidelines presented in the Editing & Formatting the Majors CSV File section of this user guide, including, these notable mentions:
Ensure every major has a major description that is clear and appropriate when filtered (optional).
If the Major Category filter is implemented:
Ensure each major is associated with one or more categories (if applicable). Unassociated majors will appear in the “All Majors” category.
Ensure every Major has the appropriate award type value set.
Ensure all Associate Degree- and Associate Degree for Transfer- majors have the correct award type value assigned.
(Reminder: The Ed Goal/Majors Filter only displays majors that have any one of the following award types when the the filter is enabled: AA_degree, AA_T, AS_degree, AS_T)
Consider adding Program Control Numbers for each Major in the Majors CSV file.
Important: Ensure the <start> and <end> date columns are reformatted before importing your CSV file. Dates do not export in the correct format required by the import process.
Important: Ensure the header row in the CSV file is NOT CHANGED and all column headings are formatted correctly (lower case, camel case).
Save changes to your Majors CSV file.
Import your edited Majors CSV file by clicking the Import Majors button. If formatted properly, the system will return a Success message.
Enable the filter by placing a checkmark in the Enable Transfer Major Filter box on the Majors summary page (above the table on the left side).
Sign out of the CCCApply Administrator and the CCC Administrator systems to activate the filter and prepare to test.
Test the filter functionality.
Navigate to your college’s CCCApply application in the Pilot environment and sign in through OpenCCC.
From the My Applications page, click Start a New Application.
On the Enrollment page:
Select a Term
Select from the Education Goal drop down: “Obtain an Associate degree and transfer to a 4-year institution”. This is the option that will filter the Majors and major categories when the Ed Goal/Majors filter is enabled.
If major categories are implemented:
Confirm that your categories are in alphabetical order
Test 1: Select a category other than the “All Majors” category then open the Intended Major or Program of Study drop down to confirm that only the majors that have one of the specified award types* are listed, alphabetically. Repeat with the next category, if needed.
Test 2: Select the “All Majors” category then open the Intended Major or Program of Study drop down to confirm that only the majors that have one of the specified award types* are listed, alphabetically.
If NO major categories are implemented:
Click on the Intended Major or Program of Study menu and confirm that only the majors that have one of the specified award types* are listed, alphabetically.
Open the file See the majors for transfer available in that category.
Repeat steps 1-6 in the Production environment Administrator.
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Configuring Major Categories
The optional Categories field in the CCCApply Administrator’s Majors module allows colleges to group majors and programs of study into custom categories, such as meta majors. When implemented, these categories display on the CCCApply and/or International applications’ Enrollment Information tab. Students will be required to select a Major Category when completing the application. There is no limit on Major Category options you can define.
In the CCCApply and International applications, the Major Category drop-down list provides a filtering mechanism to help students select a major that meets their education goals or career interests. When major categories are implemented correctly, students will first select a category from the Major Category drop-down list and then select one of the majors or programs of study that have been aligned/configured with that category in the Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list.
The Major Category filter can be configured for the CCCApply Standard application and/or the International application, but must be configured for each application separately.
Display of Major Categories: When adding a new category to a new or existing major, you must hit "Enter" after entering the category name in the Categories text input field. Categories will display in the Summary table in the order they were created. However, in CCCApply application user interface, categories display in alphabetical order.
If you have implemented categories in your majors list, each major that has been assigned a category will show a “+” icon in the Categories column of the Majors table. When you click the “+” icon, the associated category name(s) displays below the Major Description name in the order they were created. The “+” icon toggles to display category, while the “-” icon toggles to hide the category.
Implementing the Major Category Filter
You can implement the major categories manually or, more efficiently, by importing them. Colleges must define their list of major categories and then align those categories to each major or program of study for their college.
To get started see the The Major Category Implementation Worksheet for additional step-by-step instructions for setting up Categories for majors in CCCApply.
Disabling the Major Category Filter
The Major Category filter in CCCApply and/or International can be turned off by removing all custom categories created in the CCCApply Administrator’s Major module Categories field for every major. Once all Categories values for all majors are removed the Major Category drop-down list will not display in the CCCApply and/or International application. The Intended Major or Program of Study drop-down list will revert back to displaying the full list of majors and programs in alphabetical order (by Major Description).
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Configuring the English Proficiency Section
The English Proficiency module is where you configure the English proficiency section displayed on the International Application for your college, indicating the proficiency types that can be selected, whether score fields display, and low/high scores required for your college.
International Application Only: The English Proficiency section is optional and will not automatically display in your International application unless it is properly configured. Colleges that do not have English proficiency requirement(s) can skip the English Proficiency configuration.
If your college does have an English proficiency requirement you must configure the following items:
one or more English Proficiency Type(s)
enter English Proficiency help text in the text box above the Proficiency Types/Scores/Score Ranges section
Use the following steps to configure English Proficiency values for your college.
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to configure majors English Proficiency from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district your college displays by default.
Select International from the Applications drop-down list.
Click the English Proficiency link to display the English Proficiency table.
Enter help text in the English proficiency help text field to provide instructions to the student that will display in the CCCApply International application. The text instructions inform the students of:
what their specific English proficiency requirements are for your college (i.e., which tests are accepted and which tests will appear in the CCCApply International application’s Proficiency Test/Qualification dropdown list)
which non-test requirements are accepted (i.e. native English speaker or previous attendance at an English language school, etc.)
6. Select a check box for one or more English Proficiency Types.
The types you select here will display in the CCCApply International application's Proficiency Test/Qualification drop-down list on the Education tab.
7. Select the Yes radio button on the same row as the selected proficiency type if you want to require students to provide the test score and completion date for those types in the CCCApply International application.
Though there are Low/High score fields that display on the rows for Native English Speaker, Attending a Language School, Attending a U.S. College, and Other, you should not enter score values in these fields as they do not have scores associated with them.
Or, select the No radio button on the same row as the selected proficiency type to allow students to select only the proficiency type without requiring them to provide a score and completion date.
Score range and completion date values supplied by each applicant in the CCCApply International application are required fields but are not systematically validated, if enabled. Providing these values allows each college to collect that data and allows for changing scores, individual college score ranges, and the applicant to enter future completion dates.
8. When you select a Yes radio button to require the score field to appear if the proficiency type is selected, the Low and High score fields become enabled and allow you to enter a low and high test range for that particular test that are accepted by your college.
Configuring Application Rules
The Rules module is where you create and configure automatic actions that run when a student submits an application. You can also edit and delete rules. You can apply rules to either the CCCApply or International application (rules are not applicable for the CC Promise Grant application).
When you have an active rule in place for either of the applications, any normal application field calculations occur prior to the rule running, so that the rule can validate correctly against accurate data.
Rules Module Basics
Creating rules for the CCCApply and/or International application involves selecting application fields to be used as rule triggers; if using multiple rules, configuring the order in which each rule executes; for email rules, selecting the message that will display; and, finally, writing the rule itself and previewing it for accuracy.
Creating a rule involves:
specifying the conditions that should cause the rule to perform an action
specifying the action to be performed
Creating and maintaining rules and their associated messages can be rather complex; a basic proficiency in writing computer software will be very helpful, especially in a programming language similar to C or JavaScript. However, examples provided here should help you to learn how to create and use rules, as well as the handy in-app Reference tab that displays in both the Add Rule dialog box and Edit Rule dialog box.
Two types of rule actions are available:
Email Rules
Error Message Rules
Email Rules | Error Messaging Rules |
A customizable email can be sent to the student and/or to a college staff member upon application submission, depending on how the student filled out the application. Note: This requires a message be created in the Messages module. | The application can be validated for specific errors and its submission prevented along with immediate messaging indicating to the student the remedy so they can correct and re-submit the application. Note: You do not need to create messages for rules that report an error to the user in the application. Messages for error rules are entered directly in the rule definition itself. |
Adding a Rule around a Boolean Field
When adding or editing a rule that includes a boolean field, there should be no quotations around the values: true, false or null. This applies to ALL boolean fields.
For example: if (dsps == true) OR if (athletic_interest == false)
See the rule examples provided in the Reference tab of the Rule Preview box for more examples.
Adding a Rule
Use the following steps to create a new rule.
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to configure rules from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district your college displays by default.
Select either CCCApply or International from the Applications drop-down list.
Click the Rules link to display the Rules table.
Click Add Rule to display the Add Rule dialog box for your college.
Enter a name for your rule in the Name field. The name must be unique among the other rules you have created.
Select either Active or Inactive from the Status drop-down list.
Active means that it should run every time a student submits an application.
Inactive means that the rule should not run.
Use the Executes Before drop-down menu to set the execution order for your rule relative to your other rules. If your new rule should execute after all other rules, select Executes Last.
Begin writing your rule In the Rule field. It is at this point that a proficiency in writing computer software will be most helpful, as rules are written in a computer programming language similar to C or JavaScript.
Note the key words of “mail,” “staffmail,” and “error” in the table below.
Step 1: Specify the conditions that should cause the rule to perform an action | Step 2: Specify the action to be performed |
Examples: if(military_status == "2") if(ssn == null) | Examples: For email (students): { For messages to college staff, use staffmail instead of mail. For error messages: { |
Use the Application Data Fields, a scrollable list of field names from the student application, to build the “if” part your rule. When you click on one of these fields, it appears in the Rule field at the cursor. You can also simply type the name of the field you wish to check. The field names are only used in the "if" part of your rule. | For email (students): The structure of the action statement is: {
{ |
Use the Messages drop-down list, which includes a list of message IDs you have defined in the Messages module, when forming a "mail" or "staffMail" rule, as it indicates the name of the message that should be sent. Note: The Messages drop-down list is only used for email rules, not for error rules. |
10. Click Check & Preview to validate your rule for correctness and to preview it in the Preview tab.
If there are syntax errors, they will display just below the Rule field in red-colored text allowing you to take corrective action and repeat the validation check again.
If there are no syntax errors, the Preview displays the results of your rule. For each field your rule checks, the preview will allow you to enter test values. For each test value you enter, the preview will show the result of the rule.
Detailed descriptions and examples of the rule syntax can be found on the Reference tab next to the Preview tab in the Add Rule dialog box and Edit Rule dialog box.
Creating an Email Rule Examples
Use the steps below to create a rule to send a welcome email to applicants who are active in the military.
Prerequisite: It’s assumed you already have a message created that can be used as a part of this rule. The example message used for the example rule below looks like this:
For the example below, the CCCApply application has the following items defined:
the field for military status is called "military_status"
the value that indicates active status in the military is "2"
Tip: Refer to the CCCApply Standard Application Data Dictionary or the CCCApply International Application Data Dictionary to review the valid field values for various application data fields. Find CCCApply Data Dictionaries here: CCCApply Data Dictionaries.
The military_status field displays like this in the CCCApply application:
In this example we’ll write our rule to check the "military_status" field for a submitted application, and send the email when the field contains the value "2". For the purposes of this example, the message ID for the email is "Welcome Military".
Enter (or copy/paste) the following rule text in the Rule field:
if(military_status == "2")
mail("Welcome Military", "", "Welcome to College!")
}Note that the keyword “mail” is followed by a parenthetical, comma-separated statement consisting of the Message ID in quotes, the “from” email value (for your college), and the email subject text.
Note: You can either select the message ID from the Messages drop-down list to get it to display in the Rule field at the cursor, or - if you know the message ID - you can simply type it.
2. Click Check & Preview to validate the rule and to display any parameterized fields.
3. Enter values in the fields to display a preview of the message that would be delivered.
In the example below, the rule would do nothing if "military_status" contained a value other than "2".
Changing the "military_status" field to a value of "2" causes the preview to change, presenting the details of the action that will be taken.
Once you’re satisfied with your rule’s preview, click Save to save the rule, close the Add Rule dialog box, and display your saved rule in the Rules table.
After a caching delay of 30 minutes you can then submit a test application in your Pilot environment that meets the requirements for triggering the email in order to test it and see the result.
For a student who indicates active military status in their CCCApply application, this rule will send him/her an email with the subject line of "Welcome to College!" and a "from" address of "". The body of the email will be the content of the "Welcome Military" message.
Creating an Error Message Rule Example
Use the steps below to create a rule to display an error/warning message in the application reminding the student that they need to supply their SSN number in order to apply for financial aid.
Enter (or copy/paste) the following rule text in the Rule field:
if(ssn == null)
error("Warning: You must provide your social security number to apply for financial aid. Please confirm this is your intent.")
}Note that the keyword “error” is followed by a parenthetical statement consisting of the error message text you want to display based on the “if” condition.
Click Check & Preview to validate the rule and to display any parameterized fields.Select the Null check box to display a preview of the error message:
Note that the Rule Preview shows (Nothing) since the conditions for the warning message to display are not yet met (i.e. snn == null).Select the Null check box to display a preview of the error message:
Once you’re satisfied with your rule’s preview, click Save to save the rule. The Add Rule dialog box automatically closes and your saved rule displays in the Rules table.
After a caching delay of 30 minutes you can then submit a test application in your Pilot environment that meets the requirements for triggering the error message in order to test it and see the result.
For a student who has not provided their SSN number in their CCCApply application the following error message displays when they click Submit my Application:
Editing a Rule
Use the following steps to edit a rule.
Select the Edit icon on the row for the rule that you want to edit.
This displays the Edit Rule dialog box.Make your edits and click Save to save your changes. The Edit Rule dialog box automatically closes, and focus returns to the Rules table.
Configuring Messages for Application Rules
The Messages module is where you create and edit the messages that can be sent by email to students and/or college staff using the Rules module. Before you create a rule for sending an email, we recommend that you first write the text for the body of the email using the Messages module.
Note: You do not need to create messages for an ERROR rule. Messages for error rules are entered directly in the rule definition itself.
Creating a New Message
Use the following steps to create a message in the Messages module.
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to configure messages from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district your college displays by default.
Select either CCCApply, International, or CC Promise Grant from the Applications drop-down list, depending on which application you want to create messaging for.
Click the Messages link to display the Messages Summary table.
Click Add Message to display the Add Message for <Your College> dialog box where you can define the message.
Enter a message name in the Message ID field. You will use this name to associate the message with its corresponding rule and it displays in the Add Rule dialog box and the Edit Rule dialog box in the Messages drop-down list.
Note: The name must be unique among the other messages you’ve created. The maximum name length is 50 characters: letters, numbers, spaces, and any special symbols available on a typical computer keyboard are allowed.
Write your message body in the large Message Content field. The controls for this field are similar to the controls for common word processors (text formatting, images, links, etc.).
Use the scrollable Application Data Fields to select field names from the student application to include the student's responses in your email.
When you place the cursor in the Message Content field and then click a field in the Application Data Fields list, the field name displays in the Message Content field (the email body) prefaced by a $ symbol and surrounded by curly braces ({}). This is a placeholder that indicates the position where the corresponding application input from the student will appear in the message.
Note: If you prefer typing to clicking, you can type the placeholders manually. Use the same format, "${fieldname}", as shown in the sample message images below.
To create a sample message, follow these steps:
In the Message ID field, type: Welcome Email
In the Message Content field, type: Congratulations,
Then, leaving a space after the comma, scroll (don’t click) through the field names in the Application Data Fields field group until you find firstname, and click it. Note that ${firstname} appears in the Message Content field where your cursor was located.
In the Message Content field, type: ! You are now enrolled at
Then, leaving a space after the “at” scroll (don’t click) through the field names in the Application Data Fields field group until you find college_name and click it. Note that ${college_name} appears in the Message Content field where your cursor was located.
In the Message Content field, type: “for the” without the quotes.
Then, leaving a space after the “ for the ” scroll (don’t click) through the field names in the Application Data Fields field group until you find term_description and click it. Note that ${term_description} appears in the Message Content field where your cursor was located.
In the Message Content field, type: term. Your completed message should now display as in the image below:
With this message in place, consider an example student named Ethel who has applied to Allan Hancock College for the Fall 2018 term. A rule that uses this message will email a student named Ethel with this body text: "Congratulations, Ethel! You are now enrolled at Allan Hancock College for the Fall 2018 Term."When you are satisfied with the contents of your email, click Save. The Messages Summary table redisplays, now including your new message.
Editing A Message
Use the following steps to edit a pre-existing message in the Messages module.
Select the Edit icon on the row for the message that you want to edit. This displays the Edit Message dialog box:
Make your edits and click Save to close the Edit Message dialog box and return focus to the Messages Summary table.
Note: You can change the Message ID, but remember that you must also update your rules to use the new ID.
Configuring Supplemental Questions
The Supplemental Questions module allows colleges to add additional questions to their CCCApply application(s) that will display on a single page of the specified application. Adding supplemental questions is optional and not all colleges use them.
Supplemental questions are written in XML and validated with XSD. See the Working with Supplemental Questions guide for details on configuring the contents of the questions file and how they relate to your student application.
Noncredit Application: It is optional to implement supplemental questions for either the CCCApply Standard or Noncredit applications. However, if you decide to ask supplemental questions in the Standard application, there are certain steps that must be followed for implementing the questions in the Noncredit Application.
Below is a screen shot showing some sample questions that could be configured by your college. CCCApply supports a variety of different question types including checkboxes, Yes/No, dropdown menus, state or country code, phone numbers, secret (secured), and text input field questions.
Use the table below to determine how best to implement Supplemental Questions vis-a-vis the CCCApply Standard application and the Noncredit application.
If you: | Then: |
Do not want to implement Supplemental Questions in either the CCCApply Standard OR Noncredit applications... | Do nothing. Do not upload any Supplemental Questions XML files for either application. |
Don't currently implement Supplemental Questions but want to for either the CCCApply Standard application OR the Noncredit application or both... | You will need to:
Already have the Supplemental Questions implemented in your CCCApply Standard application... | Those CCCApply Standard application Supplemental Questions will continue to display for your CCCApply Standard application. If you want to also implement the Noncredit application and include Supplemental Questions in it, you will need to import a separate XML file specifically for the Noncredit application that includes the ApplicationType attribute set to "Noncredit" as mentioned above. The easiest way to implement supplemental questions for your Noncredit application is to export your existing CCCApply Standard application Supplemental Questions XML file, edit it as you wish, add the ApplicationType attribute as mentioned above, save the file with a new name, and then import it. You will then see active Supplemental Questions for both your Standard and Noncredit applications. |
Importing Supplemental Questions
Warning: Your import file must contain all of your supplemental questions, not only those you want to add. Do not import a file that contains only the questions you wish to add to an existing set of questions. This will cause all of the existing questions to be over-written. Instead, export your existing supplemental questions to a file, add your new questions to that file, and then import it.
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to configure majors from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district your college displays by default.
Select CCCApply from the Applications drop-down list.
Click the Supplemental Questions link to display the Supplemental Questions Summary table.
Click Import XML to display the Import Supplemental Questions dialog box.
Click Choose File to navigate to your supplemental question XML file. The Import button becomes enabled once you have selected a file.
Follow the onscreen instructions and click Import to import your supplemental questions.
A success message displays for correctly-formatted and imported XML files.
The Supplemental Questions Summary table will redisplayed, now including an entry for your newly-imported questions. A page ID will be assigned to your uploaded file. If you later export this set of questions, this page ID will be part of the output file name.
If your XML file is not formatted correctly (invalid), then an error message displays notifying you. You must validate your supplemental questions XML file against the cccSuppQuesTypes.xsd file here.
Updating Status And Effective Date
Use the following steps to edit a supplemental question set in order to change its effective date and/or its status.
Click the Edit icon on the row for the supplemental question set you want to edit.
This displays the Edit Supplemental Question dialog box.Edit the page status (active or not active) and/or the Effective Date value. The Effective Date field value must be a future date
Click Save to save your changes. The Edit Supplemental Question dialog box automatically closes, and focus returns to the Supplemental Questions Summary table.
Downloading Your Supplemental Question XML Set
Use the following steps to export an XML supplemental question set. You may want to do this in order to edit the XML and then re-import it as a new/edited set of supplemental questions.
Select the Download icon on the row the supplemental question set you want to download (only one page can be downloaded at a time).
The Export Supplemental Question dialog box displays.Click Confirm to export/download the XML supplemental question file to your computer’s default download location. The default name of the downloaded file incorporates the page ID and effective date, i.e. the supplemental question set with an ID of 502 and effective date of 5/9/18 has a file name of: supp-611-502-20180509.xml.
Use a text editor or XML editor to edit the file as needed. You can then validate the file and import it and have a new, updated supplemental question set.
Using the Application Utilities
Note: In June 2023, the CCCApply Download Client was discontinued from service and is no longer supported. To avoid confusion, access to the Reset Downloads utilities in the CCCApply Administrator have been removed.
The Utility menu appears in the CCCApply application and provides access to the CCCApply Spam Filter.
The Spam Filter allows authorized college staff to manage the CCCApply Standard applications that are suspended from immediate delivery by the machine learning fraud algorithm. Suspended applications can be manually marked as Valid, which releases the application and delivers to your college via Superglue for Apply, or confirm it as Spam which removes the application from the filter, contributes to the algorithm, and prevents the application from being processed by your college.
Using the Spam Filter
The Spam Filter uses machine learning algorithms to identify and suspend probable fraudulent applications so that you review the validity of the application and apply additional levels of fraud assessment prior to their delivery to your staging table or SIS. The Download Client has been updated to only download trusted applications. Applications identified as potentially fraudulent will appear in the Spam Filter table in the Administrator, allowing you to manage the application as spam or valid.
As you identify each application, the CCCApply Administrator machine learning algorithm incorporates your decisions to become smarter about the future applications it identifies as potential Spam.
Use the following steps to mark identified applications as Spam or valid.
Prerequisite: Your college must be integrated with the CCC IdP Proxy In order to use the Spam Filter.
Log into the CCC Administrator -> CCCApply Administrator.
If you are a multi-college district, select the college for which you want to check Spam from the Select a college drop-down list. If your college is not in a multi-college district your college displays by default.
Select either CCCApply or International from the Applications drop-down list.
Click the Utilities drop-down list and select Spam Filter to display the Spam Filter Summary table.
Any potentially fraudulent applications display with some details including a Confidence % value indicating the machine learning algorithm’s analysis of how likely the application is to be fraudulent.
Note: If you have a specific application that you want to mark as Spam or validate as not Spam, you can enter the application ID in the Find an application search field to find it. You can look up and retrieve previously-downloaded applications and mark them as valid or fraudulent.Use the CCCApply Report Center to view any application in greater detail if you are unsure if it is valid or Spam.
Select the check box for the row of any application you want to mark as Spam or valid to enable the Confirm Spam and Mark as Valid buttons.
Click the:
Confirm Spam button to mark the application as Spam. The machine learning algorithm will incorporate the application’s details to help it identify future fraudulent applications.
Mark as Valid button to mark the application as legitimate so that it can be submitted and available for download using the Download Client.
Spam Email Alerts
Spam email alerts are automatically sent to the Admissions Office Email you entered in the College Information module. Two email alerts will be sent to your Admissions Office email:
For CCCApply applications that have been marked as Spam and are new, within 24 hours
And for any CCCApply applications are still in a CHECKED_FRAUD status at the three-day outstanding mark
To ensure that your Admissions Office email address is valid, and update/enter in the most appropriate email address for application fraud notification. If the Admissions Office Email field has no value, then CCCApply will sends these emails to the default Admissions email address.
Discontinued Reset Downloads Utility
With all 116 California Community Colleges receiving their CCCApply submitted application data via Superglue for Apply, the CCCApply Download Client tool was discontinued on March 2023 and is no longer supported. Accordingly, the Reset Downloads utility has been removed from the CCCApply Administrator in August 2024. If you have any questions about the discontinued service, please contact CCCTC Staff Support at
Change Notifications
Date | Change Description | Author |
August 2024 | Removed the Resetting Downloaded Applications section from the User Guide. | Donohue |
April 2024 | Updated the following sections for the Ed Goal/Majors Filter for Associate Degrees: Added the following section: | P. Donohue |