Data Warehouse Advisory Group: 10-12-20

Meeting Details

Meeting Date:

Oct 12, 2020


Data Warehouse Advisory Group

Zoom Recording:

Passcode: Y@7$pbi?


Crystal Hernandez, Mark Cohen, Steve Klein, Barney Gomez, Bridget Herrin, Manos Stefanakos, Denise Inciong, Jake Kevari, Jenni Allen, Z Reisz, Craig Hayward








  1. Data Warehouse Advisory Group Confluence Space



General Discussion and Feedback on Data Warehouse Report Server




CCC Data 1.4.1 release access to the Data Warehouse Report Server

  • 94 Colleges have been setup with access to the DW Report Server (as of this meeting).

  • Feedback has been very positive

  • Confluence space to support Data Warehouse project including the report server, CCC Data Warehouse Public Documentation, will be aggregate of information from support team and community

  • New support support site being launched using Vanilla Forums (which replaces from GetSatisfaction), link and information will be shared with the group soon.

  • Launched with row limit of 20k, which has since been updated to 100k

  • Suggestion: Frequently Asked questions page, and Webinar

  • Suggestion: Leverage someone from the community to present and share tips


Update on pilot of DW Direct Connection (CCC Data 2.0)



  • Intention for the DW Report Server to be one of two methods of accessing the data in the CCC data warehouse, the other being provide a direct ODBC/JDBC connection to these data

  • Our next release (CCC Data 2.0) is focused on providing direct ODBC/JDBC connection

  • Deployed to pilot server, in the process over the next week to begin testing with pilot participants (6-7 colleges/districts)

  • Will a role defined access be needed in the future?


Review results of prospective data sources prioritization survey

CCC Data: Current & Potential Data Sources

Prioritization Survey

  • The survey can be found at:

  • Details on the ranking criteria and data sources can be found linked from the header of the survey, or at this link: 

  • This list, prioritized as a result of the data collected through this survey, becomes part of our ongoing conversation with the Chancellor's Office as we continue to build out our roadmap for this current fiscal year. The prioritization of data sets to make available in the Data Warehouse supports the Chancellor’s Office engagement with Data Warehouse users.


Prioritization of MIS tables to the Data Warehouse (pending data governance put in place)

  • We were looking to better understand which are the tables that are of the highest priority so we can work with the Chancellor's Office on trying to get access to share those tables

  • Survey will be shared out to the group listserv to collect more responses Oct 12, 2020


Change management discussion

Deferring this topic at this time, will add to next months agenda

  • Tie this into broader topics that fall under CO

  • Mark will reach out to Alex and Manos to possibly add guest to next months meeting to add to the conversation


Discussion whether it would be possible for districts to to share to agree to have data from the data warehouse shared with other colleges or other districts

  • Has come up a few times during presentations of CCC Data

  • Not supported with the current design

  • Would this be across aggregates or at local level?

  • Will schedule this topic as an agenda item in an upcoming meeting for further discussion.

Issues/Questions Resolved



Date Resolved/Answered




Date Resolved/Answered



Steve Klein:

Is there a cycle in which you access LGBTQ data that falls in a regular cycle or is that a when needed kind of request for that data from their server.

It doesn’t necessarily fit into any cycle.

Oct 12, 2020

Advisory Group


Manos Stefanakos:

Question about how direct data warehouse access is secured.

For 2.0 release the bulk of the work for that release was getting all that segmentation in place so that so that all of the data in the data warehouse is segmented by MIS code. When a college is provided direct access to the data warehouse that access is made over a site to site VPN.

Oct 12, 2020

Mark Cohen

Issues/Questions Needing Resolution



Date Resolved/Answered




Date Resolved/Answered



What do analytics indicate about CO MIS usage with regard to the data mart?

Alex Jackl will work w Todd Hoig to get answer to this question, will share response w Mark and Advisory group.

Per Alex, CO has been running some page web page analytics against people accessing data mart and so we might have some data from that.

Alex will share responses w Mark so that he can share with Advisory group.


Alex Jackl


Should vision for success and student equity measurements metrics to be included

Manos Stefanakos will look into it and report back to the group on whether it's something that will be published again, or what the formula is in terms of how it is produced


Manos Stefanakos


Jake Kevari:

Discussion with possibility of sharing data from the data warehouse shared with other colleges or other districts

Would this be across aggregates or at local level?


Will add as a agenda item to an upcoming meeting.


Mark Cohen



Action Items/Next Steps







Mark will reach out to Alex and Manos to possibly adds guest to next months meeting to add to the Change management discussion



Mark will add Vision for success update to November agenda


@Mark Cohen

In addition to documentation, look into creating a Webinar for the group



Deferring discussing Change Management , add to next months agenda. @Mark Cohen


@Mark Cohen

Following completion of Data Sources Prioritization Survey, @Mark Cohen will message and inform group with the results of top two data sources identified in the survey


@Mark Cohen